Target on the ferry wheel

Raj arrives at his apartment block on the parking lot, he opens the door of passenger for his father, to let him leave the car, and walks to the apartment stairs, while Raj is closing the door, locks his personal vehicle. Arriving at the stairs of the apartment block, Raj and his father are walking inside the place, then they go upstairs to where the room of Raj lives.

At the doorstep of Raj's room, the father looks at the door, and the hallway. He looks impressed and he says.

"Almost the same as our apartment."

"Well… It's not big or anything. But is enough for me to live. I don't even get to stay too much in my home anyway." says Raj as he unlocks his apartment door by using his key.

Raj opens the door of the apartment, his father walks in, he looks impressed at the apartment of Raj. Well, it is a bit messy, but like Raj said earlier, he barely has the time to remain in his own home. And when he does, he either sleeps, eat or goes to toilet.

"Not too bad for a single guy, right?"

"It's alright." says his father to Raj. "Where you sleep?"

"On the room on the right side." says pointing at the only bedroom of this apartment. "But I can sleep on the couch until we'll find a better house for both of us."

"Comfortable couch." says his father testing the couch of the living room, sits on it for a while, then moves a bit. "You'll be sleeping well."

He gets off the couch and checks the bedroom where he is going to stay until Raj will get a better house.

Raj considered for a long time to get a new home for himself for a handful of reasons. One of the them is the landlord who is always charging extra for the rent because his daughter has given birth to a child and she buys him all sorts of expensive and useless things such as Meta's bracelet to send her kid to online school when she'll turn 10, Gucci diapers, clothes for baby size and even socks with gold. And there is also a behaviour the daughter of the landlord works the worst job of a young girl with a child, much worse than a social media influencer, a Netflix Adult Movies actor (a streaming service that plays pornographic movies because of the downfall of porn sites and charges about 10 dollars per. mouth).

After he closed the door of his apartment, he gets a phone call from Rudy. The man responds to the calling.

"Hello?" asks Raj over the mobile phone.

"Hello!" says Rudy to Raj over the phone. "I got a job for you. On the pier. Payout is high. Interested?"

"Sure." responds Raj.

"Good. I'll send the details." says Rudy over the phone, and proceeds to close the call.

Raj is going over to his father, and he tells him.

"Rudy called. Says he gotta mission for me."

"Aha." says Raj's Father who is looking at the window of the bedroom, and turns around to Raj. "What target?"

"Don't know." says Raj going to the bed, and takes from under there his sniper rifle with tranquillizer arrows. He puts them on a big backpack that looks like a guitar and he tells him. "Stay safe."

"Why? There's a danger around here?"

"No. It's just a way we say to be safe from Covid." says Raj.

"Covid? What's that?"

"I'll tell you later." says Raj to his father, and he walks out of this place with the bag on his back that contains the sniper rifle and a handful of arrows.


Later, thirty minutes later to be exact, on a parking lot, that is situated from a distance of a hundred of meters from the only pier that is on the Garnet Island, Raj is setting his weapon. He did put his anti-tracking devices on this parking lot to not be discovered by hackers or by any police. But he does wonders, if this would work anymore since he is working for the Agency. He has to call Rudy about this and asks him if he has to do all of these things.

"What's the target?" asks Raj on the only AirPods on his left ear.

"He is a man on his six-foot-tall, white, blonde hair." says Rudy through the airport.

"So, he is getting hoes." says Raj through the AirPods.

"He is slim and has a piercing on his downside lip."

"He is lonely, apparently."

"He is rich."

"He sure has a rich wife."

"Rich by father's hard work."

"Fucker is on drugs on his papa money." jokes Raj and he can hear Rudy laughs through the AirPods.

"Dressed in normal clothes. Las seen was three minutes ago in the Ferris wheel on a date apparently judging by the girl he is going with it."

"You sure it's a girl? Last time when I took out a guy who was on a date, the girl turned out to be an "HE"."

Raj looks at the Ferris wheel, he checks all the seats taken by the humans. It takes him about two minutes to sport the person who would match the description of Rudy. He sees that man is on a date with an Asiatic girl. He do feel a bit bad for doing this, then he asks Rudy an important questions.

"Who's the girl with the man? Any info?"

"Lemme check…" says Rudy over the AirPods, after a minute, he tells Raj. "The girl is from Thailand and-"

"I am doing a favour to you buddy." says Raj who shot a tranquillizer arrow to the target with a smile.

The target gets hit on the backside, and it falls on the Ferris wheel next to her date. The girl screams a mainly screams when sees the tranquillizer arrow stuck on the backside of the person she is dating with. Then, when they started to get lower, a police car approaches the place, and starts to seize the place to arrest the target of Raj.

"You moved fast Rudy." says Raj via the AirPods.

"That's who I am man." says Rudy to Raj. "Now. The payment. It'll await you on the Neighbourhood District Blue."

"Neighbourhood District Blue? What's the reward?"

"You'll see, man." says Rudy to Raj.

Raj starts to unpack his things, disable the devices he put there to not be spotted by police or anyone like Rudy. As he finished the unpacking, Raj goes to his personal vehicle, goes on the driver seat, starts the engine and drive out of this parking building. As he drives out of the parking lot, the radio starts to report a shooting happening on the Garnet Island Pier, but Raj quickly changed to the music station because he is too tired to hear the opinion reporters and their bias on the daily work Raj is doing every day to keep the artificial islands safe from these criminals.