Exchanging Questions

Keller turned solemn when Susan kept pestering him with questions.

He looked at Susan expressionlessly, making Susan not dare to ask anymore. She looked a little embarrassed.

"I don't mean anything. I'm just concerned about the two of them."

"You should know that they are truly in love. It's just that Diana had to pursue her career. But it won't happen again. Diana will stay in New York for Aren."

"As friends, shouldn't we help them now?"

"Keller, you're Aren's best friend. I think you want him to be happy too, don't you?"

Susan stared at Keller, hoping that he could see the sincerity in her eyes and that her words would move him.

She really wanted Diana to be happy. Moreover, Diana was such a beautiful girl, and only Aren was worthy of standing beside her.

Unfortunately, her words did not move Keller. He still maintained his previous expression.