Embodiment of Shamelessness

In all his years as the Yu Family Patriarch, this was the first time he was subjected to so much scorn.

It didn't help that the other party remained nonplussed. Flustered, he roared, "You rascal! If you think you have what it takes, then fight me head-on! If you win against me, then I will say nothing more!"

He at least had to challenge the kid. Admitting defeat without putting up a fight was not his style at all.

Granted, the Yu Family Patriarch felt that the young man was a formidable opponent, but so what? He wasn't one to cower in the face of death. He would rather die fighting than yield.

Cheng Yan raised his eyebrows in mild surprise. "I am not an array master, so why should I go up against you? It's enough that you are incapable of hurting me. I'm not interested in wasting my energy on something unnecessary."

He was speaking the truth, but the words only angered the Yu Family Patriarch even more.