The Setup III - Part 1

On the next day, Raj has wake up from his deep sleep in his apartment bedroom. He gets off from the bed, he looks at the window and sees the pollution this city generates. He doesn't feel anything bad for the environment or for the animals, after all, humans are doing anything to survive and life peacefully for many years. Plus, most of the cities around the world have decided to produce as much electricity as possible because of mass population and in case Putin would start another "special operation" either in Estonia, Finland or in Moldovia. He still did not attacked Moldovia, he only take Transnistria recently, and that was two years ago.

Anyway, Raj walks to the bathroom, where he goes right on the "throne" he sits there and does his business. As he was taking a big dump, he hears his phone ringtone going on the other side of the apartment, which is the kitchen. Raj quickly gets off from the toilet, he wipes his ass, flushes the toilet, throws the toilet paper in the trash bin in the bathroom, and goes over to the kitchen to get the phone.

He catches the phone right on time for him to see who is calling. He sees the person who is calling is Mr. Greg (as he memorized the call in his phone and named it), and he responds to the call.

"Hello!" says Raj over the phone to Mr. Greg.

"Good morning!" says Mr. Greg over the phone, sounding refreshing like he has already woken up earlier than Raj. "How are you?"

"Great… You?"

"Also, great. Anyway, today you should prepare yourself and come back to the warehouse. You have the job of the driver on this setup mission."

"I understand." says Raj. "I will be there in a minute."

The man closes the call, then he turns off the phone because he cannot risk being found by any hacker from this neighbourhood's districts or by his friend Rudy, who still did not tell him about this heist because he would be risking being putting his life in danger and becoming a criminal on the bounty lists, then all of the bounty hunters all around the world would be after him. Raj takes on his clothes he wore yesterday, a few tranquillizer arrows from the box he stores it. The man only took about five arrows, letting about seven left tranquillizer arrows in that crate.

Raj leaves the apartment, he locks it the door of his small house, he goes downstairs until it gets to the ground floor and he walks to the parking lots near the apartment complex he lives in. He gets in his personal vehicle, and drives to the warehouse, listening to some news reports over the radio.

"Another subject is about a robbery that happened last night, in the Richaman District (the district where the heist Raj has made with the other three people, it poses many names, but is officially called Richaman District) where an unknown van has stolen a server from an Instagram influencer," says the reporter trying to hold her laughter. "that values over five hundred thousand dollars. And by the source from the owner, the server also contains five bitcoins that now are worth about one hundred thousand dollars right now… Oh, wait. About three hundred thousand. They've fallen again. Another interesting news subject, is about a man who sneaked into the airport of Ruby City a giraffe and taught her how to use the toilet. Now that is a news."

Raj changes the radio channel, after he hears the news, he feels kind of bad that he stole something so valuable in the market. He also feels kind of scared because a server like that can be found then sold back to the owner of it for double his value. Raj changes the radio channel to a channel that plays music non-stop and is not have commercials break. Right now, that radio station plays Nellyville, a good song that Gen Z might have listened to it while they were playing the 2004 video game Grand theft San Andreas. Raj drives on this song for the rest of this road. Peacefully.