Chapter 1: Trapped


Yang Tian was a God of Lust, that was his law!

Even now that he had lived quite a few thousand years of time being a God, he still was unable to understand how he had reached this stage.

He had turned from a good-for-nothing, scourge, and waste of his Clan, to the magnificent and shiny star called the God of Lust.

He had turned from a total waste that would have to pay in order to have fun, to the God with a harem of Goddesses and unrivaled beauties.

Life, fate, heavens are unpredictable sometimes, they make someone jump from the deepest pit of Hell, to the highest peak of Heaven.

Even to Yang Tian himself, his all journey seemed like a dream or some illusion that he was living through and that it might actually end one day.

Still, he made sure to live through every moment and to try his best however he could, as his goal was to have in his harem all 5 unrivaled beauties of the Origin World.

As a God of Lust, his goal was quite comprehensible to himself, but it was anything but that to the other Gods of Origin World.

The fact that he had in his harem, 3 out of 5 of them was already a blasphemy that they couldn't accept, yet he wished to have them all.

There were Gods that would want to eat him alive every time that they saw him, without caring about face or pretense.

But even then, they didn't dare to!

Not only was he one of the strongest and most mysterious Gods of the Origin World, but he also had quite the connections through Origin World.

The wine he brews was the elixir of the Heavens, that was what it was called as everyone would pay large amounts to only drink a cup, and not to mention more.

His 'Palace of Beauty' was protected by the best Formation in the Origin World, as he himself had attainments comparable to the Formation God of Origin World.

The number of lives he had saved as a miracles doctor, and the number of people he had helped reach higher levels with his pills as an Alchemist was beyond one's imagination.

But the brighter he shinned, and the higher he climbed, the more hate and jealousy he accumulated, and the greater his enemies' numbers became.

The hate and jealousy reached their peak when he officially declared his pursuit of the 4th unrivaled beauty, and she didn't refuse him.

Normally beauties and Goddesses like her wouldn't accept to be part of a Harem, they would want to be the only one.

But no one knew how this God of Lust was able to make these unrivaled women not only fall in love with him but even accept being part of a harem.

These Goddesses many suitors couldn't accept such an outcome, and even more when each and every one of them was an esteemed God himself.

It was Yang Tian's bad luck, or perhaps his bad karma that they got together, and finally managed to trap him.

He woke up that morning with a terrible headache, and he could feel like even his Soul had been damaged.

It was such a long time since he last felt his head in pain, as normally a God wouldn't feel such trifle pains, they were immune to them.

Wouldn't be a joke if a God actually suffered from a normal cold, or from a normal headache? Furthermore, he was a miracle doctor and alchemist.

But that morning he had a headache, so it wasn't difficult to understand that something was wrong with him.


Before he could even gather himself, and look around, he felt the formation around his room dissipate and then the door destroyed by a kick, as many Gods swarmed inside.

More than half of them were his enemies, Gods that envied and hated him to the bones so it wasn't much of a surprise for him to see them crash his place.

But he got the shock of his life when he saw the Goddess by his side and heard what they said,

"How dare you Lust God rape her Highness the Flame-Ice Goddess!"

"How dare you lowlife do such a despicable deed!"

"You finally showed your true colors!"

He was pissed off at their words, their thoughts, and their accusations. These worms that would usually change their path the moment they saw him, were being so pretentious in front of him.

It seemed like the Universe had started revolving in the opposite direction, or they had suddenly eaten someone else's balls and guts to mess with him.

If it weren't for the fact that he was in extreme shock at that moment, then he would have started killing left and right, slaughtering them like the pigs that they were.

Even though he was the Lust God, he was by no means a weak God, in fact, he was one of the strongest 10 Gods of the Origin World.

But at that moment the shock was just too great for him, as he was looking at the face of the Goddess by his side.

How come it was her!?

Even though she had changed and become much more beautiful than he ever thought she would, he could still recognize her.

She had been the changing point of his life, she had been his greatest sorrow and regret, she had been the greatest demon of his heart.

He had thought that he had managed to surpass that demon but apparently, he hadn't, as the moment that he saw her face, he felt his whole being become chaotic.

He couldn't help but extend a trembling hand towards her face, to try and see if it was real, as he couldn't believe his eyes at that moment.

"Boom, Boooommmm, Booommm…"

Countless attacks came running upon him as he extended his hand towards her face, but he didn't care about them.

He didn't even deign them with a look, as he was completely focused on the beauty in front of him. As he still wasn't able to believe this moment.

The moment his trembling hand was able to make contact with her rosy cheek and find out that this was the real deal, he couldn't help but get even more excited.

It was truly her!

This wasn't some illusion or nightmare, it was truly her!

He couldn't help but think that Heavens had truly bestowed their greatest luck upon him. But the moment her trembling eyes opened the whole situation reversed.

Just like a frightened chicken, she created some distance between them and screamed just like the first time he remembered her,

"Help! My life is over! Help!"

That scream startled him, as he would have never expected it. Not to mention that at that moment he was in contemplation of whether she was real or not.

So, her scream awakened him from his stupor with a startle, only to throw him once again into another stupor.

How come something like this was happening!?

How come she was here, and alive!?

How come she was screaming like that once again after so many eons!?

He didn't quite understand what was going on, as everything was happening just too fast. This whole situation was just like a puzzle for him at the moment.

Just as he was trying to make sense of all this, something strange happened, and he could feel his defense blown away.

This should have been impossible, only someone on par with the 10 OverGods was able to make something like that happen.

His defensive formation was many times better than even Formations God's defensive formation. So how was something like this possible?

Even though he was unable to make sense of this situation until now, this was enough for him to instantly understand what had just happened.

He had been trapped!

As simple as that.

His enemy clearly knew him really well, as not only had organized something like this but had also brought her into this mess.

He couldn't believe how stupid he had been, thinking that the Universe was his when he didn't even know that he had been nothing more than a toy.

A self-mocking smile appeared on his face, even though his defense had been blown away, and his divinity was being stripped off him, with numerous Gods trying to completely erase him.

Even in his last moments of his existence, he was able to smile like that, as he saw the face of the Goddess that had managed to trap him.

It was his own fault for participating in this 'Hongmen Feast', and it was his own fault for getting over himself and forgetting that Origin World was nowhere as nice as it seemed.

It was only at that last moment that he had been able to get enlightened on this whole ordeal that had just happened to him, even though he was taking that truth with him to nothingness.

He couldn't quite complain, as he had been able to live quite the beautiful and fulfilling life, with those beauties by his side, and it was his own stupidity that brought him to this end.

If he had another chance perhaps he would rectify his mistakes, and live his life differently, but that was practically impossible.

Among the attacks coming towards him this time, he could feel the attack of the person that had plotted and trapped him in that situation.

He couldn't help but mock himself when he found out who it was, as that erasing attack was coming closer and closer to him, and finally crashing onto his body.

And even someone like him couldn't help but scream in pain, as he perished…