Ch 16. Maude Tries a New Type of Chair

Leo stood in his living room, reflecting on the call he had made to Maude the night before. He had carefully chosen the perfect time for the next bible study—one where only she could make it, conveniently without Ned. The conversation had flowed naturally, and Maude, her voice soft and warm, had agreed to meet him today. Now, as he prepared for her arrival, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. 

The setup mirrored their last meeting: dim lighting, a small lamp casting a warm glow over the room, and a fresh pot of tea brewing in the kitchen. He arranged two chairs across from each other, placed a plate of muffins—store-bought again—on the coffee table, and made sure the atmosphere was inviting and intimate.

The doorbell rang, snapping him out of his thoughts. He opened the door to find Maude standing there, her gentle smile greeting him. She was dressed in a similar red dress to what she wore last time, except it seemed to be much more revealing now. The hem of her dress had moved inches up her thigh and the neckline of her dress had moved inches down.

"Good afternoon, Leo," she greeted, stepping inside as he welcomed her in.

"Maude," he smiled, "right on time, as always. Is that another handmade dress of yours?"

Maude blushed slightly, smoothing the fabric over her hips. "Yes, it is. I've been working on my sewing skills lately, trying to challenge myself a bit. What do you think?"

"I think you're incredibly talented," Leo replied, his eyes looking her up and down multiple times. "It looks amazing on you."

Maude laughed softly, though she couldn't hide the hint of a blush that spread across her cheeks. "You're too kind," she said.

Leo waved his hand dismissively. "Not at all. I just know a beautiful dress when I see one."

Maude's smile grew softer at his words. "It's unfortunate that Ned wasn't able to make it today," she continued. "He was really looking forward to joining us, but his schedule's been so busy and when trying to match it with yours we just couldn't get it to work. I guess it's just us again."

Leo nodded, suppressing a grin. "Yes, that's too bad. But I'm glad you could still make it."

"Me too," replied Maude.

Before sitting down, Maude handed Leo a small, wrapped package. "I brought you a little something. It's not much, just a small gift for now. I'm still planning to knit you something more personal once I take your measurements." She hesitated for a moment, then asked, "Could I do that today after we finish our study?"

"Thank you! And of course," he agreed, setting the gift aside. "I'd be happy to."

They settled into their chairs, the familiar comfort of their last meeting returning. As Leo poured tea for both of them, they made small talk—about their week and the recent daily life in Springfield. Maude seemed relaxed, though there was a noticeable brightness in her eyes today, as if she'd been looking forward to this meeting more than usual.

After a few minutes, Leo leaned back in his chair and suggested, "I thought we might read from Song of Solomon today for our study. There's a passage I've been thinking about."

Maude's eyebrows lifted in interest. "Song of Solomon? That's a beautiful choice."

Leo smiled, opening the Bible in front of him. "Thank you. I think it'll be interesting." Clearing his throat, Leo began to read aloud from the passage.

"You have stolen my heart, my sister, my bride; you have stolen my heart, with one glance of your eyes, with one jewel of your necklace. How delightful is your love, my sister, my bride!"

As he continued to read, Leo watched Maude carefully. She seemed deeply focused, her eyes glistening as she absorbed the intimate verses. When he finished, there was a brief moment of silence. Maude looked down at her Bible, a soft smile playing at her lips.

"That passage… it's so intimate, isn't it?" she remarked quietly.

Leo nodded, seizing the moment. "It speaks to love and personal happiness. I think it reminds us that finding joy and fulfillment is important, even in our relationships with others."

Maude seemed to consider his words carefully. "You're right. It's about love, but also about being true to what makes you happy." She paused, her brow furrowing slightly. "I guess I haven't thought about that much lately—what really makes me happy."

Leo leaned forward slightly, his tone soft and thoughtful. "It's easy to forget that. But your personal happiness matters too, Maude. What makes you happy?"

Maude sighed, her fingers tracing the edge of the Bible in her lap. "I suppose… I'm not sure. I've been so focused on being a wife and mother. I always thought that was enough to make me happy but sometimes I'm not sure."

Leo gave a thoughtful look. "Maybe we can explore that together during our sessions. Find out what really brings you joy."

Maude nodded slowly, considering the idea. "I think I'd like that."

There was a thoughtful silence between them, broken only when Maude suddenly looked toward the piano in the corner of the room.

"Do you mind if I play again?" she asked, her voice hopeful. "It brought me so much joy last time, and… I could use more of that."

Leo's grin widened. "Of course. Be my guest."

Maude stood and moved to the piano, her fingers immediately finding the keys as she began to play a soft tune. Leo watched her closely, noticing how her body moved with the music, the way her fingers danced over the keys. He stood behind her, appreciating not just the music but the sight of her, the curve of her neck, her shoulders, her giant ass that pressed into the seat.

After a few minutes, Leo walked over to sit beside her on the piano bench. He decided this time he would be beside her instead of standing behind, with plans forming in his mind. Their legs brushed lightly against each other, and Maude hesitated for a moment before continuing to play.

"You're doing great," Leo murmured, his voice low.

Maude smiled, her fingers faltering slightly on the keys. "Thank you. It feels… good to play again."

As she leaned in to play a more complicated part of the melody, she lost her place for a moment. Leo instinctively reached one of his hands over hers to guide her, his fingers brushing against her skin. The touch was electric for Maude, but she didn't pull away. Instead, she focused more on the keys, letting him guide her through the notes.

When the melody grew even more intricate, Leo moved his other hand to cover her matching other hand. It was difficult, though, with them sitting side by side on the small bench.

"This bench is a little cramped," Leo remarked, his breath warm against her neck. "Would you mind if I made some more room?"

Maude replied. "No, I don't mind."

Without waiting, Leo wrapped an arm around her waist and effortlessly lifted her onto his lap, settling her comfortably against him. Maude gasped softly, surprised by the sudden motion, but she didn't try to stop it. Her breath hitched slightly, her body tense for a brief moment as she felt his strong hands on her waist. As she felt his hands gently move off her waist, she relaxed more and was able to lean back and slightly adjust in his lap, then continued playing the piano.

Leo enjoyed the feeling. He could feel her soft big ass press down into his crotch. When she pressed down on the key, she also pressed down on him, creating a pleasant sensation. He did his best to not let it create a reaction, but he was sure Maude could still feel something. 

Leo's hands covered hers, guiding her over the keys as they played the piece together. The soft, slow melody filled the room, but the air between them was thick with tension of their closeness.

Maude's fingers trembled slightly under Leo's hands, but she continued playing, her breath coming in shallow, nervous bursts. Leo's voice was low as he whispered in her ear, guiding her through the more difficult parts of the song. She could feel her back pressed into his chest and everything she sat on. She didn't feel anything hard, but she still felt something huge underneath her. It made it difficult to concentrate on the song.

When they finally finished, Maude stayed in his lap for a moment, her body still pressed against his. She seemed reluctant to move, her breath steadying as she slowly regained her composure.

"How's your new chair, Maude?" Leo asked, his voice teasing but warm.

Maude blushed, smiling softly. "It's... comfortable. A surprise, and different than I expected."

"Did it make you happy, though?" Leo inquired, his voice dropping into a more serious tone.

Maude thought for a moment, then nodded. "Yes. I think it did. It's nice to feel… at ease."

Leo smiled, leaning in closer. "Maybe this is the kind of happiness the Bible passage was talking about. Sometimes joy comes from unexpected places, don't you think?"

Maude looked at him, her eyes reflecting both curiosity and hesitation. "Maybe it is," she whispered, her voice soft.

They lingered in the moment for a little while longer before Maude cleared her throat. "I should probably measure you now," she said, standing up from his lap, though her movements were slow, as if she didn't really want to leave his warmth.

But once off, she reached into her bag, pulling out a small measuring tape. "We can start with your shoulders."

Leo nodded, and without a second thought, he pulled off his shirt, tossing it casually onto the back of the couch. His toned chest and arms were on full display, the muscles defined under the light of the room.

Maude blinked in surprise, her eyes widening as they roamed over his bare torso. "Oh, um, you didn't need to…" she started, her voice faltering.

Leo gave her a sly smile. "Didn't need to what?"

Maude swallowed, her gaze flicking between his face and his chest. "I… I, no it's nothing," she said softly. Her fingers twitched as she held the tape in her hand, her eyes lingering on his body.

Maude stepped closer, the sight of his body making her heartbeat quicken. She reached up to measure his shoulders, her hands brushing against his bare skin as she wrapped the tape around him. She couldn't help but admire the firm lines of his muscles.

"Oh…" she whispered under her breath, the word slipping out unintentionally.

Leo noticed her reaction but said nothing, simply enjoying the moment as Maude's hands moved over his body with a quiet reverence.

"You're one of the best models I've had for measurements," Maude said with a soft smile.

Leo raised an eyebrow, amused. "Really? I thought you only measured your family."

Maude laughed softly, but her eyes stayed focused on his body. "I suppose that's true."

Leo wanted to laugh at that.

"Do you work out often?" Maude asked, her voice lighter now, though there was a clear interest in her tone.

"Yeah," Leo replied casually. "Want to feel?" He reached for her hand and placed it on his abs, letting her feel the hard muscles beneath her fingers.

Maude's cheeks flushed, but she didn't pull her hand away. "That's… impressive," she murmured, her voice breathless.

Leo smiled, watching her reaction closely. "Glad you approve. You look like you keep in shape too," Leo added, his eyes traveling over her legs. "You must work out to stay in such great shape."

Maude blushed again, though she smiled at the compliment. "I do try. I keep my legs toned mostly and do some ab exercises. It's important to stay healthy."

"Would you mind if I felt?" Leo asked, his voice low, yet his expression playful.

Maude hesitated for a moment, but then nodded, remembering how she had touched his body moments before. "I suppose that's only fair," she said softly.

Leo reached out, his hand going behind her and gently resting on her back of her thigh. He ran his fingers up the back of her hamstrings. "You're in great shape," he whispered, his hand slowing down as he moved slightly higher.

Maude's breath hitched, feeling his touch.

Leo's hand moved up to rest on her ass, his fingers tracing soft circles. Maude looked up at him, her eyes wide, a mix of emotions playing across her face. They were basically almost in a hug position but Leo's hands were lowered, reaching for her ass more than for an embrace.

Leo stared into her eyes, his voice barely a whisper. "You really are beautiful, Maude."

Maude swallowed, her heart racing. "Leo, I… I don't know what to say." Her voice was barely audible, her usual composure faltering in the moment.

"You don't have to say anything," Leo replied, his thumb brushing lightly over her side. "Just feel it."

Maude's face flushed, but she didn't pull away. She stood there, torn between her thoughts and the undeniable attraction she could feel. Her eyes flickered upward, briefly taking in his chest, then meeting his gaze again.

"I… I shouldn't—" she began, her voice shaky, but Leo brought up a hand and gently placed a finger over her lips, stopping her.

"Sometimes we forget what we need," Leo said softly, his voice smooth, "and right now, you need this."

Leo leaned closer, his lips hovering near her ear, his breath warm against her skin. "Doesn't this feel right?"

Maude's pulse quickened as she closed her eyes for a moment, feeling the heat of his body against hers. Her heart pounded in her chest, her mind racing. She didn't pull away—she couldn't, not with how thrilling it felt to be in his arms. With a gentle but firm touch, Maude felt Leo giving her ass a little squeeze, and Maude shivered.

Without thinking, she leaned her forehead against his bare strong chest, closing the last gap between them. The contact sent a rush through her body, and she listened to the steady beat of his heart beneath her ear. For a moment, she let herself stay there, held in his arms, before reality seemed to attack her thoughts.

"I... I should go," Maude whispered, though her words were soft and unsteady.

Leo didn't release her immediately. His grip remained for a moment longer, warm and reassuring. "Not yet," he murmured, his lips brushing the top of her head. "Stay just a little longer."

She looked up at him, her wide eyes filled with uncertainty. Leo's gaze held hers. He reached up, brushing a loose strand of hair from her face, his fingers lingering on her cheek. Maude's skin tingled under his touch, and she leaned into his hand without realizing it.

Leo's thumb softly grazed her bottom lip, and Maude's breath caught in her throat. His touch was deliberate, testing the boundaries of the moment. 

For a long moment, neither of them moved. Maude's lips trembled, and she finally stepped back, breaking their closeness. "I really should go," she said, more firmly this time, though her voice still wavered.

Leo stepped back, giving her space, though his eyes stayed on her. "Of course," he said smoothly. "But I hope you'll think about what we've shared today. Your happiness… it's important."

Maude nodded, her cheeks still flushed as she moved toward the door, clearly shaken by what had just transpired.

Before leaving, she turned back, her face filled with uncertainty. "Thank you… for everything," she said quietly, her voice tinged with something unfinished.

Leo smiled gently. "Anytime, Maude."

With one last lingering look, Maude stepped outside and closed the door behind her. Leo stood there for a moment, listening to the faint sound of her footsteps fading down the path. He leaned back against the door, a satisfied smile spreading across his face as he thought about how the evening had unfolded.

As he turned to head back into the living room, Leo's mind wandered to Manjula. He hadn't heard from her since their conversation at the food place, but he expected she would reach out soon. After all, her situation with Apu was bound to come to a head eventually, and when it did, Leo intended to be there for her. He was already planning what he would say, how he could use her vulnerability to deepen their bond as well.

Just as he was about to sit down, the doorbell rang again, interrupting his thoughts. Leo frowned in surprise. He wasn't expecting anyone else today. Was it Maude, back for something she had forgotten? Or perhaps she had decided not to leave after all?

Leo walked back to the door and opened it, but instead of Maude, he found Manjula standing there, looking distressed, with a group of her children trailing behind her.


[A/N]: This was only supposed to be half a chapter originally but it quickly filled up. In the future, should I keep things like this half a chapter or let have detail like this one?