Saying Good Things

Luke pushed the flash drive towards Jocelyn.

At the thought of Aren, who was still angry in the ward, Luke added, "Actually, Master Aren cares a lot about Miss Jocelyn. He just acts a little coldly."

"The moment he knew that rumor about Miss Jocelyn was spreading online, Master Aren ordered me to find related evidence and find the person behind it."

"I have served Master Aren for many years, but I have never seen him care so much about someone."

"Master Aren is really a very good person. I hope that Miss Jocelyn can always be with him."

Luke spoke very sincerely. He had always been busy helping Aren solve business related things, so when it came to relationships, he was still a beginner.

He knew that he couldn't say anything convincing and touching, so he could only open his heart and use his sincerity to move Jocelyn.