Chapter 7: Candidates for the Hero Role

The old couple was caught unprepared by those words and were frozen for a moment because it was the truth.

It wasn't like they weren't trying to believe him, it was just that it was extremely difficult to believe that story.

As both of them came from big and powerful families, coupled with their service to the country, they were both more than knowledgeable about Cultivation, Martial Arts, and Supernatural.

But Yang Tian's story meant jumping from one drop of water to the whole ocean in just one single step. It was just too much for them.

The fact that Yang Tian was able to notice it and point it out was an extra factor in convincing them, but it didn't mean that they fully believed him.

It didn't mean that they weren't going to back him up either, it was more of a backup, wait, and see approach for them.

So, they could only have a dry smile on their lips as they didn't refute his words. It was just as he said, if he managed to truly do what he said, then they would certainly trust his story a bit more.

When the situation became silent, weird, and complex once again, it was Su Mei who after gazing on her grandson's face for a bit more, finally broke the silence by saying,

"Well, grandfather, and grandmother will go deal with the tasks you gave us and leave you alone to rest Tian'er. If you need anything just call us!"

With that said, she gave him a last look, as she left the room together with her old husband Yang Tie, leaving Yang Tian alone in his hospital room.

After getting out of the room, the old couple continued walking and putting some distance from the room, as Yang Tie couldn't help but ask,

"What do you think woman!?"

"Aiyah~! I don't know what to think now either! But one thing I know for sure is that our grandson hasn't gone stupid.

Even if he had, most probably I would still support him and do whatever he asks of me. A few girls are nothing big for this old woman.

I have a feeling that what he said was the truth, even though it might be my blurred and subjective opinion, I don't care.

I am really happy with the change, and I truly hope that it's the truth. My, Su Mei's grandson isn't the waste that the whole world thinks anymore!

Old thing, we need to help Tian'er with everything we can! Even if this is the last thing that we will be able to do for him!"

The old man looked at his wife with a complex look, as he finally let out a sigh, and said,

"Yes, you are right! This is the least we can do about him!"

In the meantime, the topic of their conversation Yang Tian was still lying on his bed, but now his eyes were closed, and his face seemed a bit vicious.

Until now he hadn't had the opportunity to think about what had happened before his 7-Dimensional Crystal activated and brought him to this moment in the past.

He didn't know the reason why this thing had brought him to this moment especially, whether its energy finished, or this was the moment that he had the most attachment to, but he didn't care.

What was important for him at the moment was that he had returned to his past, and he had a chance to rectify the mistakes of his past life and create a new future.

It wasn't going to be easy, as he had too many mountains of blades and flames to walk through but he didn't care, as he had a second chance in his life.

People would give everything they had in order to have such a chance, while he was not living it. Certainly, the 7-Dimensional Crystal was gone, it had disappeared.

But he knew where to find it! Since he had returned to the past, it meant that the same thing had happened to the crystal as well, so most probably he would be able to find where he found it in his previous life.

That was an issue of the future, and when he would be able to return to the wide Universe, and Origin World.

Right now, he had more important things to think about, such as his Cultivation Art, his recovery, and his plan for the future.

As he considered many options, there were two main approaches for his future.

The first was clearly his notorious reputation through the city, the province, and probably the whole country.

The second was the amount of attention he wanted towards himself, and his figure.

Certainly, the path towards the top meant that he would have to fight, and clash with many strong people, clans, sects, kingdoms, empires, and dynasties but being the center of attention was stupid.

He was the type of man who would pick his own fights, he would fight when he needed to fight, but he had no intention of being the whole planet's, or world's target.

That was just stupid, as he would never have the time to enjoy his moment, his strength, and the presence of the people around him.

His previous life had been like that, and when everything was said and done, he had still died due to his arrogance and stupidity.

Thus, in this new opportunity, he had to make everything happen as he wished it to happen, away from the public eye, while enjoying every moment that he could.

Thinking more about it like this, his notorious reputation would be quite helpful with his idea. After all, who would raise his guard against someone with his reputation?

To him, it was enough that his grandparents knew that he had changed and that he wasn't truly a waste anymore.

Pride, arrogance, ego, and vanity were in his bones, as he had been the Lust God for so many years, but it was precisely due to that, that he didn't care about the opinion of the masses.

The lion doesn't care about the opinion of the ant, and no matter from how high a drop of water falls in the ocean it can't cause much reaction to the ocean itself.

So, he didn't care in the least what people thought of him, as long as his goals were reached, and he lived the life he wanted to live.

But in order for his plans to proceed smoothly he needed someone to take the stage, and light from him.

In order for the shadow to exist and be strong, a stronger light is needed. So, in order for him to cultivate, and pick his fights in the shadow, a strong eye-catching piece was needed.

That guy would be able to live the life of a novel protagonist, accompanied by the strength, luck, and attention that Yang Tian would bestow upon him.

In simpler words, he needed a puppet, who could play the scapegoat for him on light, and obey him in the dark.

So, he started to look through his memories for the perfect target and soon was able to make compile a list of 3 people.

The first was a poor student He Po in his class as a last-year high school student. This guy lacked the money but not the brains.

He was able to enter the National No.8 High School in Kaifeng City, which was normally the school of the wealthy.

The fact that he was able to enter such a school was enough proof of his intellect and education, making him a good target for Yang Tian.

The second one was the famous student council chairman of his high school, Wang Tao. His father worked as a provincial official, so he had both the wealth and the power.

He was putting up a front and working hard in high school as its students' chairman because his father was pushing him to do so, in order to create the stairs for his future.

A lion father wouldn't beget a dog son and vice versa. His father had already prepared the route and path for him, he just needed to follow accordingly.

The third but not least, was a student from a year below him, Zhuo Peng. This guy's dad was a famous CEO of a big company, that he himself owned, while his mother was some ex-idol.

Since life had been so good to him, and his father was quite lenient on him, he was a free bird who only cared about women.

Yang Tian didn't have friends in his school, only lackeys that followed him behind, but this guy could be said to be a half friend for him.

They had a lot in common, as even their lifestyles matched quite a bit. But due to Yang Tian being the guy he was, he wouldn't accept a friend no matter what.

As he was considering these three people, Yang Tian was trying to find the best among the three, but in deeper thinking, he decided to take out Zhuo Peng from the list.

This guy was too similar to him, and they would have quite a conflict of interest about the ladies that each of them would pick.

It was stupid to create himself a competitor in a field where he wanted to have the monopoly, so there were only two choices left, either He Po or Wang Tao.

But he couldn't be rush and pick one of them now, he had to think about this thing much deeper. The most important matter at the moment was to recover from his injuries…