Ch 17. Manjula's Kiss of Deception

Leo stood at the door, momentarily taken aback by Manjula's sudden appearance. Her face was flushed, her expression a mix of stress and frustration. Behind her, her children were huddled together, looking like an army of clones.

For a split second, Leo entertained the thought of saying, 'Come into your new daddy's house,' but quickly dismissed it. He knew better—besides, he had no intention of raising another man's kids. Instead, he opted for a more reasonable approach.

"Manjula," Leo greeted her calmly. "I wasn't expecting to see you today." He stepped aside, gesturing for them to enter.

Manjula hesitated before crossing the doorway, her children trailing behind her.

"I... I didn't know where else to go," she admitted quietly. "Apu came back today and tried to talk, but I didn't want to hear it. I needed to talk to you... about everything. And I couldn't leave the kids with him, not right now."

Leo nodded, understanding her situation. "Of course, come in. Let's get them settled first." He guided Manjula and her children into the living room, where he quickly scanned the area for something to keep them occupied.

The kids, still wide-eyed and curious, watched silently as Leo turned on the large TV and flicked through the options. "How about a show? Something fun?" he asked, stopping on an animated show, Naruto.

The children's faces lit up with interest, and Manjula offered a small, grateful smile as they took seats on the huge luxurious couch, their eyes glued to the screen.

With the kids momentarily distracted, Leo turned back to Manjula. "Let's talk." He led her to a quieter corner of the room, where they could still keep an eye on the kids, but far enough to have a conversation without being overheard.

Manjula sighed, rubbing her temples. "I'm sorry for barging in like this. It's just... everything's so overwhelming. I should've called first but I don't know what to do anymore. I've been going over what you said, and I just—" She cut herself off, looking at him with uncertainty.

"Take your time," Leo said softly, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "You're doing the right thing by talking about this."

Manjula hesitated, then met his eyes. "What was your full plan, Leo? You said you'd come up with something at the restaurant. I'm... ready to listen to almost anything at this point."

Leo exhaled slowly, carefully choosing his words.

"Okay," he took a breath, "Manjula, I know this sounds extreme, but if you really want to make Apu feel what you're feeling, he needs to experience the same betrayal. He needs to feel jealous. It's the only way he'll understand the gravity of what he did."

Manjula's brow furrowed in concern. "That sounds... cruel. I don't want to stoop to his level."

Leo shook his head gently.

"I'm not saying it's about hurting him for the sake of revenge. It's about showing him what he stands to lose. Right now, he thinks he can get away with it. He doesn't realize how much he's hurt you. He thinks he can just apologize and come back, right? Making him jealous will force him to confront his actions."

Manjula bit her lip, clearly conflicted. "But how? I don't even know how I would do that... I've never even thought of cheating on him."

Leo leaned closer. "You don't have to go far. Just something small, but enough to make him realize he's taken you for granted. A kiss, for instance. It's symbolic—it's a step, but not too far."

Manjula stared at him, shocked. "A kiss? But... with who?"

Leo paused for a moment, then gave a slight shrug, as if the answer was obvious.

"It doesn't have to be anyone random. It can be someone you trust... someone who understands what's at stake."

Her gaze locked onto his, and a realization came slowly. "You?"

Leo nodded slowly, his expression sincere. "I wouldn't suggest anything I wouldn't be willing to do myself. I'm here for you, Manjula. If this is what it takes to help you save your marriage, I'll do it."

Manjula looked away, wrestling with her emotions. "I don't know, Leo. It feels... wrong."

"It's not wrong if the intention is to heal what's been broken," Leo said, his voice calm and persuasive. "It's just a means to an end. Apu needs to feel the sting of jealousy to understand how much he stands to lose. It's the only way he'll change, I can promise you that Manjula."

Manjula's hands fidgeted in her lap, her mind clearly racing. "But how will we do it? Where will we be when we do it? What if he doesn't see?"

Leo smiled, leaning back slightly, as if her concerns and questions were funny.

"We don't need to overcomplicate it. A simple video is all it would take. He doesn't need to witness it in person—just seeing the proof will be enough to send him reeling."

Manjula swallowed hard, her reluctance still evident. "I don't know, Leo... this feels so manipulative."

Leo leaned forward again, his voice gentle but firm. "Sometimes, the only way to fix something is to shake it up. Trust me. This will work." He placed a hand on her soft arm, his touch reassuring. "And the sooner we get it over with, the better."

Manjula sighed deeply, her resolve crumbling. "But... the kids are with me. I don't want them to know about any of this."

"They won't," Leo assured her. "You're welcome to stay here tonight. The house is huge. Once they're asleep, we'll do it, and you'll be back before they even notice." He smiled warmly. "I'll keep the show on for them. They'll be distracted for a while until they're asleep for good."

Manjula hesitated again, then gave a reluctant nod. "Alright," she agreed softly, "But, the sooner we get this over with, the better."

Leo internally smiled, then he got up and selected the next episode for the children, making sure they were comfortable before returning to Manjula. They both sat on the edge of the room, watching as the kids became obsessed with the scenes on the screen. Naruto seemed to be undergoing the genin test under Kakashi with Sasuke and Sakura.

As the animated characters flickered across the screen, Leo leaned in closer to Manjula. "You're doing the right thing," he murmured softly.

Manjula glanced at him, her eyes filled with uncertainty. "I just hope this works."

"It will," Leo replied confidently. "You'll see. By the time this is over, Apu will realize just how much he's taken you for granted."

The two sat in silence for a while, watching the children as they slowly drifted off to sleep. Once they were sure the kids were out, Leo stood up and gestured for Manjula to follow him.

"This way," he said quietly, leading her to a private bedroom at the far end of the house. It was dimly lit, with a giant bed in the center against the wall.

Manjula swallowed nervously as she stepped inside. "I've never done anything like this before," she whispered.

Leo smiled reassuringly, guiding her to the edge of the bed. "You'll be fine. Just relax. This is for you—to take back control."

Manjula hesitated but finally sat down. Leo began to set up the camera, adjusting the position, making sure it was pointed to where they would be.

Manjula glanced over at Leo, watching him work. Her nerves were still on edge despite his earlier reassurances. "Leo," she said softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "Are you sure you're okay with this? I mean, I'm... I'm older than you."

Leo finished adjusting the camera, giving it one last look before turning back to Manjula. His movements were deliberate, calm, as if he had rehearsed this moment in his mind. He took a step toward her, his gaze more intense than before. There was a flicker of something in his eyes—confidence, desire—that made Manjula feel vulnerable in a way she wasn't used to.

"Of course, I'm okay with this, Manjula," he said, his voice smooth, reassuring. "And besides, age doesn't matter. You're beautiful... and honestly, I think you're more mesmerizing than most women half your age."

Manjula's breath caught in her throat. His words stirred something inside her, though she wasn't sure what. Hearing those words from someone younger, someone so handsome, someone who looked at her the way Leo did—it was different. Her cheeks warmed as her heart started to beat a little faster.

"You really think so?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Leo nodded, his eyes never leaving hers as he closed the distance between them. He sat beside her on the bed, the mattress dipping slightly under his weight. His gaze admired her whole face, lingering on her eyes, her lips. 

"Absolutely," he replied, his tone sincere. "Anyone would be lucky to be with you."

Manjula bit her lip, the tension in her body still lingering despite his words. She felt the nerves settling in her chest, the weight of what they were about to do pressing down on her. She wasn't sure if it was fear or guilt that kept her on edge, but something about the way Leo looked at her—his calm, steady presence—made it easier to push those feelings aside. He made her feel like this was okay, like she could go through with it.

Leo turned back toward the camera briefly, making sure it was angled just right, before he returned his full attention to her. There was a moment of silence, the air between them thick. Manjula felt the weight of it all settling in her stomach, she felt the implications her next actions would have for her marriage, her life.

But as Leo leaned towards her, something shifted. His presence was magnetic, pulling her in despite her nerves. She could feel the heat of his body next to hers, the scent of his cologne filling the space between them.

His movements were deliberate but not rushed. His lips were close now, just a breath away, and Manjula felt her body tense. Her mind raced with a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts—this was wrong, she shouldn't be doing this—but before she could stop herself, Leo's lips brushed against hers.

The kiss was soft at first, almost hesitant. She felt a strange sense of disbelief, as if her body hadn't caught up to what was happening. The warmth of his lips, the gentle pressure, the sensation of his breath mingling with hers—it all felt surreal. She wasn't sure how to react, her mind still clouded with doubt and confusion.

But then Leo's hand found its way to her waist, resting there lightly before beginning to move, tracing soft circles along her side. His touch was slow, deliberate, and as his hand traveled up and down her waist, something inside her began to shift. The tension in her body eased, and her mind slowly started to let go.

Her lips parted slightly, more out of instinct than conscious thought, and Leo didn't fail to take advantage of it. His tongue slipped into her mouth, exploring her with a gentle but deliberate intensity. The sensation was new, unfamiliar, and for a brief moment, Manjula felt herself resisting—but that resistance quickly faded. Her mind went blank, the thoughts of guilt and uncertainty dissolving into nothing as her body began to take control.

Leo's hand continued to move along her waist, his touch growing firmer as he pulled her a little closer. The kiss deepened, and Manjula found herself leaning into it, her body responding in ways she hadn't anticipated. Her heartbeat quickened, and there was a heat building inside her, something primal that she hadn't felt in a long time.

But then, just as quickly as it had started, Manjula pulled away. Her lips were still tingling from the kiss, her breath coming in shallow gasps. She glanced down, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"Was... was that enough?" she asked, her voice shaky.

Leo leaned back slightly, giving her space but keeping his eyes on her. He smiled softly, his voice calm.

"I think so. I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable."

Manjula shook her head, her fingers nervously playing with the edge of her sari.

"No, actually... it was... nice," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. She glanced up at him, a faint blush creeping across her cheeks. "You're... really good at that."

Leo chuckled softly, his eyes warm.

"It's easy with you, Manjula. Your lips... they're soft, perfect." He lifted his hand to her cheek, gently stroking her skin. "I can't believe Apu would ever risk losing you. After that kiss, I'd only want you, and no one else. I can't even imagine the things I'd do to keep you." He looked down at her body in that tight sari, her boobs were begging to be freed.

Manjula's heart skipped a beat, her blush deepening as she turned her head slightly, her eyes downcast. Leo's touch was warm against her cheek, and she found herself leaning into it without even thinking.

"Apu is a fool," she muttered, her voice barely audible. "I realize now he may have never appreciated me... It was all arranged, you know. I didn't have a choice."

Leo's hand continued to gently stroke her cheek. "An arranged marriage?"

Manjula nodded, her eyes distant as she spoke. "Yes. I didn't even know him when we got married. My family made the decision for me. I thought... I thought I could make it work. But it's been hard. He's never seen me for who I am, never valued me the way I deserve. The store is always first in his mind. And now, with him cheating with that dirty whore, I know all my doubts were correct."

Leo's expression softened, his fingers still tracing light circles on her cheek.

"And that's why we're here, right? You want him to see you, to realize everything he's taken for granted."

Manjula looked up at him, her eyes filled with emotion. "Yes... I really do want him to understand what he's done. I want him to appreciate me."

Leo nodded, his voice quiet but firm.

"Then let's do more. I didn't know your concerns started so far back. If I knew, I would have suggested we started with something more in the first place."

Manjula blinked, a bit confused. "More?"

Leo leaned in closer, his hand slipping around her tiny waist again. His voice was low, almost a whisper.

"Yes, more. If we go further, he'll know what he's risking. I thought it was a recent thing, but If it's really been that long, we need to go more for him to understand. He'll feel the jealousy, the pain you felt when you saw him with that other woman."

Manjula's breath hitched, her heart racing at the memory of Apu's betrayal. The image of him with the whore of a delivery driver flashed in her mind, and the pain that came with it resurfaced. She felt her resolve wavering, her body remembering the heat of Leo's kiss, the way it had made her feel—wanted, desired.

But she didn't answer. She couldn't. The emotions swirling inside her were too complex, too tangled.

Leo's hand tightened slightly on her waist.

"Don't you want it badly, Manjula? Don't you want him to see you as you?"

Manjula's lips parted, the words slipping out before she could stop them. "Yes..."

Leo smiled, his fingers intertwining with hers as he pulled her back into another kiss. 

"Then leave it up to me."

Any last sense of resistance within Manjula's mind melted away. She felt his body press into hers, his lips stealing hers once again.

[A/N]: AHHHHHHHH. Might be a little busy this weekend