Chapter 9: The numbers

Zhuo Ting was clearly stupefied by the current situation, she had probably never thought that something like this would happen, or that she would hear these words.

These words were like liberation to her, but at the same time, a bad premonition started rooting inside her heart.

Even though she didn't like this situation she already knew that what Yang Tian and his family were offering for her, were far away from what she might ever imagine.

She wouldn't be able to receive that much money even if she worked her whole life, and even less to be able to save her mother and pay for her hospital fees.

All this time she had only been thinking about how she was being sold to someone else, and her black fate. But it was only at that moment that she understood that the coin had two sides.

At that moment she didn't know what to do, and she didn't know what to think anymore. Her mind was in a devastating mess where nothing made sense anymore.

She could only slowly walk towards the door like some kind of zombie, a corpse without a sense of direction, and then walk out.

The moment she left the room, she could only collapse in front of the door for some moments, and it was only when she thought of the last shield holding her mind and heart that she finally regained a bit of clarity.

That's right, there was one last shield inside her mind and heart that had yet to disappear, the man that she had fallen in love with.

He had managed to gain her heart with his conduct, and charisma, making her fall after him like a little girl in primary school.

As long as he accepted her love, and her she might be able to surpass this terrible situation she was in, and she wouldn't need to sell her body to some rich Young Master.

In fact, in the worst-case scenario, she thought that she would better sell her body to the man she loved than to Yang Tian.

The moment she got up and left Yang Tian's room though, Yang Tian looked towards the corner of the room, and said,

"Sent someone to follow her and protect her if anything happens against her wish! If it happens with her consent, then just return back!"

For a moment it looked like he was talking to the wind as no one was there, nor did anything move for quite some time.

Seeing that happen, Yang Tian seemed to grow a bit angry, as he said,

"I know that you are there looking at me with that startled face, and confused face. I am not guessing I can truly see you, if you don't believe just take out a number and I will make you believe!"

Once again there was no movement or sign of someone moving, but Yang Tian chuckled, as he said with confidence,

"You finally decided to try it out! Three! Now, will you listen to my orders, or do I have to ask grandfather to tell you to!"

Still, there was no sign of anyone at that particular spot or any sign of movement, yet a voice was heard from there,

"How did you do it, Young Master!?"

"I will obviously tell you later about it, but right now you need to heed my orders! If you still think you need the permission of my grandparents, you can ask them as well!"

Perhaps no one besides Yang Tian was able to see when the expert by his side seemed to contact Yang Tie, explaining the situation and asking him what to do.

Yang Tie wasn't too far from the hospital room at the moment, as he was still shocked by everything that was going on.

But the moment he heard the report of his most trusted subordinate he couldn't help but have a weird expression on his face.

His wife beside him couldn't help but ask with worry, as she thought that something might have happened to her grandson,

"What happened old thing!? Is my Tian'er ok!?"

As his wife, and as an extremely strong bone, Su Mei knew everything about her husband, so she knew that the one contacting him right now was the one checking up on her grandson inside his room.

His wife's words managed to wake up the old man from his daze, as he explained her the situation quickly, only to be rained upon by her curses,

"Hmph~! You damn old thing! This is just one more reason to believe in our grandson's story despite looking unbelievable!

Why are you still in a daze you old brainless man, just tell him to obey our grandson's orders! We have already sworn that everything we have belongs to that boy.

Even if he wanted to set the world on fire, we will help him do so!"

The old man could only give up in front of his wife's attacks, as he gave the order for his subordinates to listen to Yang Tian's orders, but he clearly wanted a report after.

To think that his grandson would start showing proof of his story so soon.

He had personally trained the person keeping watch over his grandson at the moment, so he knew how hard was to find him when he didn't want to be found.

Inside the hospital room, Yang Tian heard the answer from his grandfather, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face, as he said,

"Now do as I say!"

The 'invisible' man nodded his head and immediately did as he was told by Yang Tian, as he was looking at the Young Master in front of him with a complicated look.

Seeing that look on his face Yang Tian couldn't help but grumble,

"Stop looking at me like I am possessed by some ghost! (Even if I am, is still myself anyway!) Prepare a file with the whole personnel of the hospital, and their full details and history.

Not one thing should be missing! Especially on the ladies' side! Am I clear!?"

Hearing those words, the face of the invisible man couldn't help but contort in a weird look for a moment, but he still quickly covered it and sent the Young Master's order to the others.

With their men and means it wouldn't be long for them to gather all the information that their Young Master had required, even though he felt a bit uncomfortable with it.

But since his Master had ordered him to follow the Young Master's orders then he could do nothing else but accept.

Tianlong Yun could easily notice the subtle changes in the guy's face, but still, he didn't care much about it, as he suddenly asked,

"Oh! By the way, what is your name!? How many people are there in your team!?"

The invisible guy couldn't help but frown at that question, but at the end of the day, he knew that this kid in front of him was destined to be his Master in the future.

After all, his Master had made it extremely clear from the start, if his nephew was just a waste, they only had to guard him in the dark their whole life.

But if he changed, even one little bit, he would hand them over to him, and he could do whatever he wanted with them.

So, in a way he already felt that Yang Tian would be his new Master, so he was able to recollect himself quickly, let out a sigh and say,

"Sigh~! I am zero! There are 100 more in my team!"

Now it was time for Yang Tian to show some surprise and reaction, as he couldn't help but ask with curiosity,

"Is everyone else like you in the Foundation Establishment Realm!?"

It was like a game of surprises was taking place, as the invisible man couldn't help but look at this 'Young Master' with an extremely weird and funny look.

All kinds of emotions were mixed in there, including surprise, startle, shock, fear, guard, emotion, as he was looking at Yang Tian like he was seeing some new type of monster.

But thinking a bit more, he was that kind of guy that wouldn't deter even if that old Master asked him to die for Yang Tian, as he owed him that much after all.

So, he took only a few moments to recollect himself, and his thoughts, as he answered,

"17 of the numbers are in the Foundation Establishment Realm, while the rest are all in the Refining Qi Realm, out of them 6 more are on the verge of a breakthrough."

While saying that he had quite the prideful face as even though he wasn't related by blood to those guys, they were his brothers, that had gone through thick and thin together.

Seeing his smug face Yang Tian couldn't help but pour a cold-water bucket over the guy's head,

"Don't be that proud that is nothing much, you will have to grow stronger later. In fact, you will all need to re-cultivate from scratch as your foundations are unstable, and you won't go far like this!"

Seeing that the guy first looked at him confused, then a bit angry, and finally ready to explode, Yang Tian continued,

"I know what you are thinking, you don't need to hide it! You think that a waste like me has no right to say something like that to you, even more so when I am just a cripple lying on his bed!

But this won't last for long, and in less than a year I will have surpassed all of you! If you don't believe my words, I won't mind having a little bet with you!"