USB Flash Drive

"If my boss finds out what you just said, I'll be dead." Luke made a throat-slitting gesture, but then remembered that Isidore couldn't see him, so he lowered his hand.

Isidore shrugged his shoulders and said, "Alright, alright, I won't say anymore. But how are you going to thank me for helping you so much?"

"Two weeks of my salary, be it at the bar or anywhere else, it's on me."

At Luke's generosity, Isidore whistled loudly on the other end of the phone.

Although Aren could be an annoying boss, he was very generous. He paid Luke a very high salary. Compared with the other assistants in the same job, Luke's salary was three times higher.

This was also the reason why Luke could persistently stay by Aren's side.

After all, money was omnipotent.