
"Whose truck is this and where are we going?" Khalil frantically yelled at the old man in between sobs, who is gripping his temple that has been throbbing due to a hangover. A kid screaming and crying beside him is not being helpful at the very least, "I'm sorry... but I have no idea whose vehicle is this, and where is it leading to."

That just made Khalil cry even harder, he has no idea what place is he in now but it seemed to be very far, he could no longer smell the track going to the forest ranger's quarters. Not the scent of the forest. The chances of him finding his friends are almost close to impossible. Added to the fact that he left out of the blue after the rangers have been nice and saved him.

He looks at the man he is with, he's very nonchalant with their situation and even went back to laying down, it aggravated him, "You don't even care if we get lost!"

The man, irked from his grumblings, faced him, "Why would I care? I don't have anyone. And so do you! Didn't you just tell me that you have no parents?"

"Yes, but the people in the quarters have been taking care of me!"

"Since when? Do you think they'd want to do that forever?"

Khalil was taken aback with his words, he tried to defend more, "But what about my friends? I promised that I would find them all! They could be in trouble!"

"You think you'd be of any help to anyone? A wimpy crying kid like you?" the man told him. After saying that, he decided to hold his tongue since that is not something a child should be feeling or thinking about themselves. "I'm really sorry kid, that I have taken you somewhere you're not supposed to be. But we can't change anything now, and blaming me won't change the fact that you are already here and I can't help you go back." he pointed out in a softer tone.

As much as Khalil wants to complain more, the man was right, they sat there quietly for the entire trip. After an hour, the vehicle stopped and they decided to jump out and run away before the driver could even get off. They ran towards a busy marketplace and sat down at the nearest corner. Khalil simply followed the man, he doesn't have anything to do or how to even get started. He's used to following people his whole life.

"What is your plan now?" Khalil faintly asked, looking straight at the man's eye. It only sighed, "Who needs a plan? I just need to survive day by day." he looked back at the child, "And honestly I can't take care of you too. I'm sick, and I can barely manage myself."

"It's alright, I'll take care of myself. Let me just stay close by."

The man looked intently at him and then looked away, "It's your call." then he stood up to venture into the marketplace.

Khalil immediately tailed him, "How's your head? Are you not drunk anymore? My name is Khalil, what's yours?"

The man leaned towards him so their eyes would be on the same level, "Borong. Now that's a unique name, Don't forget that."

The awkward tension between them slowly faded away quickly. As they rummaged for food together, slept on the sidewalk, and helped each other, Borong started telling much more about himself. How he used to be so good in fishing, and that it had been his passion. Also, he wished to attend universities and get educated but he lived in a very poor town, and when he tried to go to the city to reach for his dreams, things did not go well and he basically lost everything, he decided not to go back to his town in fear of shame, he pretended this whole time to his family that he's successful and living his dreams, that he chose to abandon his upbringings.

"But didn't you have any friends here?" Khalil curiously asked.

The old man scoffed, "I used to. But if you look like me, people would not be enthusiastic to befriend you. I had old friends but we separated ways, some even caused as to why I am what I am now."

Khalil did not understand the weight of it all, but he understood the sadness, and the pain in his eyes as he tells these stories. He also confirmed that the man is really sick. He started showing heavy symptoms such as heavy coughing and even blood coming out of his mouth and nose. He would often check on Borong if he was okay but he would always say he was fine. Regardless of how terrible he sounds and looks.

It was only the third day of them being together, Khalil woke up seeing Borong sitting quietly in front of him, he could only see his back but he felt it was unusual because the man was not moving at all. He stood up and held his shoulder, "Borong, are you alright?" he carefully asked.

The old man did not look well, his skin is even paler, his eyes empty, beard slightly stained with old blood. "Khalil, I- I think I would have to go somewhere you can't follow."

Khalil immediately froze, tears building up at the side of his eyes, "What do you mean? Are you dying?"

That is the only time Borong held an expression from his face, he chuckled, "No, I'm sick but I'm not dying, hopefully." he muttered the last word by himself, "I need to go to a hospital, but since I have nothing, I'm going to a different hospital."

Khalil's tears started falling uncontrollably, he wants to stop him because he is so afraid to be alone, and yet, he knew in his mind that Borong has to get treated. "Why can't I come with you?"

"Because it's a prison, there they have a hospital, and even free food and shelter!" Borong tried to be optimistic. "Khalil, I am a man who made all the wrong decisions, and this is one of them, but I have nothing left to lose. You, on the other hand, have to do better." he pinned his eyes to the kid who has been suppressing his tears. This makes Borong want to cry too, but he breathed heavily and decided to get up and leave. He instructed Khalil not to follow him, but the child followed after a few minutes anyway.

The scene Khalil saw was Borong already being held in handcuffs by the police, a crowd gathered around, he could hear whispers about how Borong tried to steal to a jewelry store, and now he is going to prison.

For a split moment, Borong saw Khalil looking at him with teary eyes as he gets escorted in the mobile. He mustered himself and gave him the widest smile and even a thumbs up to Khalil. Trying to show him that everything is going well. While the rest of the crowd looks at him in spite.

The police had taken Borong away, the crowd disappeared, but Khalil stayed there on the sidewalk, he sat there for hours, clinging to his knees. Wondering what would happen to his friend, and what will he do now that he's alone. He has ever been more at loss than now. He wished that they didn't have to be separated.

Then an idea came to his head, what if he would just join him in prison? Life seemed better there, a place to sleep, food, and Borong is there. How bad could it be? He will just have to do what Borong did.

He felt his stomach grumble, the time has rapidly passed and it was the middle of the afternoon. He hadn't eaten for today yet. He decided he'd steal some food. He walked around where the restaurants are common and chose. He saw an unsuspecting couple come out of a bakery, they were nicely dressed, and the owner of the shop seems to adore them very much. They started walking in his direction casually like he wasn't there. Khalil braced himself.

He then, grabbed the bag of bread in the hands of the woman as they passed by him. The couple was startled and immediately became vigilant, but Khalil did not run away after he grabbed the bag of bread, he taunted them, "I stole it from you! Go on and report it to the police."

The woman got curious about this statement, "Well, you look very thin, have you had any food today? You can have the bread."

Khalil got upset with the reaction, "Wait, no. I don't want your bread! I want you to report me to the police and go to prison!"

The couple gave each other a confused look, the man finally spoke up, "Would you like to eat somewhere before going to prison then?" he unsurely asked.

Khalil got even more confused with the question but his stomach has been growling so he agreed. The couple took him to a nearby restaurant and watched him gobble up all his food in one sitting. There the couple asked all about him and his life, so he gave away all the details as long as he could eat, starting from how he managed to escape in an orphanage because the people there wants him dead, then the forest rangers found him and the police concluded it was a child abductor he escaped to. He also mentioned Borong and explained how he got the idea of being in prison.

Just the same way, the young couple introduced that they are philanthropists, he doesn't understand what it is but the man explained that they love helping people. They just came here to visit a particular orphanage, and also to look for a child, but they failed to do so.

"You want to have a child? Why? Children are messy." Khalil told the couple, in which they laughed. "Well, they are the mess that would complete our lives." the woman sighed.

"I can't blame you, children are also fun to play with. I wish I had parents too even though I think they are so strict."

"We aren't strict at all." the man replied, he looked at the woman again for a long time before asking Khalil, "Khalil, how would you like if we just be your parents? Instead of getting into prison, would you want a real home with us?"

"We promise we will take care of you, give you everything you will need. This is what your friend would want." the woman added.

That is the only time Khalil stopped stuffing his mouth. He looked at the people in front of him,they look well-off and kind. Borong even told him going to prison is a bad decision, that he has to be better.

'If I won't be alone anymore, I guess I don't have to keep following Borong.'

Khalil nodded, "Okay, I will come with you."

The couple was delighted to hear his decision. They let him finish his meal and then rode into their car to go home. While in the car, Khalil was quiet and observing the view outside. The couple was sitting beside him as someone drives for them.

"From now on, you can call us Mom and Dad." The woman told Khalil as she caresses his hair. The kid simply nodded and smiled.

"Would it be okay if we change some of your identification such as your name? Let's say, Cal?"

Both his wife and Khalil gave him an awful look.

"Or Avery!" the woman suggested.

"I think Avery is better." Khalil seconded. They laughed together.

After what seemed forever, they reached a city that has a massive arc called Oran. The city is more alive, it's nighttime and the lights and people are very much alive. "This is the capital city, this is where you'll live." his mom whispered. He felt thrilled at seeing all the beautiful sights.

They finally reached their place. Khalil stepped out of the car and was overwhelmed with what seemed like a palace in front of him. The manor is made out of glass, ceramics, and marble everywhere. It has a very wide space where several maids and staff walk by. A big middle-aged woman came to them smiling, "Welcome back home Master and Mistress. Do you need me to prepare the food?"

"Thank you but we have already eaten. Rebecca, this is Avery, please escort him to the young master's room." His dad ordered and then he looks at him, "I'll see you tomorrow, Avery." he gave him a kiss on the forehead, as well as his mom before they left.

"Follow me, young master." the woman who was earlier called Rebecca, told him. He is still trying to puzzle out everything that is happening but he followed through. They climbed the extravagant staircase where a little girl had been waiting on top. She looks just the same age as him.

"Hi! I'm Lucia, what's your name?" the girl cheerfully greet him as soon as he climbed up the staircase.

"Lucia, do not speak so informally to the young master," Rebecca warned.

"It's alright." he retorted. Then he looked back at the little girl, "Hi, I'm K... Avery."