
Owen could not help it when his jaw slightly fell open as they pass through the glamorous ark of the city of Oran. Kiel was beside him and Jolene and Alana is in the backseat. All of them marveled at the sight of the busy city. Owen, who was driving, was trying very hard not to get distracted on the road. He had known and heard of this city for such a long time. He knows this is where all the furniture they made went. The road was busy unlike any other road, even the route they underwent to get here. There are also different kinds of people walking around, different kinds of establishments that stood close by to each other. He can't help but feel giddy just by being in this place.

Jolene had seen and heard the place only from school and televisions. Being here now feels refreshing, she has been going around some new places ever since she and Kiel started to search where the tracker leads. But this is the first time they went to a city. Oran is so bright even in daylight. With its glass buildings and fancy shops, Jolene saw Alana focused on the place outside, her nose almost stuck on the windows of the truck. "This place is something," Jolene mumbled.

Alana looked at her and nodded while curving her lips, "I never knew there could be places like this outside the mountains." she told Jolene. Jolene looked outside the window to where Alana has been watching, "Well, it's my first time going to a city too."

"Almost all of us are." Kiel joined the conversation from the front seat. "Don't worry guys, you have me. I'll teach you all how to be cool." Owen confidently answered. His remark made the three raise eyebrows and look at each other. Alana rolled her eyes, Kiel discreetly shook his head, and Jolene held her face as they all try to laugh quietly.

They passed by a food stall that made all their stomachs growl because of the smell of food. "Ugh, I think we need to stop by for food," Jolene says. Owen parked nearby as they all went out to go to the nearest bistro that sells noodles.

Kiel inhaled deeply as he smelled the food, coming from the bistro, everyone followed him into it. Now everyone's mouth is watering. They all sat down at the table and ordered. Soon, all of them are gobbling up their food while having a light conversation.

They are all so occupied that they had not noticed a particular person sitting close to their table. The person was just sitting idly, with no food on the table, or even a company. It was wearing a hoodie that covers its face, with hands inside the pocket. Then, in one accidental moment, Kiel and the mysterious person had their eyes met in a glimpse whilst laughing at their conversation. It was enough for Kiel to get the hint and the feeling in his gut, someone is watching them. Alana instantly noticed his sudden change of mood.

She asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?" Owen and Jolene started to wonder. Kiel sighed and discreetly spoke, "I think we're being watched." Everyone's mood suddenly shifted. Owen held a sigh, "We can't have peaceful times too long can't we?"

"It's just a hunch though," Kiel said.

"Who could it be?" Alana asked. "It's only either the men in the factory or Forty-six and Duerre. I'm thinking it's the latter. although I'm still weirded out about their intentions." Jolene says.

The four of them remained silent for a moment until Kiel finally stood up, "Let's get out of here."

"Wha-? Can't we just finish our food I'm almost done!" Owen complained, but then he eventually stood up when Alana and Jolene followed Kiel out. Kiel was spaced out, he is heading to the truck but his mind is pinned to the person at the bistro. it didn't seem to follow them out, at least from what he can see right now.

He was only a few steps away from the truck when his eyebrows furrowed when he saw an older man lingering around their truck. He made bigger steps to get to it as soon as he can, "Excuse me, sir." he interrupted the man from observing the truck, "Is there a problem with our truck?" by this time, Alana, Jolene, and Owen, managed to catch up with him and wonder what is the man doing. The man looked at Kiel from top to toe before clearing up his voice before speaking, "You're saying this is yours?" His voice is deep and raspy. all of them felt intimidated but they mustered up their courage, "Yes. Is there anything we can help you with?" Kiel simply answered. The man suspiciously gazed at the four of them, "How could that be? It's definitely a truck from the company I work in."

Those words suddenly switched everyone's suspicion away. They almost forgot how they stole the truck to get away from the factory. The man continued to speak, "Are you, workers? You all don't seem to have any plans to go to the company. if I knew better, I'd suspect you stole this truck." the man stepped closer to them looking more suspicious to them than ever. Kiel unconsciously took a step back, the three were behind him so all of them consequently stepped back.

In the middle of the tension, the person in the bistro earlier suddenly appeared and snatched the tracker that unsuspecting Owen has been holding the entire time.

When Owen realized that the tracker was in the hands of the person running away, he yelled, "The tracker!" although Owen didn't want to leave, in that uptight situation, he threw the keys to Kiel and then ran after the person who took the tracker. Alana and Jolene immediately chased after it as well, before Kiel ran, he looked at the man and tried to smile, "We're sorry." he handed the key, and then ran as fast as he can, away from the man, he looked back for a short while and saw the man's shaking head, but it did not run after them.

Well, now they have no vehicle, and the tracker is at stake.

"If only I hadn't just eaten, I swear I could catch you!" Owen yelled at the person he was chasing a few meters away. It's smaller than him and much more slender than his physique. One of its hands is in its pocket, clutching unto the tracker. He was losing his energy and was gradually running slower as they enter a narrow alley. That is when the person in the hood pauses and looks at him for a short while before continuing the run. But it was enough for the person to not notice a trash bin cap slam on its face.

It was Jolene, she went from a different route so she managed to get in front. The person fell to the ground after getting slammed. Owen was panting, but relieved, he walked towards Jolene. Alana was right behind Jolene, she removed the hood of the person and it revealed a man, about their age, but they have never seen him before. As they wander about the person's identity, Alana did not waste a time and took the tracker out of his pocket. Owen was beside them at this point. "Who are you?" Jolene asked the guy.

The guy smirked, "Or what?" he mockingly looked up to the three of them, "All three of you doesn't scare me one bit." he did not even bother to stand back up despite being surrounded.

Jolene clenched her jaw and was about to speak when suddenly, Kiel walked straight towards the guy and picked him up by his shirt. Kiel pulled him up so quick and high that the guy got lifted off the ground for a second. He then pulled him closer by the shirt again, "Now listen, I'm not as patient as my friends, and I'm not exactly having a smooth day so I'll keep it short." Kiel is gritting his teeth as he spoke to the guy face to face. "Who are you and why do you want the tracker?"

The guy, pursing his lips, keeps his stare towards Kiel, trying to show as if he's not intimidated, Kiel is a bit taller than him so he's looking up menacingly at him. He knows Kiel is something different than the three, he has the coldness in his eyes, the loss of doubt when he pulled him.

He let out a laugh and broke the stare at Kiel. This left the four puzzled looking at each other, more so Kiel. But he kept his grip on the guy's clothing. When the guy is done with his chuckled, he offered his hand closely at Kiel, "Cassian. I'm Cassian." his face smugging.

Kiel ignored the hand offer and shook Cassian's shirt once more, "Why do you need the tracker?"

"Ah right, what's the point? I don't think I need the tracker now because I have distracted you all long enough. We will find that person first." he meaningfully told on Kiel's face.

Kiel instinctively looked at Jolene, Alana, and Owen. Alana had panic painted on her face because she can see that Cassian is assured in his words. Somebody else is with him, finding who they are looking for. She quickly turned to face Owen, she dipped in her pocket and then placed something in his hand from there. Jolene and Kiel figured it was the tracker.

"We should find them first." Alana firmly told Owen, not letting go of his hand. Owen nodded and then proceeded to run away, placing his hands back in his pocket. This time, in a more secure pocket.

Alana turned to Kiel and Jolene, "I'll help find them too, or stop whoever is with that guy." she said, referring to Cassian.

"I told you all, my name is Cassian. Get familiar with it, we will see each other soon enough," he said, then he looked at Kiel, "Especially you, haha! I like you, you've always been a fiery boy, aren't you?" then he quickly slammed something on the ground and a bunch of smoke immediately exploded in the area.

Alana, Jolene, and Kiel dropped and coughed because of the smoke, their eyes have also become watery but the smoke got immediately extinguished. By the time they recovered, Cassian is no longer anywhere. As they expected.

"I'm sorry, I did not even notice he pulled something." Kiel apologized to the two.

"It's alright. No one saw it coming." Jolene said, "But we have to hurry."