
"Do you think it'll be harder to attend the university for the second year?" Khalil, now known as Avery, casually asked Lucia as they lie in the grass in the wide garden outside the manor one afternoon. The space is wide enough for them to enjoy the entire view by themselves, not seeing anyone else, despite the staff's daily busy routine. Or it could also be because the staff chose not to disturb them because he would always seem annoyed when it happens.

Lucia thought for a moment, not breaking her stare in the skies, "I don't know Avery, I've only had mama to teach me ever since, and I don't think I will ever get into a university like you. But I heard you are a bit younger than the rest so it might get difficult."

Avery scoffed, "I'm younger than them because I'm advanced in my learning abilities, for sure I can do it." he countered.

Lucia teasingly smiled and looked at him, "You're just saying that now, don't come home crying here next week!" then she stuck out her tongue and ran away. Avery immediately ran to chase after her.

Years immediately flew by, Avery and Lucia had grown up together and became close friends. No one else had similar age to them in the manor, so they were the only ones who would play up until now.

Life had been very fortunate to Avery for the last twelve years, he had learned how to act like an upper-class child, attending formal gatherings and being introduced as the son of one of the wealthiest couples in Oran. He was trained how to act and speak like a noble. The fact that he is also recognized as gifted and fast-learner made the entire process easy and he fit right in the role he should play. In the corridor, right in front of the grand staircase of the manor, hangs a huge family portrait of Avery and his parents. They are the perfect family, judging by that portrait. He only wishes it would have been the same as it is in reality.

Although his parents are nice and caring humanitarians, they missed the role of being parents to Avery oftentimes. They would always be out of the manor, either doing work or helping charities. They believe that as long as they are providing Avery everything he needs or wants, that would make the boy happy. Avery got everything he wanted, all things went as he liked. But that isn't enough.

Fortunately, he found a loving mother in Rebecca, the head of the maids, and the one in charge of maintaining the manor and keeping all the staff in line. She is also Lucia's mother. Although she made sure to maintain honorifics, calling him young master, Avery grew up being mothered by Rebecca, more than his mother ever did. He never understood a lot of things before, but as he grew up, he started to learn more about his parents and their relationship.

Although they looked good and perfect together, his parents weren't married because they are in love with each other. The marriage was out of convenience from two wealthy families. Just like him, they were raised to be perfect-mannered and to always oblige to what society expects them to be, as eyes are all around each step they do. They were both kind and undeniably cares for one another. They were engaged at a young age and married soon after. They had accepted that as it is how it should be. However, they had their imperfections. For the longest time, they had been ridiculed and pressured into having a child, but they were both unable to. They kept it a secret and maintained a low profile about their personal life, until one day, they introduced their six-year-old son, Avery. Through their influence, they managed to officially make him their child, erasing his possible background, and polishing his new identity, if there were any rumors, they made sure to eradicate them before it gets big.

A few years ago, Avery started smelling another woman in his father's clothes. The scent was regularly strong, stuck to his father's. His mother's scent never did that. The same thing eventually her mother, there's another man every time she comes back home. They would sometimes have dinner together, and Avery can see no hostility between them. That is when he realized that they knew, both of them had fallen in love with another person, and this family is now nothing but a show. Shortly, his father ended up rarely coming home, and his mother goes home very late at night if she isn't out-of-town for another "charity work".

Most of the days, it's just him, Rebecca, and Lucia. Just like today.

He and Lucia ran back inside the manor after having fun in the garden. There, he saw Rebecca shaking a plain-looking box, curiously checking it.

"What are you holding, Rebecca?" he asked, completely forgetting that he's chasing Lucia.

"Young master, I saw this box right outside our gates after someone rang. It has a label here," she showed the word written on top of the box, it writes 'Khalil'

Avery was visibly shocked. It had been a long time since he heard his name, no one knows who he is so he wonders who might have sent this.

Rebecca kept talking, "I think Khalil is a name, but no one lives by that name here. Maybe I should throw it away or give it to the security."

"No, I can have it, I know Khalil," he said. Rebecca wanted to question but chose not to, she gave the box to Avery.

He scanned the box as soon as it is handed to him, there is literally no sign about what it is and to who it is from. Suddenly, Lucia jumped behind his back, "Hey! What is that Avery?"

Rebecca shushed her, "Lucia, I told you to call him young master inside the manor, the staff might hear you." Lucia bit her lips apologetically. "Oops, sorry mama." she then immediately diverted back to Avery and spoke in a low voice, "Well, young master, let's open that outside!"

Avery lets himself get swooped in by Lucia outside, he is so occupied by the box and as to how his real name is attached to it.

They sat down near the fountain, "Open it, is that for you?" Lucia excitedly says.

Avery pursed his lips before looking at her, "Khalil, that is my real name. But you can't tell that to anyone, not even Rebecca." Lucia intently nodded her head.

They then opened the box, it revealed what seemed like a locket. They both felt puzzled, there was no other note given to it. It is just a simple locket.

"A locket? It doesn't even look nice to wear." Avery spoke.

"The pendant looks too circular and big, maybe it's from your real parents?" She guessed. Only Lucia, Rebecca, and the staff from twelve years ago know his real upbringings. But they are vowed to loyalty to the family so they can be trusted not to utter a word about it.

Avery shrugged because he has no idea as to who might have sent this, but it certainly knew something about his past. He decided to stand up and brush it off, "Well, since there's no information about it, maybe someone will come and explain it to me." He smiled, "Right now, I'm more excited about attending university next week."

Lucia stood as well and proudly gave him a tap on the shoulders, "You will do great! Wait, what are you studying again?"

"Medicine, silly." he simply answered. He has a heart for helping other people too just like his parents. And offering medical care is how he wants to do it.

So that no one else would ever choose what Borong had to.

"That sounds really amazing, so does that mean I can go to you when I'm not feeling well?"

"I'd always want you to go to me whatever the reason is," he muttered while chuckling.

Both of them turned red, looking at each other after Avery said it. Then they simultaneously looked away, "That's... great to hear." she simply replied. "I think I should look for mama now, she told me to help with something."

"Yeah, you do that. I think I need to go back to my room for a while too, prepare for something." he mindlessly added. They separated ways without giving another look to each other.

Evening came and Avery and his parents sat together for dinner. They casually ate their meal in silence until his father spoke out, "How are you preparing for the university next week, Avery?"

"It's all going well. I'm excited to start." he happily reported. He turned his gaze to his father but it did not break its focus to his meal.

"We are going to attend a formal event for the weekend, I want you to be ready." his mom joined the conversation, "Also, I only came here shortly to get some documents because I need to focus on my upcoming charity program, don't wait for me," she said as she smiled at stood in the table after finishing her meal. His father cleared his throat, "Funny, I need to spend a night in one of the locations for the company's project. Have a good night, Avery." they both gave him a peck in the forehead before leaving.

Avery sat there alone and finished his meal quietly. At the very least, that is what he wants to, but he had grown uninterested in his sumptuous meal.

"The master and mistress have just left, do you want me to join you?"

Avery didn't notice Lucia walk near him and softly spoke, he couldn't help but feel flustered again, "Of course." he replied. Lucia cleaned up the other dishes first before she sat down across him to eat, "Don't be gloomy, you know your parents are always busy."

"I know, I'm used to it," Avery says uninterestingly. But it's not that he is sad that they are busy. He suspects they are not going out for some kind of business, but onto their lovers.

They soon invited Rebecca to eat with them, and they talked and laugh finishing their meal. He soon forgot the sadness he was feeling earlier because of them, just like what regularly happens.

At night in his bed, Avery held the locket once again. He then activated his ability to know more. His eyes gleamed purple and suddenly, several scents flooded the big empty room. He focused on the scent of the locket in his hand.

Except for heightened scent, his ability goes even further when it comes from odors and aromas. He gets a vision of the memories intact to the scent. Like its last holder, or where it came from.

There, he saw it. the person holding the locket, before it was even placed in a box.

He couldn't get much information as the person has their whole body covered, especially the face. He couldn't figure out its gender, age, or anything particular.

It's almost as if, he's prepared and well-aware of Avery's abilities.