Chapter 5: Handing missions

"Grandfather, I need you to start selecting children, and youth from the streets, and orphanages and start training and educating them.

When you feel that they are ready, and totally loyal to us and our family, start promoting them towards me, I will take care of giving them Martial Arts, and martial techniques.

Just don't forget, what we are looking for is their loyalty, trust, and character, not their aptitude. As long as they have the first qualities, I can take care of the rest!"

Yang Tie was a bit surprised by his grandchild's request, as he knew that no matter what intention his grandchild had, what he was trying to do would cause infringement, and conflict.

The people at the top were already used to their position and had no intention of giving it away, as they would do everything they could to protect their selves.

That included even cutting the green grass before growing up, and certainly, his grandchild would enter that category.

He would be able to protect him in this Henan Province but after that, his grandson would have to walk on a path of thorns, and blood.

Considering the story, they had just heard, it was natural to believe that his grandson was used to it, but that story was too sudden, and he still wasn't able to fully believe it.

In fact, the more time passed, the more he thought that perhaps what he heard was just the story of a crazy person.

But he couldn't believe himself to believe that his grandson had gone crazy. Furthermore, that Cultivation Art that he had already passed to himself and his old wife was still fresh in their memories.

Still, even at that point, he couldn't help but say,

"Tian'er are you sure about this!?"

Yang Tian could understand his grandfather's thoughts and opinions, as it wasn't easy to believe a story like his that easily.

In fact, he was already surprised that they had truly believed him and weren't thinking that he had truly gone crazy.

So, he could only stop his high horses, and say with a low voice,

"I am sorry grandfather, I know it must be difficult for you to stand against the country! I was thoughtless for a moment. If you want, we can treat it as I never asked something like this from you."

Those words clearly surprised Yang Tie, as he could feel that his grandson was truly considering his feelings, and not worrying about himself.

This damned brat, who did he think he was talking to? Was he that kind of emotional, and weak man?

He had been for enough time on the battlefield to understand that the country he was living in was just an idea.

Or it would be more accurate to say that it was just a group of people with the same interests, trying to work for their benefits while pulling the working force behind themselves.

Certainly, there were a few people that truly cared about the country amidst them, but they were only a few, and even they understood that they were fighting a lost war.

As long as someone had enough power, not only in this country but in the whole planet, they would be able to change the rules and make everyone else play by the tune that they wanted.

So, while he cared about his birth country, it wasn't at the point of stupidity. Furthermore, as long as his grandson was able to get at the top, he knew that this country wouldn't fall easily.

As a matter of fact, he had a feeling that this place was going to change for the better. What he cared about, and what mattered to him though was his grandson.

But, this brat didn't seem to worry much about himself, instead, he was worried about him. Everything had happened so fast, that Yang Tie wasn't able to understand his position anymore.

As if that wasn't enough, Su Mei seemed to be completely taken in by her grandson's new attitude, as she said with a scuffing tone,

"Old thing, you dare to make our grandson think of you, instead of you thinking about him! You surely have grown senile in old age!"

Yang Tie couldn't help but look at his old wife with a baffled expression, how it was possible that he was the culprit all of a sudden when he was only thinking about that brat of a grandson.

He couldn't allow that to continue further, as he said with the voice of an old man being wronged,

"You misunderstood me Tian'er, it's not that grandfather has many emotional ties with this country and its people.

It's just that grandfather thinks of you! Will you be able to face everything that will be coming your way?"

In fact, Su Mei was also a bit worried about this. She was more or less in the same position that her old husband was, but she didn't want to show that on her face, in fear that she may affect her grandson.

So, hearing her husband's words, and questions, she showed an angry face towards him, but at the same time opened her ears to the limit.

Seeing their interaction, Yang Tian couldn't help but reveal a smile on his damaged face, as he then continued with a warm voice,

"Grandmother, stop looking at grandfather with that look in your eyes, otherwise you are going to make him suffer a heart attack!"


Hearing his words, his grandmother just harrumphed coldly, while his grandfather couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed that he had been discovered.

The truth was that even the king of the jungle, the lion himself, would always suffer a loss against his queen, and Yang Tie wasn't an exception to the rule.

After a short laugh, Yang Tian's face turned serious almost immediately as he turned to his grandfather and said,

"Grandfather, Grandmother, I know what I said is no more than a story to you too. I already feel extremely grateful to you two for not thinking I am a mental person!

But, whether you fully believe it or not, I swear upon my soul…"

"Tian'er!" x2

Hearing him swear like that the two old people immediately wanted to jump forward and say something, but Yang Tian stopped them on their tracks and continued,

"I swear upon my soul that everything I said is 100% true! But, I have no way of proving it immediately, I can only prove it to you slowly with the pass of time!

The most basic need I can ask of you two is time, and trust!

As long as you give me your time, trust, and support, I swear upon my everything that I not only will prove my story, but also show you a world you have never seen before!

What do you say, Grandfather, Grandmother!?"

The two old people couldn't help but get emotional once again, as they saw at the serious expression of their grandson as he made his oath upon his soul.

It was clear that he had changed a lot, the previous waste, and good-for-nothing grandson they had, had clearly disappeared and had been replaced by this new one.

Even if that story that they heard wasn't true, as long as he remained like this they would most certainly support him with everything they had.

Thinking up to here, the two old people looked each other on the eye as if knowing what the other was thinking, and then said almost at the same time,

"Don't worry Tian'er Grandfather, and Grandmother believe in you, and will support you with everything we can!" x2

It was amazing how could they have such a synchronization, as every word, and even their intonation was the same.

That made Yang Tian feel that he had made a great decision to impart them the Cultivation Arts that he had imparted to them. Their advance would surely be steady fast, and increasingly deep.

But as Yang Tian was thinking like that, he was awakened from his stupor hearing Su Mei say,

"Tian'er you already gave that old man something to help you about. What about Grandmother!? How can I help you with your plans!?"

Hearing that, Yang Tian couldn't help but have a new red hue over his face. It wasn't that he didn't know what to ask from her, as in fact, he had decided on it long ago.

It was just that the subject of the matter was a bit difficult to approach. But, at that moment his courage as a million plus years old living God kicked in, as he said,

"Well Grandmother, you know that in the story I told you I was the God of Lust! And my Yin-Yang Harmony Art is the best and most powerful art in my possession!"

His Grandmother, Su Mei, was an old and experienced woman, there was no way she didn't understand where he was going with those words, but still, she pretended to not understand and ask,


Yang Tian felt that the shade of red over his face was getting darker and darker, but he had no other choice but to continue,

"Well, in order to practice my Art, I will need a lot of beautiful ladies that will be able to help me with my practice!"

If Su Mei hadn't understood what he meant, then probably it would start raining cats and dogs from now on.

But seeing the cute red face of her Grandson, she couldn't help but feel satisfaction, as she continued to pretend to be dumb, and ask,

"Yes, and!?"

Yang Tian felt like soon he was going to burn into his own shame, but there was no way he was retreating now, as he continued,

"And since I won't be able to move from this bed for a period of time, I will need Grandmother to find me a few beauties to help me practice my Arts!"

As soon as he said it, a strong and angry voice was heard from Su Mei,

"You want what!?"