The Setup - Part 1

Later this day, Raj arrives at the Mall parking lot with his car, he parks the car on a free parking lot at the floor three. After he turned off the car, send a quick text message to Mr. Sam he will come at the place, he puts the earpiece under the place of passenger seat where are small things stored like paper documents, guns or anything small, and he leaves the car, locking it up after he got out. Raj walks a few meters to the Mall's entrance at the parking lot building.

After he entered the Mall, he notices a lot of people walking at stores, on the wall and minding their business. He saw a few guards of this Mall, walking around and carrying on their right side a pistol. One of them is carrying a submachine gun such as Tec-9 from Grand Theft Auto San Andreas video game. He looked around him, and he sees Mr. Sam, sitting at a table with three more people he doesn't recognize.

"Hello!" says Raj coming at the Mr.Sam table.

"Hello, Raj!" say Mr. Sam looking at Raj with a smile. "We were just talking about you."

"Really?" asks Raj feeling a bit surprised.

"Boss." says a man at that table, with blonde hair. "Should we trust him?"

"Yes, Mike." says Mr. Sam. "This man is a good sniper. He might be able to help us get the things we need it for this heist."

"Who are these people?" asks Raj toward Mr. Sam.

"They are your co-workers."

"Weren't supposed to be the one from earlier?"

"No, man. These are the ones we will do the heist. The other people are going to do the second part of this heist, while you and them, will do the most important part, the first part. Now, sit down. Please."

Raj sits on the empty chair, next to the blonde man with short hair and a red bandana on his head, that was called earlier by the name of Mike. Mr. Sam takes a sip of the coffee from the table, and he looks at Raj.

"Everyone. Meet Raj. He is the sniper of this team. He will handle the enemies from the distance, and he is also our driver."

"Driver?" asks a tall and slim man at Mr. Sam. "Wasn't Wayne supposed to be driver?"

"He got sent to the Hospital in a hit-drive situation."

"Gangsters from Ruby City, again?" asks Mike surprised. "They truly became a problem nowadays here on Garnet."

"Indeed." responds Mr. Sam to the sentence of Mike. "But, this doesn't concern us. Let's be thankful Wayne he got only an injury, and he did not die. That man may be a rapist and serial killer, but he is crazy good at the wheel." he looks around. "Well. Raj. Meet your co-workers." he points his head at the tall man. "Meet Travis. He is our hacker. This man is able to enter the Pentagon in a matter of one minute, hides his footsteps and steal everything from there. He tried and managed to get everything important for Ukrainians back in the year 2022."

"Hey!" says Travis to Raj.

Mr. Sam looks at the other person, a strong built man, bald and wearing a shirt in soldier camo.

"Meet Klamir, we call him Mr. K. He was a Ukrainian volunteer soldier back in the year 2022. He is a good fighter and knows every type of guns on today's world. He doesn't talk much because of a Russian soldier who slit his tongue."

Mr. K only shook his head slow to Raj, a gesture to show he is pleased to meet him.

"And now, Mike." says Mr. Sam to Mike. "He is the fastest person I have ever encountered in my life in terms of heists. He got at least sixty-six heists made in his twenty years career, and he only got caught three times by police. But he is also a master at escape."

"Nice to meet you." says Raj to Mike.

"Okay." says Mike not caring much about Raj intentions.

"Good. Now that all four of you have met. It is time to move from here." he raises from the table and the other three people are joining him.

"Why?" asks Raj.

"This is not the best place to discuss the setup. Let's go to our small base." says Mr. Sam.

"Where is it?" asks Raj raising from his seat.

"Not far from here." responds Travis on his phone. "I already sent you the coordinates on the GPS of your phone."

"Wait. How did- Man. You are good."

"Thank you." says Travis.

The five people are leaving the Mall by taking the entrance to the parking lots, where all of them have parked their cars.

Raj is taking his car, while the four other people are getting on a Volvo black car. The car is driven by Mr. K. He is driving outside this parking lot, and Raj follows them to the hidden base where they will plan the heist.