The Setup - Part 2


Later this day, two cars stops in front of a small warehouse on the Industrial District. The cars that have stopped at the warehouse are the ones who left from the Mall District a few minutes ago, from the parking lot to be more specific. In one car, there is Raj, on the driving seat, he stays in that car and looks at the car where the other people he works for proceed to leave the car, one by one and get into the warehouse.

Mr. K opens the warehouse by pressing a button from his remote he is holding on his left hand. After the door got completely opened, Raj gets off his car and walks to the other four people. Raj stops next to Mr. Sam who'se the one he met earlier and can trust him rather than the other people here.

"So this is the base?" asks Raj to Mr. Sam.

"Yes." says Mr. Sam. "Only place where we have anti-hack and a strong VPN to protect our privacy and secrets."

"Okay." says Mike turning to Raj. "Before you enter, we have to check you."

Mike starts to check the body of Raj, like a normal airport security is doing every time he takes his duty on. After a few awkward seconds, Mike didn't find anything suspicious. And that is because Raj left his phone in the car, and with the Bluetooth headphone he uses to contact his Rudy when he got some work for him. If he were to bring it with him, there will be trouble since the people Raj works for are on the assassination wanted websites.

"You are good." says Mike after he checked Raj. He turns to the three people. "We can let him in."

The people enter the warehouse. When all five people entered the warehouse, they observe the lights are turned on, and they see a huge blackboard on the right wall, where a blueprint of the place they are robbing is and four photos at the blackboard. One photo shows a van that has a logo with the name "Radu's Repair Team". Another photo who shows a weapon lock-up, that has a written address on the Residential 3 District. The third photo shows a type of security cameras attached on some walls on a house. And the last photo shows a few people wearing customs with colours that match the colour of the van from the first photo.

Raj is looking at the blackboard for a few seconds. He reads on his mind the written details there, and after a minute or two, Raj is asking Mr. Sam, who sits on the table and drinks a vodka drink combined with orange juice in a two hundred ml capacity with Mark and Mr. K.

"So... This is the plan?"

"That is the first phase." says Mr. Sam. "First, we have to get all of those things and steal a USB stick from the house we are aiming. That stick contains passwords that are able to open all of the doors of the and disarm the alarm systems."

"All of this to take a simple USB stick?"

"This isn't 2020." says Travis to Raj. "You cannot enter anyone home and not expect a fucking siren alarm, turrets installed on the house with tranquillizer arrows and a fucking bear."

"The owner has a bear?" says Raj surprised.

"No. He is having two Komodo dragons." says Travis.

"So. All we gotta do is take these, and we are done with the first phase?" asks Raj.

"Don't get too excited." say Travis to Raj, stopping Mr.Sam who was about to respond to him. "We only need someone to go there and give me a connection with the security camera."

After a few moments of silence, Raj steps forward and says. He knows he is the one who has to do that, in order to gain the respect of these people.

"And how I can do that?"

"All you need to do is use this." says Travis getting off from the table seat, he walks to the desk, and takes from the drawer a phone. He walks with him close to Raj, and he tells him. "Use this to make a photo of the security camera. And send it to this number." he hands him a piece of paper with a number, one that is from Belgium country format. "The house it is at Third Residential District. House 234. It is a mansion with three floors. The photo will be delivered to me, and I will be able to hack the systems in about three to ten minutes. But you have to remain there the whole time. And have to dodge the cameras. Once done, we will be able to break into the house, have the entire system of the security cameras work, but in reality are shut down. It will make the system thinks it works. A trick that works even to this day. Got it?"

"Got it." says Raj, approving by his head move, and he leaves the warehouse with the phone and the piece of paper on his hand, letting the four people enjoy the vodka.

All the things Raj was able to understand were... Go to that house, photograph the security cameras, sent the photo to Travis, wait and then get the hell out of there.