Fight Back

"This café is my life, I put all my hard work into it and no matter what I am not going to give this up… blah.. blah and blah" Clarie clearly mocked Amelia who was looking all over her café.

"Will you please let me breathe Clarie?" shrieked Amelia irritated.

Within a span of a few hours from the time Archer Arlington left her café, life has taken a 360-degree turn for her.

Negative reviews have been mulling up as it is the last time submission to the examination and not a single soul turned their legs towards the shop.

The chefs resigned and the delivery guys followed the suit. Except for Clarie and Gio, she is left absolutely alone.

Amelia sat to the edge of the room, holding her face in her arms.

She couldn't even believe what she has gone through in a span of barely a few hours is true. Her chefs, her delivery boys, and workers walked off just like that.

No one even made a way to her café. She looked distraught.

"Clarie, how can she? I mean how can anyone do this? Can't he understand a basic thing called when someone is against something they need to get that? Just due to his arrogancy he can make others life hell?" Amelia screamed her pain out.

"Didn't I alert you that he can go to any extent? That's what they do Amy and you were adamant to get me. At least now go to him and do something before you lose everything" Clarie nudged her.

Amelia froze in her place for a few seconds wondering at Clarie.

"Clarie, are you even getting yourself? Some asshole with his arrogancy did all this shit just because he couldn't take a simple no and you want me to go and make a truce with that fellow? What more can he take away from me? Does he think I will sit idle if he keeps doing things as he like?" yelled Amelia.

"Ohh wow, so what will you do now?" Clarie screamed back at her.

"Girls, please calm down and think what is the way for us now. Clarie, you please try understanding our Amelia, she has lost everything and Amelia you need to get that what Clarie saying is true. He is such dear, you saw what he was able to do within a few hours. So please calm down and think for a bit and decide" Gio was the one to calm down both the girls.

Amelia and Clarie looked at him sharply.

"Come, sit down and think. I will make a coffee for both of you. Black coffee for Clarie and frosty espresso for Amelia, just like the way my girls like it" Fio smiled, making the girls sit drawing the chairs.

He tried his best to cheer them up, though he is a normal worker like any other. Amelia gave him work when none trusted in the person who returned from juvenile prison. He could never forget the favour and hence stick back to her even when he too got the same kind of offers from the office of Archer Arlington.

Both Clarie and Amelia sat in sheer silence though volcanoes started erupting inside their heart.

"Someone who went through the astrology column said that I am going to stumble upon my soulmate and guess what I stumbled upon my ill fate in the form of a most handsome looking yet the worst human" shrieked Amelia in a satirical mock.

"Had you tried to sit and talk with him, things wouldn't have gone south. Damn, just look at the p[osition we are in right now" sighed Clarie.

"You are not supposed to make me accountable for these things Clarie. How am I supposed to deal with a person who just pos in like that and asks for my café and when I reject him, he goes this shitty. Tell me, what would you do if you are in my position" quizzed Amelia.

"Well if I had been in your position I would have shrieked with joy watching Archer Arlington so close to me" hearing Clarie talk Amelia rolled her eyes.

"Then I wouldn't have picked a fight with him and quoted double or triple value more than that of this café and place would worth and happily own a café on the main avenue, or even do much more things. I would have been in the good books of Archer Arlington too" Clarie chirped.

"Ohh wow Clarie" mocked Amelia.

"Enough with your mocking tone, I do know that's the only thing to do. What have you achieved with your adamancy? You lost everything" hissed Clarie.

"Girls… your coffee is ready" sang Gio walking out of a kitchen holding a tray with three coffee mugs in it.

Passing their respective coffees to them, Gio sat on the chair sipping his Latte.

"So, did you come up with any decision?" he looked at them, more precisely at Amelia, the owner of the café.

With a hand below her chin, Clarie looked up to hear what Amelia must have decided.

"By now I have understood that what that Archer Arlington could do. However, if he thinks I would just give up that's not happening. I might have at least spared a thought had he been polite and requested me. But boy when he goes blazing his arrogant ass doing all he could do because he earns some bucks I am not going to let him win the game. If he has power, I have my rights" Amelia strongly pressed.

"Amy, so what do you intend to do?" getting that Amelia must have decided for something, Clarie gulped.

"I am going to file a lawsuit. We have recordings of how he came to our café and shoved a cheque in my hands, I have all the legal rights in my hands and I am going to fight against him and get him to his feet" challenged Amelia.

Clarie and Gio were stunned hearing to her and looked at one another in shock. They couldn't believe what they has hear.

"Amelia Di' Ricca are you sure of what you are saying?" Clarie quizzed in dismay.

"As much as I am filing a lawsuit!!"