Chapter 10: Bet & Tears

Zero was extremely shocked by Yang Tian's words, as he thought that his waste of a Master was just playing with him but seeing that confident look on his face, he was a bit startled.

But what caught his attention the most was Yang Tian's last words about the bet as he couldn't hold his curiosity and ask,

"What kind of bet!?"

"An extremely easy one! If I am able to surpass you in cultivation in a year, you and all your brothers will have to follow me for as long as I and you are alive.

If I tell you to go right you won't go left, and if I tell you to die, you won't think of living!"

Yang Tian seemed to be talking like he was harvesting cabbages and not asking for full loyalty from these people. A loyalty that would even take their lives if the Master so willed it.

But the tone and the heaviness of Yang Tian's voice made him feel like he was standing in front of a ruler, a King, an Emperor.

Yet that didn't mean that he would accept that bet so easily as he asked once again,

"And what if you lose!?"

"Well, there is no way I am going to lose, but if I do then I will set you free, as long as you wish you will be able to leave, and not even grandfather will say a word to keep you back!

And if that isn't enough, then I will add all the Yang's wealth and properties! If I don't manage to reach that in a year, there won't be a need for me to waste that anyway!"

In fact, when he heard the first part zero was extremely surprised, but also felt like it wasn't a truly fair deal, but when he heard the second part he froze completely.

For Yang Tian, offering the wealth of the Yang family was the same as cutting his escape route. After all, what was Yang Tian without the wealth of the Yang family!?

Just a waste!

The whole Henan district thought like that, and the numbers weren't much different, as they had been guarding him from the shadows all these times.

So, one could understand how shocked Zero was when he heard Yang Tian's bet, and he couldn't help but frown, and ask with a heavy face,

"Are you being serious?"

"Yup, extremely serious! If you don't believe me, you can call grandpa, and ask him to come here, I will still say the same thing!"

Zero thought that he was going senile, after all, he saw no hesitation, or lie in his Young Master's words, in fact, he only saw overwhelming confidence in them.

Just what the hell had happened to his Young Master!? He had changed so much in such a short time, there was bound to have happened something right!?

Perhaps the beating managed to wake him up and fix some damage on his head. It was a crazy thought but that was the best he could think at that moment.

Looking at the wager of the bet though, he couldn't help but feel like he was taking advantage of this Young Master of his.

After all, even without this bet, the numbers would do the same for Yang Tian once their old Master asked for it, but as for the other side of the stake, he wouldn't accept it even if he had to ripped in pieces.

There was no way he was going to kick his own morals and boundaries like that. He already lived a satisfying life, and the Old Master had helped him so much.

If it wasn't for that old Master of his he would be in the burrows of the city, robbing, killing, or raping for their daily food.

With those thoughts in his mind, he couldn't help but sigh as he said,

"Sigh~! You don't have to test me like that Young Master, from the start we all have thought of serving you like that, even if you don't deserve it, it is our debt to the old Master!"

Hearing those words, Yang Tian couldn't help but laugh heartily, as he said,

"It looks like my eyes truly haven't failed me! Hhaahha~! Grandfather is truly a man of wonders, the best of the best!"

Zero looked at his Young Master with a weird look, of being startled and dumbfounded, only to hear another voice behind him,

"You stinky brat, since when did you notice I was here!?"

Then as if taking off a mantle of invisibility the old Master Yang Tie appeared behind Zero, completely shocking him, as he hadn't felt the old man just now, then he turned his eyes towards Yang Tian.

Yang Tian looked at the old man appearing from behind Zero and seemed to be surprised with his presence as well, but the expression on his face was too calm for someone who was surprised,

"Oh, grandpa when did you arrive here!? Don't tell me that you have left my beautiful grandmother by herself!

What would you do if some handsome man tries to hit on her when you are away!?"

Yang Tie was totally shocked by his grandson's words, and he couldn't help but chuckle, as right after a clearly satisfied but pretentiously angry voice sounded inside the room,

"You stinky brat! To think that you have such a glib tongue! Before you only had money and made a lot of beauties suffer, what about now that you also have that glib tongue of yours.

Hmph~! If you don't give me a nephew soon, I will make you cry with no tears coming out!"

In fact, Yang Tian had noticed the arrival of Yang Tie and Su Mei from the moment they had appeared in here, which was not long after Zero had asked permission to hear his orders.

The small play he did to Zero to test his loyalty, and character had been totally witnessed by his grandpa, and the truth was that he was quite pleased with Zero and his character.

But his happiness lasted until his grandmother said those last words of hers as he could feel his body tremble unconsciously at those words.

Even though he knew that his grandmother was joking, he knew that she could seriously do that if she wanted to.

But that feeling of dread, and shock, made him feel extreme warmth inside, as he couldn't believe that he had another chance to redo his life.

Feeling like that, even though he was an old monster who had lived for a million years he couldn't help but get overwhelmed by his feelings, and almost lose control of himself.

Everyone in there noticed his condition, as his grandmother immediately jumped to his side, and asked full of concern,

"What's wrong Tian'er!? Did this old thing bother you!? Don't worry grandmother is here for you!"

Caressing him for a moment she turned towards the old man, and Zero as she bellowed,

"Old thing how dare you bully my grandson, do you think I don't dare to make you pay for it!?"

Yang Tie couldn't help but gawk at her words since when did the situation change like this, and what did he do to this brat!? It was clearly her words that might have made him cry.

But even though he was thinking that he didn't dare to say those words out loud, as he knew that he would be the one to suffer anyway.

At that moment, Yang Tian managed to show his thick skin, as he said with an almost crying tone,

"Yes grandmother, grandpa bullied me!"

Hearing that not only Yang Tie and Zero, but even Su Mei herself couldn't help but find this situation extremely funny, as she hadn't expected something like this.

As for the old man, if Yang Tian wasn't his grandson he would have started cursing and insulting him already. (Motherfu*cker just what did I do to you!?)

But the next moment everyone in the room, started chuckling and laughing. It was like they had returned to the days that Yang Tian was just a mischievous kid, and they laughed at his antics.

They had missed this feeling for so much time, and now it was here once again, making the old couple get emotional as well.

Noticing the emotions on their faces, Yang Tian seemed to get angry at Zero, bellowing,

"Zero what did you do to make my grandparents sad, tell me how I should punish you for this mistake!?"

Now it was Zero's turn to get dumbfounded, as this Young Master of his seemed extremely unreasonable, but it wasn't like he couldn't understand what was going on, as he said,

"Young Master, this was my mistake I am waiting for your punishment!"

That was the window out of this mess, and the three old foxes inside the room caught that window perfectly, as they quickly recomposed their selves, and Yang Tian continued,

"Hum, very well, as your punishment you will start re-cultivating after we do the cleaning!"

But even though the three of them had been emotional, and had lost a bit control of their selves for a moment, those words were like a roar of thunder, that woke them up, as Yang Tie couldn't help but ask,


Yang Tian had intentionally said that, but he still looked like he had unconsciously taken the cat out of the bag as he said,

"Well, grandpa I am sure that you are aware as well, aren't you? If we continue to let these roaches free on our back, then this is going to happen again don't you think!?"