Game is On

Amelia felt jitters as she left carefully wrapped the cake. She smiled for one last time looking at the frosting. Amelia's blood boiling carving the words

'Fuck You' are the words dancing over the frost of the cake.

She has nothing to lose, all she had is her café which she built with love and passion, and that asshole Archer took it away from her, now she is ready to show him hell and she won't be taking a step back.

She hired a cab and got off near the doorstep of Vision Revel Groups office gate, Amelia confidently barged into the reception.

"Excuse me Madame, how may I help you" the receptionist added extra sweetly.

"I want to give this to that Asshole Arlington," she pointed at the cake.

The receptionist's jaw touched the floor hearing Amelia, she couldn't believe what her ears have just heard.

Someone barging into the office of Archer Arlington and calling him such names, the blonde receptionist peered at Amelia from top to bottom in utter surprise.

"Madame, this is not the language you are supposed to use. It's unethical" the receptionist managed to say.

"Ohh Wow, look who is speaking about ethics. Look whoever you are, I have nothing to do with you but let that asshole boss of yours know that I am not like others who is going to fall on his feet and give him whatever the heck he wants just because he owns half of the world. Tell him that no matter what he does, I am fucking not giving up" yelled Amelia.

Hearing the screams, the security immediately popped into the reception.

"Leave the place Lady, or else we will have to do that with force" one of the security personnel looking like a beast added sharply.

"First that Asshole Arlington barged into my café and forcefully asked me to just give away my café. When I didn't fret he spread negative reviews and sent threats to people in case they visit my café. He is doing every shit forcefully and here you people have the audacity to talk to me about ethics and force?" Amelia spat.

Immediately the security guards caught hold of her hands and dragged her out of the place.

"Ohh great. This is what all you could do. You Asshole, I know you must be watching me, this cake is for you. Have it, I am best at baking. This is to prove how much of an ass you are I am not going to let you live in peace" shrieked Amelia as she is pushed out of the office building.

Her screams caught the attention of people passing by, but no one dared to say a word, Amelia looked at the glowing building blazing in the hues of sunrays. Though she have no idea which floor does Archer Arlington works from, she was sure he must be watching her.

Of course, she is sure that the person who is watching her every move and can screw her business would definitely be watching her when she came barging into his office and disturbing his peace.

Amelia shove out her middle finger up in the air, stood outside the building for a few minutes, and finally hired a cab.

Amelia tracked down the list of lawyers, who have won some successful cases to file a suit against Archer Arlington for the shit he did to her and the Cab drove towards the first place she mentioned.


"What was that Mr.Arlington?" Celine asked shell shocked.

"What?" Archer shrugged.

"That girl, she is Amelia Di' Ricco, right? The café's owner" quizzed Celine.

"Hmm" hummed Archer.

"Boy she got guts" Celine announced.

Archer sharply stared at her.

"Stop staring at me, I just spit the facts out. I mean just look at her, running a small café in the mountainous area and she was able to stand eye to eye with the Archer Arlington" Celine added surprised.

"Will you stop that by yourself or?" warned Archer.

"Of course, I am going to, but only after seeing you open what she must have sent you" Celine's eyes are only concentrated on the box.

Though she could make that it must be a cake looking at the exterior packing, she is excited to see what it must be.

The dog squad sniffed the package and it has passed through all the security checks before the package reached Archer's table. That is the basic protocol for anything that reaches the centibillionaire

"You look pretty excited Celine, this is all yours" Archer pointed at the package.

"Though I am pretty excited, I shouldn't be doing this. After all, she said it's for you, how much love she must have stuffed into it. I just can't wait to see what that is. Now please take a teeny tiny break from your work and open this… please" requested Celine.

Not due to Celine's request, but due to his curiosity to see what that girl must have sent Archer unpacked the box only to see a cake with his picture on it and the words over his forehead 'Fuck You'

A stifle dared to leave Celine's mouth but she shut up as soon as she saw how Archer's knuckles popped out.

Celine now just wanted to run away from the place or wanted the earth to swallow her if possible, after all, she knows how worse it is to be the wrath of Archer's anger.

Celine just stared at Archer gulping with fear, Archer carefully looked at the cake and within seconds he threw it in the dustbin and got back to his work as if nothing has happened.

Celine was utterly surprised at his composure and dared to ask him.

"Mr. Arlington, is everything alright?"

"Ohh yeah, it is" he casually shrugged.

"Umm.. that cake" Celine dared to say.

"That little shit is playing, she thinks it's her game. Let her play as she wants; after all, I am the rule maker of any game, and no matter what she does she has to shove that Adamancy in her fucking pussy and give up. I am getting what I want. The Game is On" smirked Archer.