Chapter 4: Spilling the beans & Decision

"I know this may sound like a fantasy novel story, but this is all true and it won't change even if you believe it or not, but I would like you to believe me!"

With those words said, Yang Tian started to tell them about his past life, certainly, he didn't say everything as it would take months and years to tell them everything, but he said the most important bits.

It truly was like a fantasy novel story, after all, the two of them had died, he had been through a lot of shit, and suffering, but he managed to surpass all that, reform himself, and become the God of Lust.

While the result of his Godhood was a bit thorny, it was still something that would blow anyone's mind.

Every normal person in that situation would think that Yang Tian had problems with his head and that he had probably lost his mind.

Yet the two old people didn't have the heart to think like that. In fact, they wanted to believe him, and they were believing whatever he said at that moment.

Even when Yang Tian finally stopped his story they were showing signs of surprise, shock, and startle, but there was no sign of disbelieving in their faces or expressions.

In fact, they looked a bit overwhelmed as they heard him share that story with them, and his Grandfather couldn't help but ask,

"Tian'er why are you confiding us with such a story!"

On the other side, Yang Tian looked at them with puppy eyes, and said with a strong, and serious tone,

"Because you are my family, and the two people I owe the most in my life! In my, Yang Tian's life there has never been, and will never be someone I owe, respect and love so much.

I told you everything because I trust you, and wanted to tell you that I am no longer that stupid kid anymore.

I will take care of you two Grandfather, Grandmother!

I will make sure that you two live a good, and long life as you take care of your grandchildren!

From this moment on, you won't have to worry anymore, and you can leave everything in my hands!"

There was pressure and real commitment in his words. Those words were so heavy that they sounded like a promise, like an oath, and he truly meant them.

The two old people by his side were completely shocked by those words. The truth was that they had already lost all hope in their grandchild to reform and change his ways.

They had already accepted the fact that he would always stay a good-for-nothing, and waste, so they held no hopes for the future.

But now that they heard those words, it was the same as those already put off hopes, dreams, and desires had been set ablaze once again.

They couldn't help but feel extremely happy like they had just returned to their 20-ies and the world was theirs.

Nothing else mattered at that moment. They would accept those words even if Yang Tian was saying them because he had gone crazy.

But he didn't look like someone who had gone crazy at that moment. The old couple had seen their fair share of crazy people in their time, so they could tell by their experience.

Not to mention that they both had a feeling that Yang Tian was telling the truth. They didn't care whether it was their personal feelings, and expectations involved in that or not.

At that moment they had decided to believe in their grandson. They had already thought he was going to stay a waste, and good-for-nothing for the rest of his life, so actually this was better.

Even if he had gone crazy, it was better than what he was before. As long as he didn't harm innocent people they would be supporting him as much as they could.

Even though their decisions and their thoughts were resolute, their expressions and faces weren't much so, as Su Mei couldn't hold her hot tears, while Yang Tie was shaking and trembling.

This was probably their most emotional moment after their son's and daughter-in-law's death so many years ago.

They still hadn't been able to find who did, or why, but until now they had lost any hope of revenge by looking after their waste of a grandchild.

At that moment, they had a wish to ask about that matter, but they were both old foxes and knew perfectly that Yang Tian had purposefully avoided this matter.

Thinking like that, it was an even bigger fact to prove that Yang Tian truly hadn't gone crazy, as he was being appreciative and considerate of them.

Their grandson had truly changed his ways and mended himself. Their hearts pained even more as they saw him there on the hospital bed, with bandages and tubes all over his body.

But this was a joyous occasion, so they couldn't allow the gloominess of their location, and situation to poison their moment, as the old man finally let a teardrop fall off his eyes, as he said,

"Gods have truly not forsaken my Yang family. This is the best day of this old sack of bones!"

Unintentionally, and with the sudden and enormous emotions he felt he forgot to lower his voice, as Yang Tian had to immediately signal him to lower his voice, and then said,

"Grandfather, please lower your voice! Is too sudden, and too dangerous for people to know about my change! Furthermore, I would like to keep a low profile!"

Yang Tie was like a child caught doing something bad as he immediately started apologizing with a low voice,

"Sorry, Tian'er, grandfather is really sorry! It's just that this is grandfather's happiest day!

You are right we should try to hide your change as much as possible. Only when you are ready and have enough strength to support yourself, can you showcase yourself!

Now tell grandfather, how can I help you!?"

His grandmother was too emotional to speak at that moment, but there was an expression on her face that told him that she thought the same as her old man.

Yang Tie wasn't calm as well, after all, he would have never thought that his grandparents would believe his words so easily, and he didn't even need to convince them.

That just made him value this old couple even more in his heart, and feel like at that moment he had made the best decision of his second life, but still, he managed to keep his cool, as he said,


I told you all this because I don't want you to do anything that can put you in danger! I will take care of everything from now on, you can only watch from the side!"

His words startled the old couple, but there was no way they were going to allow something like that to happen, as this time it was his grandmother that spoke to him,

"Tian'er, child, you can't expect to tell us all that, and then not let us help you in your journey.

Certainly, in the future, you may become an Immortal or a God, and I don't doubt that, but to us, you will always be our grandchild.

So, we can't just stay by the side and watch you fight alone. If something were to happen to you we would never forgive ourselves.

So, tell us, how can we help you!"

It was only at that point that Yang Tian was able to remember one important point, or it would be more exact to say, a slipping point of his plan.

His grandparents were both stubborn old people that would listen for no reason, and wouldn't care about any danger when the topic was about him, so he was already fighting a lost war.

If he didn't want these two old people to do more dangerous things behind his back, then he needed to activate them in front of his eyes.

It was the same as keeping an eye on small kids as they played in the sand, once he lost sight of them, they would run to play dangerous games.

With those thoughts in mind, he looked at the two of them, clearly giving up from his initial thoughts, as he said,

"Well then, I won't be polite with you!

I will give you both a Cultivation Art that you can practice together. Since I was the God of Lust almost all good cultivation arts that I have are related to dual cultivation, so I am a bit sorry about this.

But the Cultivation Art that I will hand over to you two can be practiced in a couple, and the deeper your relationship becomes, then the higher you will reach.

This cultivation art is called, Two in One Soul!"

Saying all that he felt like his face was on fire at that moment, even though he had been a God for more than a million years, saying stuff like this in front of his grandparents was still embarrassing.

The old couple seemed to be in a weird and complicated state as well, but they didn't have time to talk about it, as they felt something enter their heads and their minds.

There were poses, mnemonics, and a lot of extra information that directly entered their knowledge sea, and they were able to remember everything.

The moment they saw that Cultivation Art even two old people like them, with a lot of years of experience were in a difficult and embarrassing position.

But knowing this was their grandchild's goodwill, and also something that would help them surpass the limits of mortality, they decided to brush it aside, and wait for more instructions.

Yang Tian was able to read the mood perfectly, as he continued…