Chapter 8: Forcing a beauty

Not long after his Grandparents had gotten outside and left him alone inside his hospital room, the door was opened, as the beautiful nurse returned to check on him.

As the God of Lust, it would be a shame for him to not control himself in front of a beauty, but he still couldn't help but think that his first choice was really good.

He didn't know when his grandmother would act, and make this nurse belong to him, as he was in a hurry to recover, but that didn't bother him much.

He knew that his grandmother was already in the move, and with the strength and power of their Yang family, who would dare not obey them.

Not to mention a simple nurse, perhaps even if he asked the hospital director's wife or daughter, they would be sent to him right away.

Since he didn't know whether his grandmother had played her cards or not, he decided to not say or do anything at the moment, as he stood there like a truly sick person.

The hospital that Yang Tian was getting treatment for was not one, but the biggest and most expensive hospital in the district.

Even though this place wasn't under the control of the Yang Family, they still didn't dare to confront the Yang family, as the owners the Xia family had quite a connection with the Yangs.

The old man of the Xia family had been a war buddy with Yang Tian's grandfather, Yang Tie, and they were sort of sworn brothers.

So, as long as his grandmother, or grandfather had any request inside the hospital, then these guys wouldn't dare to say a second word.

As for the fact of using his power to make other people's life worse, Yang Tian had never been bothered.

If there was one thing he had understood in his previous life, was that things would happen one way or another, with or without his intervention.

Furthermore, what was the meaning of holding that power if he didn't use it? His plans and intentions involved something much bigger than just this nurse, or just this small Earth planet.

Not to mention that as long as she stood by his side, and served him well, she would get to live a life beyond her dreams and imagination capabilities.

So, even though he stood there without showing any kind of reaction, he still observed her through his soul sense.

His body was in an extremely bad condition at the moment, as he still could feel some part of his in pain, and soreness, but his Soul Sense was still active.

Extremely weak, and feeble, at around 5 meters around him, but it was still existent and active, which clearly showed that his Soul was more powerful this time.

This was perhaps due to the fact that his body was still extremely injured, and his spirit must be tired due to the constant pain, and suffering.

As long as he managed to relax, and recuperate for some time, he was sure that it would be at least double or triple of what he had now.

Well anyway, that was a matter for later, as right now he had something else to think about, like his beautiful nurse.

Even though he had been the God of Lust for all this time, and had seen numerous beauties by his side, Yang Tian had to admit that she was quite seductive.

She was wearing a pair of loose nurse pajamas that still couldn't hide her thin waist, and the thick lower back, that would probably make every man explode with lustful thoughts.

Normally a woman who has a thick ass, wouldn't have much of a chest, but this one seemed to be a small exception to the rule.

While her watermelons weren't explosively big, they weren't small either, forming a small tent in front of her chest, despite her trying to make them look smaller wearing a smaller size bra.

As the God of Lust, Yang Tian possessed the sharpest and best soul sense out of any other Gods, so he had quite the confidence of looking through the three sizes of a lady in just a short instant.

He was always made fun of his sharp soul sense as he had trained it by looking and for looking at women, but the truth was that the whole Universe felt jealous of him.

It was due to that jealousy and special trait of his soul sense that most of the other Gods wouldn't appear with their women or female descendants in front of him.

Or would do so when they were wearing high-grade treasures that would protect them against his soul sense.

What they didn't know was the fact that despite all their tries, once he became an Imperial Alchemist and Mechanic, he had used some special way to create the 'Naked Soul Sense'.

This was the peak of the soul sense that a God could go through as almost everything was clear in their eyes, but now that he had returned back in time, he had lost that previous card of his.

As for why he hadn't used it before he got plotted or trapped in his previous try was because he had been too shocked to understand his situation.

He didn't know what kind of Immortal treasure, pill, or artifact was used against him, but he knew that many people had worked against him.

He certainly knew a few, and probably even the ringleader, but he still didn't have a clear map of the people that had worked against him.


He didn't truly understand how his lustful thoughts about this seductive nurse in front of him, had thrown him into nostalgia, but he couldn't help but unwillingly release an emotional sigh.

His sigh was the same as that of an emotional old man who seemed to have gone through many situations throughout his life, but his audience took his sigh for something completely different.

The beautiful nurse, Zhuo Ting had already been enticed and forced by this waste's grandmother, as she had cried her heart out, but she had no other choice but to obey.

Her whole life had been thrown upside down, as her mother was sick, and her father was unemployed, her other brothers were loafers, and no one could pay her mother's medical bills.

When such an opportunity was introduced to her, and her loafing brothers, she had immediately been sent as a gift to this guy.

All that had happened in less than 2 hours. She hadn't been able to tell them that there was someone she loved in the hospital she worked, her prince charming.

But she hadn't even been able to express her feelings to him, as she was sold to the Yang family like she was some kind of cheap woman.

Hearing the guilty fu*cker sigh with her in there, she thought that he was sighing because he couldn't have her there, and then, as she said with an agitated voice,

"Why are you doing this to me? What have I ever done to you? Why are you treating me like this!? Is it my fault for wanting to do my job?

Why do you have to ruin my life!?"

With that said, she started trembling and crying like a little kid, who had been left alone and without any shoulder were to cry to.

Her only person in this world, that would give her a shoulder to cry to, was extremely sick and would die if she didn't give herself and her body to this guy.

Seeing her fall like that in front of him, Yang Tian almost understood the situation and what was going on. While he didn't know what his grandmother had done, he knew it wasn't the girl's will.

Still, he didn't have any intention of playing the prince charming, or she knights in shining armor, as he looked towards her with a sneer and said,

"Stop crying and get up!"

Even though his voice was weak and feeble, the intent behind those words was like that of a ruler, and without understanding how, Zhuo Ting, stood up, looking at him, ready to start crying at any moment.

As a previous God of Lust, Yang Tian certainly had his own ways of making a lady obedient, more expressive, and open to him.

Soul Words was one of the many ways, as he would use his Soul Avatar to say those words inside his Conscience Sea and affect the Soul Avatar of the target.

He was glad to see that despite his weakness at the moment, he was still able to use the skill, and affect the beauty by his side.

But on the outside, he kept the same countenance as he looked at her and said,

"Why are you behaving like you are losing something in this? Not only will you have your future guaranteed inside the House of Yang's, but you will receive extra benefits.

I am sure that whatever my grandmother has promised to you or to your family, is many times more valuable than your body, and you!

Do you really think that someone else besides us is willing to help you that much only for you, and your body?

While I do want to have you, I have no intention of raping a crying ghost, so you can go on and try if other people will give you what you need just for your body!

Remember one thing though, the deal you made with my grandmother is valid until you have your purity, once you lose it the deal is off!

Now stop crying and get out of here, you are spoiling my mood!"