The Setup III - Part 2


Later, the man by the name of Raj, arrives like usual in the front of the warehouse where the heist is still in progress, now entering the second phase, which would be easier than how the first phase was. Upon arriving in the front of the warehouse, he parks the car in the interior of the property to not be noticed by a security camera or a carjacker (they are very unlikely nowadays, but it can still happen). He turns off the engine of the car, gets off and walk to the door of the warehouse.

When he pushes the door to enter the interior of the building, he sees Mike and Mr. K, already dressed up in the uniforms of a company, but the same company that was last time on the van. But speaking on the van, Raj noticed the van was having another logo, this time, the name was "Ralph's Installing Crypto servers" having as a mascot the celebrity from Disney Pixar Ralph from Breaking Internet or other four movies that nobody cares about. Good thing this company is actually sponsored by Disney, otherwise, they would be hunted by Disney's Cartel.

"Good morning." says Mike to Raj after he entered the warehouse. "Your clothes are in the storage locker room."

"What size?" asks Raj before heading to the locker room, ignoring Mr. K who is putting his boots.

"XL." says Mike.

"Great." says Raj appreciating the effort he bought clothes to his size. "I was checking to be sure. By the way, how do you know it?"

"Travis hacked your clothes shop you used three weeks ago."

"That dude needs a bitch."

"He already has. And a hot one."

"Alright…" says Raj who feels a little surprised by the fact a man like Travis, already has a girlfriend, but this is not a surprising thing since many hot girls were having almost one year ago a TikTok challenge to marry a guy who lives in basement. Many marriages and many divorces have happened in a span of the week.

"Enough with that." says Travis to the two. "Changing subject. Are you aware that the plans of the heist have changed?"

"What do you mean?" asks Raj surprised by this before he was going to change his clothes.

"It was supposed to be happening tomorrow night. But Mr. Greg has changed the plan to do it tonight instead. And for that, we have to install the servers as fast we can, and after that, we will leave. So, Raj, you have to find a way to gather as much intel as we can about the place."

"Why he didn't tell me this?" asks Mike.

"He now sends me a message." responds Travis while he shows his phone to Mike with a message already sent. "I do not know why he send it too only to me right now."

"Maybe because we have all our phones closed?" points Raj.

"Yes." says Travis. "That one also. Now go change fast. we are about to move from here."

Raj enters the changing room, upon entering he takes off his normal clothes and puts the uniform he was given by his partners as this heist is going to pull off with them. After this, he leaves the changing room and goes to the van, where the other two people are waiting for him. He gets to the driver seat, and before he can say where to go, Travis, who sits on the front seat, he puts a phone with GPS near the radio, attaching it with a device and he tells Raj to follow the GPS.

"Three kilometres?"

"Yes." responds Travis to Raj. "Is it not so far from our warehouse."


Raj turns on the van and he drive off to the destination.

As he drives away from the warehouse, Mr. Greg is leaving the warehouse and goes in the car where his Japanese associative waits for him in his car on the front passenger seat. As he gets inside the car, he tells the Japanese old man.

"Tonight, we will proceed with the third phase of the first ACT."

"Then follows the second and final act?"

"Yes." responds Greg looking at the warehouse where one of his other workers is closing the door and will act as a Mexican worker to fool the people whose curiosity knows no bounds.

The car of Mr. Greg and the associate leaves the perimeter and heading to the opposite direction the van with the server is heading.

A few minutes later, the van stops on front of a high building, Raj leaves the driver seat, he locks the doors after Travis, Mike and Mr. K. (who is also there to help to carry the server with Mike) have left the vehicle. Upon leaving the two stronger people are carrying the server toward the stairs that are leading to the main door of this immense building. As he is looking at the logo this company is having on the higher floors, Raj realizes this is a Crypto Coins Company type that makes coins to later sell it on higher prices for fools with money like Elon Musk, or any other celebrities.

When Mr. K and with Mike, have entered the huge structure, they are encountered by a secretary who tells them in a boring voice.

"Are you here for installing a broken a server?"

"Yes, ma'am." says Mike to the secretary who notes them on the clipboard.

"Names of your company is "Ralph's Installing", right?"

"Yes." says Mike again seeing that secretary is already feeling tired even though she just begins her job one minute ago.

"Here is the cartel for the floor eight." says the lady handing them a card key. "The boss wanted to be fixed by the next hour."

"It will not be possible." says Travis interfering in the conversation with Mike and the secretary. "It won't be done after two hours."

"And I don't care. The boss wanted to be fixed by then. I just warned you. Now go." says the secretary who is not even looking at them how are carrying the server because she is busy checking the computer filled with five tabs with Lesbian Porno. She doesn't even felt like to call help for the four people to install the server, which is a good thing for the thieves because more people would have make this task way too difficult.

Arriving at the elevator, they found it empty. And before they would take it, Mike and Mr. K are putting the server into the elevator, then Mike decides to go with the server of not risking to cause a malfunction to the elevator. After Mike entered the elevator, he presses the key eight and waits until he reaches the floor eight. As the doors are closed, the elevator begins to ascend.

"Okay, Raj." whispers Travis to Raj as he arranges the uniform where is having a hidden camera into his clothes. "Walk to the stairs and find anything useful to us. And to every floor. Make the personal here believe you got the floor wrong if they ask you what are you doing there."

"On it." responds Raj in a whisper tone, and goes to the stairs to the upper floors.