The reason

Back to the present, Agent G, who is known by the name of Dilipa, he looks on the window, he sees a few birds flying on the blue sky, and he says to his son, who was here, listening to his past he was having, who was familiar to begin with.

"One year after your mother passing." says Raj's father to his son, who is now a healthy 20s man. "I-I got a job offer. From these people. From Rudy."

"From him?" asks Raj.

"Yes. H-He saw in my data that I had a good fight with someone and he decided to offer me a position here. Totally completely different from what I have worked before. Of course, my instinct told me to not accept it. But… But I couldn't, son. That day. Those days we needed money. More like we could ever need it." he takes a pause. "Then. I ended working undercover for Mr. Greg. That insane man. He made me do things I never thought I would do. And everything was… It was terror to me. I have killed innocent men and

"And so, you worked for him…"

"And ended here." says his father. "That man… Has made me do things that no human should ever do. I sold people. Smuggled. And tortured them. The man had no mercy on nobody. Not even on his brother."

Raj can feel the symptom of raising arm hair on his body. He got goosebump by imagining his own Dad, doing torture things of people who did not deserve such fate. He looks at his own father, who is looking at him, and thinks about the memories he was having while he was working undercover to Mr. Greg.

"This man idea… is insane."

"What is his idea?" asks Raj.

"It's… It is hard to describe it… But it is evil. To evil to be in someone hands."

"I understand."

"It must be stopped, son. And we have to do it, now."

Then, Rudy comes inside this room, and he looks at Raj.

"Agent G." says Rudy walking to the bed of Raj's father, and he passes him the phone. "Someone wants to talk with you. It is Carmen."

"Carmen?" asks Raj's Father completely delusional. "She is still working here?"

"Yes, sir!" says Rudy to Dilipa. "Now. Raj." he looks at Raj. "We better be moving from here. Give your father some space to let him talk with our Boss."


"We have to discuss something."

Raj leaves his chair, walks away from the room where his father speaks on the smartphone to Carmen, his Boss, and closes the door behind him. Outside, Rudy is looking at Raj, and he tells him honestly.

"Mr. Greg is going to end this planet."

"What?" asks Raj confused.

"He wants to capture the dangerous nuke he can get and use it to end the entire world." says Rudy to him. "That is all the info we could get all these years from a camera who was in your father coat on the day he got "killed" by Mr. Greg's henchmen."

"This can be stopped, right?"

"We are working on it, my friend. But we still do not have enough info on them."

"What more we need."

"Their location, their reason recorded. Everything. We need all the things they have to help us capture them and throw them behind the bars for eternity."

"And how are we going to do that?"

"You, my friend. Will have to make a visit to an old associate." he says taking a second phone from his pants and he shows a picture of Mike. One of the henchmen of Mr. Greg. "This is one of the associates you have been working on, right?"

"Yes. No mistake. This is Mike."

"And this one will do fine to interrogate. If he talks, of course."

"But how will we capture him?"

"We already have a vague idea on where he is located." he takes the phone, and he walks to the room where Dilipa is talking to carmen, but before he entered, he tells Raj. "Your father will be resting here for now. Our agency will cover every expense this hospital will be offering to your father. So, do not worry about money, alright?"


"Now, go outside. We will have to go later back at the base."

Raj, wanted to stay more and talk to his father. He has so much to tell him about, but he knows this can wait more. He leaves the Hospital in small steps, and arrives at the stairs, where Ramirez is smoking a cigar from his packet. He sees Raj approaching, and like a normal person, he offers him a cigarette.

"Thanks, but I do not smoke." says Raj looking at Ramirez.

"Okay." says Ramirez putting his pack on his pocket pants. "So… How did it go?"


After a while, Rudy comes back, and all three of them get back into the car and leave this area. Ramirez is driving them back to the headquarters where they are going to start planning.