
It has been countless tossing and turning inside the truck. Groans from the three people fighting are echoing inside. Duerre, Kiel, and Alana threw punches and kicks almost as quickly as each other, but only Duerre seemed to be enjoying the whole commotion.

After a while, Duerre yet again, fixed his hair after he has slammed Alana and Kiel on the floor of a moving truck. "I kind of thought you'd be exciting. Come on, I know you're holding up," he said, panting.

Kiel and Alana almost didn't wanna stand back up. The longer their fight goes, the more it feels like a game. They can tell that this man is just playing on them. "Not gonna lie, the first plan was to eliminate you guys here, but things changed. Today is your lucky day." Duerre mockingly added.

Alana stood up, trying to balance herself as the truck gets shaky, "Trust me, you haven't really seen the best of us. Maybe this is your lucky day."

Duerre chuckled, "There's so much cockiness in that tiny body, I see." he said. Although, he can tell that there may be a truth in what she's saying. His attention was diverted when he hears footsteps above the truck. It was loud and clear, he figured it was Forty-six's queue for him. "Oh well, I think playtime's over. I'll see you around." he casually said as he turns around and open the door at the back of the truck. Duerre looked back at the floor when he heard Kiel chuckling, he raised his eyebrows, Kiel saw it, "Are you sure you're leaving? You might regret not killing us now."

"It's such a bore ending you both like this so I will much rather take my chances." Duerre rolled his eyes as he waits for something outside.

Alana ran towards him, taking the chance when he is not looking, ready for another attack, "You're not going anywhere!"

"I said playtime's over!" Duerre turned and aimed his hands on her before she could touch him. The last thing Alana saw is his raging red eyes before she found herself falling into a dark place endlessly. A sudden shriek of fear enveloped her as the ground she is standing from, suddenly disappears. Everything visibly disappeared, she started screaming for help, trying to grab somewhere but she could not see a thing.

'Did Duerre manage to suddenly blind me just now? Did I fall in the truck? But I should have reached the bottom now.' Tons of questions are flooding on Alana's mind, trying to explain what is currently happening to her. But it all seems unexplainable. All she can do is scream for help.

Kiel immediately came to Alana's rescue when she fell on the ground after Duerre aimed his hands onto her. Her hands are waving in the air as if she's trying to grasp something. She was also screaming like her life is in peril. He picked her up, "Alana! What's wrong?" he couldn't quite understand but he is worried. Alana did not seem to notice his presence and is only focused on the ceiling of the truck. Not even blinking. He looks at Duerre and furiously shouted, "What did you do to her?!"

Their faces are getting swept by strong air because Duerre was holding at the door outside of the truck already. The man just devilishly grinned at him, his red eyes struck him as he simply watched him get into another vehicle, moving in the opposite direction as them. He noticed that there is another person at the top of that vehicle that helped Duerre go up. It did not take a long time before the strangers were completely out of their sight.

That was the moment when Alana calmed down, she saw Kiel looking all worried at her, "What happened?" she was catching her breath, still in confusion. Kiel seeing her back to normal made him hug her tight and sigh of relief, he assisted her into sitting up, "I don't know, that guy Duerre just pointed at you and then you started screaming."

Alana sat straight and held her throbbing head, "No, I was somewhere... falling." They both looked at each other, petrified and confused.

Meanwhile, Owen could not hold back and just sit in the driver's seat while his friends are in probable danger. He bit his lips and pulled over when he noticed that there was no longer commotion happening, wondering what happened. He went down and walked to the back of the truck, the door is still open. There he saw Alana and Kiel, sitting closely at each other. By the look on their faces, he can tell that things did not go well.

"I-" Owen wanted to say something, but he doesn't know where to begin.

"Is everyone okay down there?" They all looked up and saw Jolene peeking down from the roof of the truck.

"Jolene!" Kiel got all worried once more, "What are you doing there?" he then remembered the other man who seemed to be with Duerre.

'Did Jolene face him by herself? But these men are much stronger than we all are!'

"I sort of had a little chitchat with someone." she calmly replied with a small smile. "Don't worry I'm fine. Let me get down on this roof for a sec," she said before standing up and going to the front of the car where it's easier to go down.

Soon, the four of them sat down inside the back of the truck, they were all facing each other. "So you mean to tell me these guys basically have the same powers as you?" Owen could not believe their stories after they all shared what had happened. Jolene nodded lightly, "It appears to be."

"I can't believe there's more like us. Can you remember something about the other kids in the orphanage?" Alana asked. Jolene, Kiel, and Owen slowly shook their head while trying to remember, "At first, I thought I could pretty much remember everything. But now, after all that has happened, I can't trust my memory anymore, I don't think I remember much about the other kids, even the place itself." Kiel confessed. The rest of them feels the same.

"But there's more of these guys. Forty-six, that other guy, he managed to make another vehicle come to their rescue."

"Maybe it's just a coincidence?" Owen said.

"No, his eyes were silver when he said it will come, and then it happened! Also, he controlled me. I didn't know we can control people who have the same ability! Maybe there are no limitations on who I can take effect."

"So how come it never worked on me?" Kiel wondered.

"Maybe Jolene is just too weak with her abilities yet that she can't control someone with a similar ability," Alana added.

Jolene folded her arms, "He even taught me something about my ability, he says that it's not 'everything I say happens, it's... making coincidences and manipulating people's free will."

"Maybe, he can control you because he's stronger than you?" Kiel theorized.

Jolene raised her eyebrows and smirked at him, "So you mean I can't control you because you're stronger than me?" Kiel gave her a meaningful look that made Owen and Alana chuckle. "But seriously, they seem a lot stronger than us. Duerre took the both of us down single-handedly." Alana worried.

"And you and Kiel were the best and only fighter among us!" Owen painfully added. "He was also able to do something to me, I saw myself falling and everything around me went dark. My eyes were completely open but there was nothing. Then, Kiel says I just fell off the ground by myself. I can't explain what happened!"

"Sounds like some visual manipulation." Jolene wondered.

This made Owen turn pale, "Hold on, so you're saying that they are stronger with the same powers as us, and more?!"

"Cut it out Owen, stop freaking out." Kiel covered his own ears because he's the closest beside Owen. "Man, who is not gonna freak out with this? Who are they? What do they want from us?" Owen continuously asked. But all he got is silence, as expected. They all just quietly looked at each other. "Right now, we just have to stick together." Kiel firmly said, everyone nodded in agreement, they have to trust each other, that is all they have right now.

Alana filled her lungs with air and then spoke, "So," trying to change the mood inside the truck, "Where to next?"

Owen suddenly remembered as his eyes widened, "My tracker! It's supposed to be our guide!" Owen exclaimed, he had totally forgotten about it until now, he slid his hands through his pockets.

He was relieved when he was able to pull the tracker out of his back pocket, "I can't believe it's still here!"

"Great, let's keep moving." Alana stood up. Owen and Kiel followed, but Jolene did not move. "I'll stay here at the back. Just in case." Kiel sat down beside her, "Then I'll stay here too." he decided.

The three, including Jolene, oddly looked at him, Owen with his meaningful stare.

"What? It's not like Jolene can handle it alone!" he defended to Owen and Alana. Jolene lightly pushed him, "Hey! That's uncalled for!" she protested although he was right. But she feels that they have finally become safe from everything.

Alana nodded, "Alright, then I'll stay with Owen. Watch over him."

Owen playfully pushed Alana, "Hey, that's uncalled for!" he said, mimicking Jolene's voice and actions. Three of them laughed, except Jolene who was pouting but couldn't help but smile.