The Heist - Part 2

The "owner of the house" has showed and he is not happy. That rich folk was about to call the police, but then, Raj, does a really stupid move by standing still. Then Travis, yells at him.


And Raj accelerates the vehicle, but he hits the rich folk. That hit was so hard, it makes the rich folk fly over the vehicle and lands on the street, on his iPhone, breaking it into thousands of pieces. The man did not even look at the vehicle, he looked on his phone, horrified not because he had his server stolen.

"My iPhone bastard! This cost much more than a mansion in Beverly Hills!"

The man rushes to his luxury vehicle, he gets on and he chases the van Raj is driving.

Raj drives as fast as he can the van, but this thing can barely have about eighty kilometres per. hour. While the van continues to drive, the man appears on his luxury vehicle and he approaches the van. Instead of telling them to stop, he tells them.

"Give me eight hundred thousand for iPhone!"

Mike opens the back seats of the van, and he waits for the moment when the luxury car will get behind the van. The luxury car gets near the back door of the van, and this is a grave mistake, because Mike is doing anything people nowadays will consider either racist or very American. The man takes his gun out, and he shoots the wheels of the car, rather than the driver.

That luxury car of the person who was robbed crashes into the tree and the driver flies through the window, and falls in the dumpster. The van continues to run, not even hearing the man who was robbed getting up from the trash and yelling to the driver of that van who just take a turn.

"You people owe me a new rent car and a rent luxury costume!" the man looks at his car, crying, not because he broke a rent vehicle, but because he has to pay for this rent costume he took it from internet. The man is thankfully this a Gucci knock off costume and not an original one that costs almost two million.


After one minute of driving, Raj and with his gang are hiding under a bridge that was supposed to be finished a few days ago, but it is still under construction. That bridge is supposed to connect to the fourth artificial island made by the Government for some top-secret projects that not even Facebooker's CEO's cannot access this information and look at it while they are having their coffee like their women's, black and American-Columbian.

Under that bridge, Travis proceeds to hack in the entire security cameras installed by police and deactivate them. He also types as fast as possible to delete all the footage of the van it was captured on all the five streets. As Travis proceeds to type as fast as he can as a maniac from Twitter who got offended by an .png file that showed his real-life persona.

After almost a minute, Travis, sweating bullets, he looked at everyone with a smile and he told them.

"Got it. Delete every footage of us from this entire island. We are safe!"

The crowd erupted in cheers, congratulating Travis for this work and Mike said to Raj.

"You did well. Now let's get out of here!"

"On it." says Raj and he drives away from this area with the big bridge that will most likely not be built tomorrow or the next week.

After about three minutes of driving, Mike decides to break the ice of silence.

"Raj. Now that phase one is finished, we should probably tell you about the phase two."

"Which is?" asks Raj looking in a mirror that shows the backseats of the van.

"The phase two consists into exchanging this server to the target building. Which is one rented by the richest guy that created a cryptocurrency that values almost a kidney and half."

"That much is a coin of theirs?!

"Not one coin. Just 0.0050 coin."

"That is too expensive. How did they get away?"

"We are in America. Since Biden got thrown from the President role, things have gone wild here. Like Purge movies, have you seen them, right?"

"Just two of them."

"Well. This has become areal thing is some states, but here on the islands, we are at least more civilized as some European countries."

"Are you actually American?" asks Raj. "Not to be a rude person. Just asking."

"I am from Ireland, Raj. well, half-Britain-and-half-Irish. A disgusting combination if you told them this to the locals."

"And you left the home town because of this?"

"No. I have work here." says Mike. "I work for Mr. Greg in heists from time to time, and I also supervise a Brothel. You should check it from time to them if you are interested and not so much into your religion."

"I will be thinking about." says Raj which was not having a slight interest of going in a Brothel where women's from there are used like an income source.

Raj takes a turn on the street, and he drives straight for about three hundred meters more, until it arrives at the backside of the warehouse. As he got there, Mr. Greg, who was at the gates, he opens them by touching a button, and he looks at the van, driving into the warehouse open garage door.

The boys are leaving the van, then they handshake their hands and slap hands. After this small celebration, Mr. Greg, approaches them with a slow old man walk and he tells them as he holds on his left hand a small cigarette.

"Good job. Now phase two will begin tomorrow morning. Akashida, the son of an associate of mine, told me the company we are aiming for have called for a server replacement. We intercepted the call, and we managed to make this work." he looks at Raj. "You, son, will have some work to do with Mike and Mr. K. you three are going to install the server, and after that we can begin the third phase and the last one for this heist."

"I don't know how to install one of these." replies Raj to Mr. Greg, that made him a bit surprised because of… racial culture.

"Don't worry." responds Mike pointing to Mr. K. "Me and Mr. K can focus on this, while you will try to search information 'bout the place like a map of this building or something that will help us on this heist."

"Okay." says Raj. "But what we will be taking from there?"

"Everything on their time." says Mr. Greg. "Now, you should go and rest. Because tomorrow will be a busy day for all of us."

"Alright. Good night." says Raj, and he leaves the warehouse going toward his car.

After Raj left the scene and the warehouse, Mr. K closes the warehouse door. When he closed the door, the lights of the room are automatically turning on. Mr. Greg goes over to his table, he sits and he looks toward the blackboard where is the plan and the phase three of the heist. The phase doesn't only have written almost 25 million dollars income, it also presents a small photographic of a green device that looks like one of those nuclear bombs, but smaller.

The other members of this heist are looking at the blackboard, and they know what the weapon is referring to, but they are all a bit worried about this device. Knowing what this thing is capable of, they are worried if they would be taking the weapon from there.