Operation Travis - Part 2

Thirteen minutes later, a black car with four-seaters, stops in front of a traffic light, the people from the car are putting their sunglasses on with night vision. Even if now it's already about 18:00. The people are leaving the car with their weapons, all carrying assault rifles and wearing bulletproof costumes.

The three people are Raj, agent G and Ramirez, and they are about to launch a small raid on their first house. The house they investigate is located on the Red Neighbourhood District, mostly known for a street gang who is wearing red and calls themselves "Red Bandits". A gang who is mostly activities is to rob stores, houses and kill rival gangs.

Leaving the car, the group walks a few meters to the house they have to raid. They quickly take position to the walls next to the door. Ramirez and Raj are staying to the walls, while Agent G is the person is kicking the door out of its hinges. The old man managed to open the locked door with his kick strength.

"AGENCY C.R! Hands up!" yells Agent G pointing his assault rifle on the people who are in that house and are quickly raising their hands and cover their hands.

Ramirez and Raj follow Agent G into the house, they walk around the house, pointing their weapons to the people who are in this house. The checking of this house continues for an about a minute, and then, they realize this one of the wrong houses because one of the people who was raising his hand up said to Raj.

"We are innocent! We haven't done anything!"

The group, seeing there isn't no trace of Travis, or any sign of him in there, they apologize to the people in that house, who were only two adults and two kids, then they leave the small family alone and go back to their car to search the next houses. As they got into the car, and on their seats, Agent G scribble the address of the first house.

"Five more to go." says Agent G looking at list. "Next one is at about seven hundred meters from this one."

"Alright." says Raj who is at the wheel of the car.

Raj drives seven hundred meters to the next house. While he drives, Ramirez tells Rudy the status of their first house that was raided. The man is not pleased to hear the first house that was raided wasn't the hide of Travis.

The group arrives at the second house, they see the house belongs to the School and University District, and that house belongs to the small zone of the students that can own if they have enough money. The group get in that house, thanks to the opened door and they raided the place, aiming their weapons to the people on that house, who were coming in there because of a frat boy birthday party.

The students were looking shocked at the agents who raided their house, and who are checking to see where is Travis hidden. But this house was also a trap because there is not any sign of Travis in this house or was it. The group of students is also asked about a guy by the name of Travis and who is working of Mr. Greg, but all of the students told them there is not such person as Travis in this house or was.

Ramirez found in this house a big load of drugs in a room. We are talking about kilograms of weed and cocaine. The group calls reinforcement and police to come and seize this load and arrest these students who are later going to lose their million dollars scholarship. The group remains in this place for three minutes until the police comes, and then they leave this house, go to their car, scribble the second address from the paper and check the third house, which is located two hundred meters away from this District.

After a few more minutes, the group of three people are raiding another house, but this time one in Blue Neighbourhood District, which is one across the house of Raj and Agent G. The people have entered the house, and there they found nothing. No person in and nothing, this house was about to be put on sale. But even if they found nothing, they do find something.

Raj found a piece of paper on the floor. He looks on it and it shows data about sales of this year on a company, but the thing who is mostly surprising is that the company name is Ralph's Installing Crypto Servers.

"I found something guys." says to his two colleagues.

"What is it?" asks Ramirez to Raj.

"This file has the name of the company that is probably belonging to Mr. Greg." he says to Ramirez as he hands his file. "Send it to Rudy. He might be able to find something about that place."

"Okay." says Ramirez and sends a photo of the document to Rudy.

They left the house after they finished searching, go into their car and search the other three houses, hoping they'll find something worth or a sign that can help them to capture Travis.