Give Us a Chance

"Never mind that, I'm more interested in this young man's incredible talent!" The Yu Family Patriarch waved his hand dismissively. He was in a cheery mood, his earlier anger long forgotten.

As expected, the Xiao Family Patriarch was furious at the other man's thoughtless remark. His bear twitched a couple of times as he swallowed a barrage of curses.

What the hell?!

Did this fool not even care about his own grandson?

In the end, the two patriarchs ended up in a tense argument.

It made for good entertainment, as they acted more like children fighting at the playground rather than well-respected family elders.

Cheng Yan eventually interrupted them with a loud cough.

"Surely, you did not come here to bicker in front of me, did you?" he asked when they finally settled down. "Tell me, what are you here for?"

His tone was curt, his words direct.