Agent G Past - Part 4


In a hospital room, the man wakes up, and he looks confused all around. He can see the usual decoration any normal American hospital would have such as a working bed, two nice shelves near the bed with either flowers or anything else. He looks on his ropes he is attached to the heart monitor, then he looks around, and before he could say anything a nurse comes inside the room, she looks shocked at the patient.

"My God! You are awake!"

"W-What happened?" asks Dilipa confused looking around. "A-Am I alive?"

"Yes, Mr. K." says the nurse who couldn't pronounce the man name (she is a nurse who finished medical school for nurses, not a linguistic person). "You are alive. And looks like you are almost well."

"W-What happened? What year is it? Where is my family?"

"Mister. You are in 2015. You've been in a coma for about two weeks since we've got you back. You've survived a stab on the chest and a cut on the neck. I am impressed you are still alive to this day."

"My family… What happened to them?"

"I can't answer this question. Only the doctor would do." says as she walks away from this room, leaving this man alone to his thoughts, and wondering what is going to happen from now.

After the doctor came to him, the man had the biggest shock to his life. His wife got brutally stabbed by the burglars, and his son was cut on the chest. Thankfully, the cut made to the son, was not deep enough to actually kill him, only to wound him and put him in a coma for about a day or so. The doctor also stated the two people got caught before they've escaped thanks to this technology of security cameras with face trackers on them, which helped the police to catch these assassins and arrest them to for the next one hundred years or more than that since they are assassins and they've probably committed an enormous count of killing since they've started this ugly and bad business.


About three months have passed since this incident, a thing is starting to go back to normal for the Dilipa and his only family member remained alive near him, his son, Raj. They've all suffered hard at the first month of losing their female figure in the family. A woman who was kind to them and inspired both of them to give their all in this hard life for them in this cursed land known as Artificial island who is not even millimetre better than what they've thought it will be.