Chapter 6: A day of Shocks

Yang Tian was most probably the only person on Earth who had the audacity to ask something like that from his Grandmother Su Mei.

But he had no choice! He was in no position to look for ladies by himself, as he was almost a cripple at that moment, and if nothing changed, he wouldn't be able to get up from his bed for quite some time.

Furthermore, he had no one else that he could call as a trusted, or loyal friend or brother that could help him with this trouble.

So, he had no other choice but to ask his own Grandmother to help him find a few beautiful ladies that would be able to help him with his situation.

Su Mei had already expected something like this to happen from the moment she saw his face and heard his words, and in fact, she didn't think it was a bad thing.

After all, which grandmother wouldn't want to select a bride or two about her grandchild in order for him to provide her with many more little ones that she could spend her time upon.

Her case was just a bit more special as she would have to find a few too many, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing as this meant that the possibility of having little ones multiplied.

Most probably she would lose all those thoughts the moment that Yang Tian told her that he could control his glands, and if he didn't want to, he would never give birth to kids, but he wouldn't do such a mistake.

Still, Su Mei pretended to be angry at what she heard in order to be able to see more of that embarrassed and cute side of her grandkid.

No matter how big a boy grew, and no matter how old he was, he would always be a kid in front of his mother or his grandmother.

Su Mei hadn't seen this side of her grandkid for so many years, and so much time, and if the story he told was true.

Then perhaps this was her last time to see her cute grandkid, and the Lust God to show such a face to her.

Yang Tie was the honorable God of Lust, an immortal who had lived for millions of years, but still in front of that face from his Grandmother he didn't know how to act and what to say.

The truth was that being the God of Lust running after ladies' skirts had made his face quite thick, but due to the fact that he was overwhelmed by his emotions, especially seeing these two people.

The two of them were the ones he owed the most to, and also the ones to love and trust him the most.

He didn't care if the whole Earth turned to dust the next instant, or the whole world was destroyed the next moment.

But, if even a thread of hair was touched on their heads, he would condemn everyone and everything to extinction.

Yang Tie was also extremely emotional seeing that face of his grandson, but still, he couldn't let this young man suffer in front of his old wife anymore, as he said,

"Old woman stop embarrassing our grandchild, otherwise he might never ask something of you again!"

Su Mei was having the most blissful moment of her life at that time, as she had truly missed this cute side of her grandson, but that old thing had to spoil her fun.

"Humph~! Old thing nobody would think that you are mute if you don't speak!"

Then her mood changed completely as she turned to her grandson, and said with a passionate voice,

"Don't worry Tian'er grandmother will take care of this thing for you! Now tell grandmother do you have any requirements about them?"

It wasn't like Yang Tian didn't understand that his grandmother was playing with him, but he didn't expect her to be so 'vicious'.

But that moment enabled him to regain a bit of his calm and usual facial thickness as he said,

"For first I want this nurse that came to serve me!"

"Aaahh~!?" x2

His request surprised both of the old people, as they both looked at him with weird and complicated looks, as his grandmother asked him with a curious and questionable tone,

"Tian'er it wouldn't be that you like them older right!?"

If it were anyone else in Yang Tian's position at that moment, perhaps he would be flurried and would try to explain himself, but Yang Tian started laughing out loud.

His loud laugh made the two old people look at him with even weirder expressions, as they didn't understand why he was laughing at that moment, but they still waited for him to finish, and talk.

"Hahaha~! Please don't get angry grandmother, it's just that I couldn't control myself. You say older, but if you truly believe my words, then does that even count!?

Even though the time has reversed to the past, and all my previous life holds no meaning, in my mind, I am an old roach who has been living for millions of years.

Compared to my mentality, she can't be compared even to my 18th generation. Furthermore, for people like me age is just a number.

As long as someone is able to reach the Immortal Realm before the age of 20 then his face and body would never show an age higher than 20.

Or as long as someone manages to eat a Lotus Youth seed or a Youth Freezing pill, the same effects would be appliable.

In fact, there are also a lot of herbs and pills that would make even people like you return to the time of their best looks.


The more he spoke the more did the two old people understood why Yang Tie was laughing and the fact was that it was the truth.

If he truly had lived the life, he told them to have lived, and had returned to the past, then weren't they truly trying to compare an ant to the sun?

What made them truly shocked was that the moment that Yang Tie remembered his past, and let out that nostalgic sigh, he truly looked like an old man who had lived through all the vicissitudes of life.

Even if they hadn't believed him, and his story until that moment, at that moment they had truly believed everything he had told them.

That was something that some couldn't fake, or counterfeit, it was something that belonged to old people like them, and the face, tone, and loss in their grandson's face was even deeper than theirs.

At that moment they felt like they were truly young and inexperienced in front of him, and they couldn't help but feel a sharp pain in their hearts.

Just how much had their grandson suffered in order to have that face and that deep nostalgia when he spoke.

Looking at him like that, the two old people couldn't help but try to pick his hand and say with an emotional voice,

"Tian'er don't worry, grandmother and grandfather are here for you from now on! You won't be alone anymore!"

Looking at their faces, and hearing their words it was impossible for Yang Tie to not feel even more emotional, but he still managed to control himself, as he said with a warm voice,

"Hm~! I know, grandfather, grandmother, you don't forget that I am here for you too. If something happens to you then I will never forget myself again!"

While Yang Tian couldn't control himself and his emotions, the two old people couldn't as they couldn't help but shed a few tears as they felt like this was all a dream or illusion.

The next moment though they were awakened from their illusion, as they heard Yang Tian's voice,

"As for that nurse, the reason I want her is because she is still pure, and she had a Profound Yin body which is extremely helpful to me, and my Cultivation Arts.

As long as I have her by my side, and she obeys everything that I ask of her, I will be able to recover from my wounds in less than 2-3 months."

At first, the two old people felt that even though this grandson of theirs had become more mature, and more responsible until that moment, he still hadn't changed much.

But then hearing that second part of his statement they couldn't help but get startled and his grandmother asked with a jolt,

"Aahh~? How is that possible, didn't the doctor say that your body was almost totally crushed to pieces, and there was no hope for you to become better in a short time!?"

She said a short time, but in fact, the truth was that the short time she mentioned it was at least, 5-6 years, and that was by no means a short time.

And that was only under the conditions that he received the best and most expensive treatment available.

Yet Yang Tian was saying that he could fully recover in just a measly three months, so how could they not be surprised hearing him say that.

Hearing their startle, and shock Yang Tian could understand them perfectly as in his past life it had taken him a lot of years, and all his grandparents' possession and even pleading to recover.

While right now he was telling them that he could recover in less than 3 months, it was the same as saying that the sun wouldn't rise from the East anymore.

But that didn't mean he was lying, as that was only an estimate, as it belonged to how much Yin energy that nurse had inside her body, and how many beauties would his grandmother find him.

Thinking like that, he looked at his grandparents and said,

"Grandfather, grandmother, there are many things that seem impossible in this Universe but only require a lot of effort, and training.

This will be also a great opportunity for me to show you that whatever I told you is true, as I know that is still difficult for you to believe me!"