
As Kiel decided to join Jolene at the back of the truck, Alana and Owen head to the front and the truck continued moving. The road is just heading onto a single path so it was not hard to determine which way to go. Alana was holding the tracker, she would tell Owen where to turn every now and then when they encounter crossways.

Alana subtly looked back at the small window, wide enough to see Kiel and Jolene sitting on the truck, they seem to be talking about something.

"Do you think they like each other?" Owen asked her, after noticing that she's been looking at the two. She straightened herself facing the road before she answered, "Kiel does, obviously..." then she paused for a bit, "No I think Jolene too..."

"That is why I got closer to you in the factory. Because Kiel gives this vibe that he's Jolene's boyfriend or something. I see how he cares for you but it's different with Jolene. The boys notice that too, especially my friends."

"Oh, so you're what? A relationship expert now?" Alana sarcastically commented.

"No, but given the fact that Kiel and Jolene are... something. That leaves the two of us, right?" Owen smirked and looked at Alana.

She groaned, "Why, you big talker..." Alana whispered in a sultry voice as she maneuvers her body close to Owen as if about to whisper. Owen completely did not expect it so he jolted and avoided her. He even almost got distracted from driving,

"What are you doing?" he wonders why that question came out of him in a high-pitched tone.

Due to that reaction, Alana got back on her seat laughing hard. "Oh, I knew it! You cant handle a girl!" she said in the middle of laughing out loud, humiliating Owen to himself more. "I was just, not prepared." he defended, looking straight at the road, although a hint of pinkish blush was seen in his tanned cheeks.

Alana stopped from laughing, but could still not manage to erase the smile on her face, "And how many girls exactly have you interacted with? I mean, aside from Georgia, me, and Jolene?" she was having the entertainment of seeing his face while being teased.

"Listen, you're going to meet a lot of girls. The world is about discovery."

"Is it what it is for you?" Owen asked back. Alana looked right at her window to think and reflect, "Hmm, I haven't really felt what's it like to like someone." her tone was full of curiosity, "My mother, the one who raised me, told me she can't explain what's love like. But when I feel it, then I'd know."

"Wow, that's pretty deep and unhelpful." Owen says, "Have you been around with boys?"

"Oh, a lot of times. I grew up being trained as a warrior of our village. There were two other girls, but mostly men."

"And you never liked any of them?"

She shook her head, "No, is that weird? Maybe because I am too focused to be the best in what I do. Right now, my priority is to learn to control my ability."

Owen nodded, "Sounds reasonable enough." he agreed, "Well, I'll let you be my wingman then."


"Just a buddy that watches my back, especially with girls." he winks at her. Alana smirked, "You don't need to say it, I will, for sure."


"You've been so quiet since we sat here, what's on your mind?" Kiel asked Jolene who was sitting across from him. Jolene was suddenly pulled back from thinking. She looks at Kiel with her anxious eyes, "I want to get stronger. I want to be able to help you." she felt horrible for not having the skill or even the strength to help them fight.

The idea that maybe she is really very weak compared to everyone starts consuming her thoughts. Kiel got up from leaning at the truck after hearing what Jolene says, "Jolene, you are helpful in your own way." he reasoned to her, "You're the one that planned on how can we help Owen escape from the men in the factory. "

Unconvinced, Jolene rolled her eyes, "That's a lame plan."

"But it did work," Kiel answered back. "I'm sorry if what I said earlier made you feel any lesser but seriously, you're not. Listen to this, you were the only one who was given instruction about the tracker. If you decide not to search for it, we wouldn't have found each other. "

Their eyes met in a way where both their hearts skipped a beat. After noticing that, they avoided each other's eyes. "I mean, we wouldn't have found all four of us."

"Yeah, right. That note in the tracker was so vague I thought it's some practical joke."

"Exactly, you basically figured all about the tracker by yourself! How amazing is that?" Kiel kept on going, "So don't think you're useless. Whoever gave the tracker to us had faith in you."

Jolene didn't want to admit it, but his words made her feel better.

She smiled, "You never fail to say the right words, even back when we were kids." "When we were kids? You mean back at the orphanage?" Jolene nodded, "Mm-hmm. When we play, you used to say I cook really well and it's the best meal you have ever tasted. Even if it's not real." Kiel smiled, "You remember our old game, I thought you barely remember the orphanage?"

"Yes, the orphanage, I don't remember. But you, I do. What was that game again?" Kiel's smile grew wider, he doesn't remember much about the things when he was a six-year-old boy in the orphanage. But if he tries to pull up some memories left. It was all with Jolene.

"Is there a name for that game? Playhouse?" they both chuckled, Jolene, snapped her fingers, "Right! You'd be the husband, I'd be the wife, Van would be the child." Jolene says. Kiel's expression turned a little sad when he heard Van's name. "I... I'm sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned him."

"No it's fine, I'd like to look back on the memories with Van. It's just that, I didn't think you'd remember him."

"He was a nice friend, although he was closer to you. You would both spend half an hour arguing about who would be the husband and the baby. You guys don't want to be a baby, is it because the husband role is more manly?" Jolene naively asked.

Kiel knew it was for a different reason, but he just ended up agreeing to what Jolene said.

"I think you'd be a great mom," Kiel commented mindlessly, trying to say anything.

Jolene rolled her eyes while smiling, "Oh yes, I'm the mom in our group."

"Nah, I'd say Alana." Jolene jokingly kicked his foot, he chuckled, "I'm kidding! I'm kidding!"

Time flew by quickly as the four of them spent their time talking to each other about all kinds of stuff. When the night had gone deep, Jolene called Alana and Owen to pull over so they can all sleep at the back of the truck. Owen stopped the car at a place where it looked safe. There were cartons at the truck and they used it as something to sleep on.

The four of them laid there, Alana at the inner part, followed by Jolene, Kiel, and Owen next to the back door of the truck. They all laid there straight, they can barely see each other because it was dark.

"Goodnight everyone." Owen was smiling as he was saying that. He's facing Kiel's direction. "Owen you're too close to me." Kiel annoyingly complained. He and Owen are closer. The same goes for Jolene and Alana. There's a fair distance between him and Jolene. The girls giggled after hearing Kiel's complaints, "Aw Kiel, Owen just wants some cuddles." Alana teased.

"Actually, Alana's right. Come here." Owen says as he wraps himself around Kiel. As expected, Kiel struggled and protested to move away but Owen was incredibly strong, something he just noticed now. The girls continued laughing at the both of them until Kiel finally gave up and let him be.

"Wanna join the cuddles girls?" Owen offered.

"Not a chance"

"Go to sleep!" Alana and Jolene replied, respectively. They both rolled around to face the opposite direction of the boys. "Aw, isn't Jolene and Alana sweet?" Owen whispered to Kiel. Kiel shook him away, but then he just bargained and placed one of his hands on Kiel's waist. Kiel didn't argue anymore. A few more minutes and all of them are deep asleep.

Today was a little too much for all of them. But little did they not know, friendships started to root deep within their hearts in that truck.


The sound of a rooster had been echoing the place but it was unsuccessful to wake the four people sleeping inside a delivery truck. Alana, Jolene, Kiel, and Owen were in a chaotic position during their sleep.

Jolene's head is laying on Owen's chest while her feet are on Alana's stomach. Alana was laying her head on Owen's palm while clasping on his wrist. Her feet are on Kiel's face, who is now sleeping upside down, his feet intertwined with Owen's. Owen's one arm is spread wide, leading up to Alana. The other one is resting on his forehead. That is Owen's position when he finally awoke from the rooster's crow. He scratched his eyes and sat down, assisting Jolene's head softly away from him so she doesn't wake up.

He looked at all of his friends sleeping, he chuckled. Then he decides to go out and see the road they are in. He opened the back door, it was morning and bright. It was again, an empty road. But he saw something nearby that was not visible during the dark night. He placed his hand right on his forehead as shade to the sun to make sure he was seeing correctly.

Meanwhile, when Owen opened the cranky door of the truck, its noise and the sunlight awoke the three. Jolene got up and followed Owen, she sees him looking awestruck.

"Owen? What's the matter?" she didn't get a reply so she checks it out herself. Soon, Kiel and Alana followed outside and the four of them are looking at one particular signage. "I can't believe it..." Owen muttered. Alana, who still has little idea about places outside her village asked, "Can't believe what?"

"The tracker led us to this city!" Owen added. Kiel shrunk his eyes and looked more closely, "Is that a city signage?"

"Yes, exactly!" he looked at the others, "Brace yourself! We are going to the capital city!!" he excitedly announced.

Jolene read the name of the city and whispered, "Oran."