Upside Down

"Why are you people staring at my face? Back to work now" Amelia ordered her staff, who is staring at her leaving all the work.

"Amelia, you need to think twice. He is not any common man, he is one of the most powerful man and you have challenged him. Why do…" one of the chef's Derek started saying.

"Enough Derek, I think I have briefed you people already and I am telling this one more time. This place is very important to me and I am not giving up on it just for the sake of an arrogant man. Now back to work as always" Amelia ordered.

"But Amelia, we don't have any customers" Gio pointed at the empty café.

Amelia looked around and the wall clock displayed the time 8:30 am; Usually it's the most crowded time.

Morning hours usually jam Amelia's café with customers and she felt a bit odd unable to see any customer.

However taking a deep breath, "Guys, get back to the work and take the parcel requests. Customers will flock in soon" affirmed Amelia.

"Clarie, let's start preparing muffins and cupcakes" Amelia dragged Clarie to the kitchen ordering her staff to get back to their respective work.

Tossing raspberries into the bowl, Amelia squeezed out the oils to make a fine batter out of dough, plain flour, raisins, and raspberries. Though her hands were perfectly working on mixing the batter her mind was wandering around Archer's words.

Though Amelia barely watches the news and keeps herself updated with the affairs of the world. She does know that Archer Arlington is a sensation in the field of Machine learning and Cloud Computation. He is ruling the present industry leaving behind his peers.

Vision Revel is the baby product of Archer Arlington which has grown up from nothing to ruling the whole world with the new trends and adding impeccable achievements to its crown.

Vision Revel Groups has not only been limited for the technology, it has spread its brand all over and extended its branches in every possible way. From construction business to retail industry. From shopping malls to grocery stores, Vision Revel was able to make a mark with it and it took the market heads with a surprise that it's just a 28-year-old young lad behind the brains of Vision Revel.

"Amy, what are you doing" Clarie hissed.

"What?" Amelia was back from her thoughts.

"You were about to add Sausages into the batter, where are you lost?" Clarie looked up at her with surprise.

"I was just thinking about that Arrogant ass" hissed Amelia dropping the spoon away.

"Well he is that," Clarie rolled her eyes.

"Just because you have some money, you can't just do things as you want. Others are humans too, he needs to get that. How arrogant he is to shove a blank cheque? Does he think he can buy me with money?" screamed Amelia irritated at the way Archer behaved with her.

"Amy, I understand your emotions, but I am shit scared. He is very powerful dear and I am sure he can go to any extent," Clarie nervously added.

"Well let him do whatever he wants, I am not giving up on my café no matter what," Amelia roared.

"Amelia" hearing Gio call her, Amelia looked up.

"Yes, Gio?"

"You need to check the website" Gio muttered.

"Why? What happened?" Amelia quizzed looking at Gio's face depicting nervousness.

Amelia has created a webpage for her café 'Gossips and Giggles' where people can drop their reviews and complaints, along with pre-booking and special orders.

Clarie too washed her hands and rushed to Gio, who was standing still with Ipad in his hands.

Both girls looked at the screen, as Gio started scrolling.

"What the fuck?" screamed Amelia.

"109 negative reviews within the span of an hour and the website got crashed? How is it so?" Amelia bellowed looking at Gio.

"It's definitely him. I have warned you Amy, I know he can do anything" Clarie added trying to read the negative reviews.

"Not just that, the pre-bookings have been cancelled and the complaints are raised about the quality of foods we use, red tickets are being raised Amelia. I am sure it's him behind this" Gio muttered.

Amelia's whole world spinned hearing to Gio and going through the website of her café which has negative reviews complaining about the hygiene, quality of food, and everything.

"Amelia, you need to settle things with him if you want to stay sane, he can do anything" Clarie pressed.

"How cheap of him, how can someone be soo arrogant? Look at the egoistic ass, just because he couldn't take it for a No, he does this much of shit? I am not leaving it like this, if he thinks I am going to change my decision due to the cheap tricks he needs to understand Amelia Di' Ricca is not a doll whom he can play with giving battery"

Amelia's voice roared as she said that.

"Amelia, can you calm down for a minute and just think where this could lead to? Maybe we should sit and think to have some clarity. Opposing them and surviving is not any easy Amy, why don't you accept his offer and shift your café somewhere?" Clarie pressed her shoulder.

"Why should I? I put all my savings into it and this is not just any normal café, every inch of it is woven with love. These plants, the paintings, the windows I have curated each and everything with lots of love and the setting beneath the mountains, this feels like home Clarie and just for an arrogant ass, I am not going to give up" Amelia refused to hear to anyone.

"Amelia, the chefs are here" Clarie pointed at the three other chefs waiting to talk to her.

"What?" Amelia roared.

"Sorry to say this Amelia, but we are quitting," Derek said.

"Derek, have you gone mad? Are you even hearing yourself? What happened?" Amelia quizzed shocked by what she has heard.

"Sorry, Amelia but we all have families and we can't risk our future staying here. We are here to settle our balance and end the contract" Derik spoke on the behalf of two other chefs.

"But Derek, you just can't do this. According to the contract agreement if you people choose to resign halfway down you have to pay back the previous two months' salary" Amelia asserted.

"We are willing to pay and settle our contract. Please get that done soon" Derek's words crushed the earth beneath Amelia's legs.