The Setup III - Part 3

As the elevator is ascending toward the higher floors, Raj, goes to the first floor of the building and acting like he has to go somewhere else. As the man starts to go upstairs, he turns on the camera hidden inside his uniform to record any essential footage for the heist that will eventually happen later.

Arriving at the first floor, Raj looks around and notices how there are about hundreds of computers and desk where a few people are managing the state of the crypto coins which is sometimes either going up, down, in flames, cold or toward the dumpsters of fire known as trending in social media. The man by the name of Raj, walks in the hallway, looking around and not acting suspicious. He walks on the hallway looking around and recording everything he can with his camera.

Raj spotted a few security cameras, he looks at them for a second enough to be enough footage to help Travis try to hack the security cameras to give them enough data on the cameras. Raj spotted about five security cameras that look the same, but this can fool anybody. A security camera looking the same can present different types and gadgets that can track anyone suspicious, like a gadget who can identify the face of a suspicious person and can track the identity of that person's in a second.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" asks a worker to Raj.

"I-I am looking for a computer." lies Raj to that worker.

"There is no damaged computer." says the worker to Raj, revealing he has a Southern American accent easily distinguishable to red necks. "Now leave here." says acting tough.

"Alright." says Raj trying to act like a wuss to that worker, even though he is about five centimetres higher and a bigger mass than this person from Southern America would ever have.

Raj leaves this floor and goes to the second floor, going to the stairs. The man goes upstairs toward the next floor. Arriving there, the man walks toward the hallway, but he sees a bunch of rooms like in those some sort of offices. There are rooms that are having labelled desk rooms, server backups and janitor's rooms. But the man walks around the place, looking on the walls and at the security cameras around the hallway. Raj manages to walk the entire hallway without being spotted and walks toward another set of stairs that are leading to the upper floors.

Arriving at the third floor, the man walks around the floor and is the same as the second one, both having the same structure. But here, he was spotted by a man, who said to him.

"Hey! India is that way." and he laughs at his offensive joke.

"Hey, fatso! Drop some weight." says Raj to the fat American with a New York accent and smell.

The man walks to him, was about to punch the man, but then, he sees the security cameras put on the corners, the man decides not to. He only gave him the middle finger, swore something indistinguishable to him and walks back to a room label as office. Raj continues his walking and goes to another set of the stairs, that will send him to the fourth floor.

When he reached that floor, all he can see there is a huge Cafeteria, where there are about ten people eating some cheap lunch and drinking a cheap coffee. The man by the name of Raj, looks around and spots only one security camera. Not so tight security as the last floor he visited.

The Indian man goes to the fifth floor and like on the same floors, he spots a bunch of different rooms and security cameras.

On the sixth floor is the same as the fifth floor.

But on the seventh floor, things were different, there is a huge room, all locked up. No wall windows like the other floors, a concrete wall with a tight security scan on the fingerprints and retina. Raj looks at the device for a moment, recording enough video to help Travis try to hack this thing. The man, goes to the eight floor, last floor, where his colleagues are over there and working to install the server.

Raj arrives at that floor, and notices the eight floor is the same as the seventh floor. But he sees the door of his server room wide open, meaning his colleagues are doing the said "server repairment" to help this huge corporation mine crypto coins to later sell them on two percentage or on lower value to gain money for doughnuts or drugs. Raj, walks inside the room, he looks around carefully and slowly, fooling the supervisors that he analyse the room which in reality he is obtaining footage of the room.

"The man." says Travis toward Raj when he saw him coming here. He walks from the server toward Raj, he looks at a supervisor who looks after them. "This man is our driver, Boss!" then he whispers to Raj. "Did you do it?"

"Yes." whispers Raj to Travis, making him feel good, then he goes back to the server.

"What do you ask him?" ask the supervisor to Travis.

"He asked about my kids and wife." responds Raj to the supervisor.

"Figures." says the racist supervisor.

But Raj paid no mind to him. One day he will do a wrong move and he will end up on his scope.

After a while, the whole team finishes the server repairment and are heading outside this company. All of them being escorted by the boss who are thanking them and tells them they are going to send the money toward their accounts in cryptocurrency form. Mike tried to convince him to send it to real cash, but the Boss said he can only send it in bitcoins.

Anyway, the gang leaves the company, gets inside their van, and Raj, being the river, driver the whole squad back to the warehouse where they will be hatching this heist plan.