Chapter 2: 7-Dimensional Crystal & Awakening

Or so he thought!

But the moment that everyone thought that they had dealt with him and that he could never escape his fate, his ordinary blue crystal ornament on his neck started shining like a rainbow.

The Gods in there couldn't believe their eyes it was just impossible. They had only heard about things like this in legends and had only seen some vague mentions in some old books.

They had never thought that they would ever witness something like this, they had never thought that they would be able to see something like this with their own eyes.


As most of the Gods and other Immortals in there were still completely taken in by that rainbow light, and the show in front of them, an anxious and panicking male voice was heard all over the Origin World.

But there was nothing he could do, and there was nothing others could do either, as the no.1 Divine Artifact had been activated, and there was no way it would be stopped.

The 7-dimensional Crystal was a unique Universe Divine Artifact, there was only one in the whole Universe. A Divine Artifact that no one knew how it came to be, or when it came to be.

Records of it were found only on the oldest recordings, and books. There were only a few people who were able to recognize it, and no one knew what its value and function were.

Even Yang Tian, the owner himself didn't truly understand what use that 7-Dimensional Crystal had, as it had never reacted no matter what he tried.

He knew there was a connection between them, he could feel that he was the owner of that thing, but he had no idea what it truly was, or what it could do.

This was the first time that this thing was reacting, and it activated. He didn't know what it was, but he knew that it was in his favor, so he just let it happen.

The next moment everything around him turned dark, completely dark. There was nothing besides him, he couldn't feel anything besides his body.

He was just floating there, without any idea of direction, time, or position when suddenly the darkness was broken, and he felt himself like he was in a speeding train.

Images of his life were passing in front of him at an amazing speed, without stopping in a reducing order, as he could feel that even his body was being affected by that trip.

He was getting younger and younger, his cultivation was falling and falling, his body was getting weaker and weaker, as he felt like he was watching the movie of his life in reverse.

He had no idea how much time he had spent inside that space, and inside that high speeding reverse cinema, but the speed was slowly dropping and he could feel like he was going to stop soon.

And it sure did! Everything came to a sudden stop and once again he was fully embraced by that pitch-black darkness of the beginning.

He didn't know what was going on, but he felt like there was someone by his side who was asking him to wake up.

Asking him to not give up on his fight against death, and fight to wake up. There were people waiting for him outside, people who didn't want him to die.

At first, that voice came as unknown, as if he had never heard it before, but the next moment he was filled with so many feelings, and emotions that he could feel even his soul-shaking and trembling.

How long it had been since he had last heard this voice. A voice that was able to make even his soul tremble, the voice of his Grandfather.

Not long after, he heard a different voice, a different sound that made him tremble profusely once again, and even more so this time, his Grandmother.

As his parents had died when he was only a little kid, he had been grown and brought up by his grandparents.

The two of them had tried their best to grow him up into a good and responsible man, but he had never heard them.

Still, even though he never changed, and continued to be the waste, and good-for-nothing that the whole Henan Prefecture knew him to be, his grandparents never threw him away.

He destroyed their reputation, their honor, their wealth, their health, and yet they never left him alone, as they were always by his side.

He was able to understand their value, and importance to him only when they finally lost their lives due to his stupidity.

Even in their last moments, in their last breath, they still didn't throw him away as they still tried to console him, and give him heart.

He had felt so ashamed of himself, and so enraged with himself that he swore to Earth, Heaven, and whatever God was out there.

If he had another chance in another life to be their grandchild he would treat them with the same fervor and with the same feelings that they had treated him.

Even if he would have to live a life of constant torture, and constant pain, he would make sure to let them live like they deserved.

Right now, he could hear their voices breaking through that darkness, and once again help him, lead him towards light, and life.

He felt that he had to answer to those voices, even if he had to completely perish after that, he had to answer to those voices, so he screamed to himself,

"You lowlife! You piece of dirty scum! If you don't open your eyes, then you are even less than a lowlife!

Open those fu*cking eyes!"

With those thoughts, and with those screams inside himself, he felt like something happened to him, as suddenly light hit him from every side, and he was unable to stay in that darkness anymore.

It took him a while, and a lot of will in order to adapt to that light, and finally try to open his eyes once again, as this time there was neither light nor darkness around him.

This time he was lying in a bed, in a big and well-lighted room that reeked of medicine and hospital equipment.

By his side, there were an old man and an old woman. Both of them looked like they were with a foot on the grave, but still, their eyes were extremely sharp, and their bodies released a natural pressure.

The moment they saw his eyes tremble they both jumped from emotion, as the old woman started asking him panicky and erratically,

"Tian'er, Tian'er can you hear me!?

How are you!?

Can you hear granny Tian'er!?

Please tell me that you are okay!"

The old man seemed to be a bit more collected, and have better control over his emotions than her, but the teardrops on his eyes betrayed his countenance.

Yang Tian felt that this was some kind of dream, some kind of illusion. Just how many times had he prayed, hoped, and wished to return to this time once again, even though he knew it was impossible.

How many times would he have given everything he had just to have even a small hope of returning once again to this moment, and truly appreciate his grandparents, to be filial towards them.

He had read so many books, so many ancient records, and so many rumors, and yet there was no hope of something like that happening.

Yet, here he was now, bedridden on a hospital bed, fully covered in cast, and tubes, with his body paining all over as if to remind him that this wasn't a dream or illusion.

It was Real!

His life's biggest wish had finally been realized, and he had turned back to the past. He had finally turned back to the past where his grandparents were alive.

Realizing this, even the million years old God of Lust, the genius of the Origin World himself was unable to control his feelings and his emotions, as teardrops appeared on his eyes, and turned wet.

Seeing his eyes wet for the first time in their lives, the two old people by his side were truly shocked and startled.

They couldn't help but feel that something was wrong, as his grandmother started panicking once again, as she asked like a broken tape,

"What's wrong Tian'er!?

Tell granny where does it pain!?

What's wrong Tian'er!?

Tell granny where does it pain!?"

At that moment, Yang Tian wanted to scream at the top of his lungs, ask forgiveness, and express the feelings that were flooding inside his chest, but he couldn't.

The pain of every part of his body, and the numbness from all those medicaments made him unable to even open his mouth a little bit, as he could only say in a trembling mosquito voice,

"I am sorry!

I swear, I will change from now on!



Hearing those words, Yang Tie and Su Mei felt like their bodies were struck by lightning. They couldn't believe this was real!

Their waste, and good-for-nothing grandson that would never apologize, and would never even call them as Grandfather, and Grandmother, was doing it at that moment.

At that moment, they would rather believe that Earth was flat, or was turning on reverse, or that the sun had risen from the West.

It was like a dream come true to them, like the illusion that they wanted to see the deepest down their selves.

They didn't even dare to pinch their selves afraid that they might awake from this dream, but at that moment the door to the room opened and awoke them from their stupor.

The dream was over…