When Will She Arrive?

"I commend the child for being filial, but it is very impressive that she knows acupuncture! I heard that you need to practice on yourself before you can treat others. Her perseverance is very admirable."

"I envy you, I really do. I wish my children were as accomplished as the Young Miss."

"Who knows, Miss Yao might become a pillar of her family's business in the future. She's still a student, but she is already doing so well. I bet she would be just as excellent in handling a company."

"It's no wonder that Young Master Yao and Miss Yao are so brilliant. From what I see, they have been raised with good morals. Master Yao Rong and his wife deserve a lot of credit for bringing up such talented children."

The praises flowed like a steady stream, washing over Yao Rong and his family.