Operation Travis - Part 1

Later, on the night, at the headquarters of the Agency C.R., on the enormous building located near the beach of Garnet Island, from a small car, get off two people. Both of them Indian, and the name of those people are Raj and a person well known in the agency as Agent G. They both came dressed in their official uniforms, who were put on the living room of their new house, on a green box with a green note that states: "From Rudy.". The two people are entering the building, they show their ID's (where also put on the same box) to the guards.

"You can both go ahead." says the two bodyguards wearing Kevlar vests and having two handguns on their hips.

"Thank you." responds agent G to the bodyguards.

The two agents are walking to one of the three elevators. Raj presses the button that indicates floor five. As elevator shut its doors, the two agents are standing in the elevator and wait for it to arrive at the fifth floor.

"You have a girlfriend?" asks agent G to Raj.

"What?" asks Raj embarrassed by this question. "No. I don't, papa!"

"Really? Why though?"

"I am busy with my job."

"That is not a reason to chase for a girl. You know. I kinda feel bad I do not have a grandchild yet, even though you are at the age where you should already have a kid."

"Father. Times have changed. Way too much from the times of 2010s. There are women who would rather want to have a child for making them a product or put them in slave market, rather than making the kid have a normal life. And the people who do that, are rich people who have done it on mistake like broken condom or wrong pill."

"What you said it looks like nothing has changed." says Agent G.

The elevator reach floor 3, and it opens. In that elevator enter the man by the name of Ramirez, he sees Raj and salute him, then he salutes Agent G.

"Long time no see, Agent G." says Raj to Agent G. "You've still got it?"

"Still got it." says Agent G to Ramirez as the elevator door shuts.

The elevator ascends to the fifth floor without any stop. as they arrived at the fifth floor, the three agents are leaving the elevator and are walking to the office where the hackers have gathered and are using any information to track the location of Travis, one of the most important henchmen for Mr. Greg.

In the office, the three agents enter the room, they observe on a big desk there are gathered around is hackers and Rudy, who are all on high expensive monitors and software. As they continue to type, they ignore the footsteps of the three agents who are walking to Rudy. even Rudy, did not hear the men at first, but when he heard the calling of Raj, he quickly turns to them, stressed, and he takes a relief breath.

"It's you. Oh, good."

"Why?" asks Agent G to Rudy. "Why have you called us here?"

"it Is because we need your help." says Rudy to the three agents. "You three are going to inspect some places." he hands to Raj a paper with about is house address. "The man cannot be far from this island. Even if he would try to leave, the other team of hackers from the USA or any other country that works for us will track him and drag him to our headquarters. All we have are si potential house address. So, I want all of you to check these houses. and if you do not found him in one of these houses, you three will abandon the mission and we will give another house address. If we can do it. Right now, we are in deep shit to search the other people who are working for Mr. Greg and him."

"Capturing Travis it'll bring us closer to Mr. Greg?" asks Ramirez.

"Not only closer." says Rudy. "It will reveal his location to us."

"I see." says Raj to Rudy. "That man must've had every detail about him."

"You got it, Boss." says Agent G to Rudy taking the paper with the address.

"You are coming with us, pa- I mean Agent G?" asks Raj surprised.

"Yes. Why not? I was in a coma. But I did not lose my way of fighting, you know. But I will not be tagging with you."

The three agents are leaving the office, they let Rudy and his team alone to continue searching any trace of Travis and Mr. Greg's henchmen's. They first to at the floor of the armoury room, to buy some guns from Alberto, in case of an attacking and tranquillizers wouldn't work in most cases. Who knows if Mr. Greg is working with a gang or not. What it matters that is to be prepared for anything.

The moment they've caught Travis… Everything will be one close step to the end.