Operation Mike - Part 1

Later this day, more likely at night, Raj is on the headquarters living room with Ramirez, doing some causal communication to know themselves better. Both of them are sitting next to a coffee machine, holding a plastic cup of coffee each. Both of them are having espresso.

"And you've sold it then your friend betrayed you?" asks Raj surprised after he heard that story of Ramirez who got arrested and his van with weed stolen by his "friend". "And how did it go? With your friend?"

"Thankfully. I caught him and teach him a lesson. I put him behind bars but I managed to rewrite the cause of his sentence to Sapphire Island."

"What did you write?"

"Child molesting."

"That dude is a goner." says Raj feeling bad for that person.

"He kind of deserve it. He ruined a life I was trying to make. But he kind of helped to make another new life. Here. As an agent."

"What is like working as an agent?"

"Well. It is as tough as bounty hunter, my friend. You see. As an agent you have to catch the target, when it comes to capturing villains or bad guys, then you either neutralize them or hold them hostage for interrogation and any things like that. And of course, you will get mission like retrieve something or save the world."

Someone enters the living room, it is a woman, dressed in her usual office costume, and she looks at the two men, serious. She opens her mouth to say.

"Gentlemen! You have been called by Boss to come to the office and participate on the Operation Mike."

"Right on, Silvia." says Ramirez drinking the entire cup of coffee then throwing it to the trash bin, and he walks toward the office where the entire personal have gathered to discuss the plan.

Raj follows Ramirez. After he left the office, he saw the woman by the name of Silvia analysing Raj from downside to the upside, Raj looks at her, and with a smirk, he twitches to the woman, making her blush. The man could've asked for the girl phone number to call it, but he has more important business to deal it, and that is, capturing one of the people that are working for Mr. Greg.

Arriving at the office where the discussion is held, Carmen, who is the Boss of the entire agency, she looks at Ramirez and Raj, and with confidence she tells them.

"You two have come at the right time."

"Didn't you call for us, ma'am?" asks Ramirez to Carmen.

"Well, yeah. But you come at the right time. We were talking about you two." she turns on the huge electronic blackboard to reveal the details about Mike, one of the henchmen that works for Mr. Greg. The digital blackboard reveals a few pictures with Mike driving a van with Mr. Greg, another picture of him looking after a little girl, and one where he eats at a restaurant with a woman and with the same little girl from the second picture. This blackboard also reveals a possible home picture, a complex building situated on the west side of Garnet Island. A few details there and there about Mike's personal life that doesn't really matter, and a possible plan written on a small square.

"Is this the plan?" asks Ramirez rising his hand after he read the plan information of Operation Mike. "Track him then kidnap him."

"No offence, ma'am, but we might be two strong people, but Mike is even going to do us a hard time to hold him." says Raj.

"I know. That is why you will not capture him." says Carmen who is walking to the blackboard and she points at a picture where the little girl and Mike are seen walking. "This is Denise. Potentially her little secret daughter from the second life he is living. Or something like that. We managed to track the location where she is living and her history." she looks at Rudy who is sitting on the right side of the table with his laptop powered on.

"Like the Boss said, the little girl is Denise, and she is the daughter of Raducanu Tara, single woman in her 40s working on a textile factory on a minimum wage. She lives on the apartment 313 at the Complexes of Tim with her mother, of course. The girl attends Middle School Garnet Island, she is a brilliant student, like every student nowadays who gets an "A" but in reality, are dumb by the system, and she is a sociable girl." he looks at the two dudes, Raj and Ramirez. "This is an easy mission, all you have to do is to catch the girl and her mother, kidnap her, and then we can squeeze some more information from them, or we can use them to get Mark's attention."

"Is safe?" asks a member from the group. "I mean. What if Mike would bring help on his way?"

"We will force him to go by himself." responds Carmen to that question. "After we can get from the girls his real phone number, we can track his device, and see what he is going to do around him, thanks to the security cameras and any other electronic devices with a monitor placed on this entire island." she looks at Rudy. "You can track him?"

"Of course." says Rudy to Carmen. "This process will be simple."

"Good." says Carmen to Rudy, and she looks at the two men. "You two. Put the earpiece on."

Someone from that group hands the two men's two pairs of earpieces. Raj and Ramirez are putting each one on their left ear, then they look at Carmen.

"We can use it to keep the communication. This earpiece is protected by firewalls and instant tracking. When someone will try to track you all, the computer of that person will shut down or explode." she tosses to Ramirez a set of keys. "You will take the van from the floor negative three. There you will find all the necessary equipment to do this mission. Get the two girls, bring them here, tied up, and give it to us to interrogate them. Now that is all. Good luck."

"Thanks, ma'am." says Ramirez and Raj at the same time to Carmen and leaves this office, heading to the negative three floor where their van is waiting for them.