Chapter 11: Heavenly Yang Body

It wasn't like Yang Tie didn't understand this simple logic, it was just that his grandson had been too useless until now for him to consider something like that.

After all, if he did something that radical then he was bound to alarm a few people, who might try even harder to take care of his grandson, but everything changed the moment that his grandson woke up.

With those thoughts in his mind, he seemed to have a complex set of feelings at that moment, as he was happy for the good condition of his grandson, but at the same a bit sad about those that would suffer.

No matter what, a part of those so-called 'roaches' that Yang Tian wanted to eliminate were people that he had selected and raised himself.

He would have never thought that someday those people wouldn't recognize his goodwill and would act against his blood, his only grandson.

Perhaps if his grandson hadn't gained clarity, he would let them live as long as he lived, but the moment he felt that he was going to die, he was clearly going to take them all with himself to the grave.

With the way his grandson was before, he was already a lost cause by himself, if he let those jackals alive after his death, then it was the same as leaving his grandson amidst a pack of wolves.

Everything had changed with his grandson waking up though, now even though he didn't believe the whole story that he told to him and his wife, he was extremely happy with his new approach.

So, even though it was a bit painful for him, he quickly made up his mind, and said,

"Everything shall be left in your hands from now on Tian'er, grandfather is extremely tired of dealing with these things until now!

I will pass everything to you in the upcoming days!"

His decision clearly shocked not only his wife, and Zero, but also Yang Tian, as he didn't expect his grandfather to take such a decision so soon.

But he could understand the reason, so he just accepted those words with an 'mhhm' and thought that they would talk again about this when his grandfather started cultivating with his new Manual.

The '2 in 1' Manual was one of the biggest treasures of his Palace in the previous life, and it had a miraculous effect not only in improving the body but also in revitalizing it.

As a matter of fact, Yang Tian didn't want to become a Ruler, even in the previous life he hadn't wished to be a ruler, as it was too much of a bother, he wanted to be one of the guys behind the scenes.

Since he didn't achieve it in his previous life, then he would push even more seriously in this life. But in order to have a life behind the scenes, someone who could take the front was necessary.

The only person he would believe to represent him without fear of stabbing him on the back was this grandfather of his, so in a sense, his grandfather was doomed to return to the stage.

But he could give the old man some time as holidays to rest, and relax himself, before showing him the stage once again.

For that reason, he accepted without saying much, as his grandfather turned towards Zero who was still invisible, and said,

"Little Zero, from now on you and the numbers will follow Tian'er's orders without needing to report to me about it.

Try your best to satisfy every order of his! This is my last order and wishes to all of you!"

Zero was extremely shocked, but he still managed to recollect himself in time, bow towards his old Master, and accept that last order,

"Yes, Master!"

Then he turned towards Yang Tian bowing once again, as he said,

"Master, from this day on, the life of each of the numbers and their loyalty rests in your hands!"

Yang Tian was used to these things, so he wasn't flustered in the least, quite on the contrary he was extremely calm and collected as he said,

"Very well, I hope that you don't fail my expectations!"

With the numbers on his side, he would be able to quickly make a foundation for himself, and with the connections and resources of the Yang family, he would be able to expand that foundation.

With that out of the way, Yang Tian then turned to his grandfather and said,

"Well grandfather since you decided to rest, I think it's better to go and relax a bit out of town! After all, if the cat doesn't leave the house, the mice wouldn't dare to take their heads out!

You don't have to worry about me, I am, and I will be fine!"

Once again, his words managed to shock the three people around him, but it was mostly because they weren't used to, and didn't expect this kind of words from him.

Especially the old couple, with their experience and the years behind them, it was impossible for the two of them to not understand Yang Tian's intentions.

He was trying to act as bait himself to pull out from the shadows all the people that had bad intentions towards him.

But that was extremely risky, not to mention that Yang Tian wasn't in a good position or state of being at the moment.

He was bedridden and couldn't even get up for fu*cks sake, how was he thinking of dealing with the issue?

But the confidence in his tone was overflowing, he didn't seem like someone who was looking for his death.

Su Mei wanted to scream at him and not accept but before she could say a thing, she heard the old man ask with a solemn voice,

"Tian'er this is extremely risky! How confident are you that you will be able to pull it off?"

"Grandfather, believe me, I know who are the mice coming after me, and I only want them to make a move, so I have a reason to deal with them.

I am more than 90% confident that I will be able to pull this off!"

Hearing those words, the old man seemed to think for a few moments, as he finally made a decision and said,

"Very well then, we will do as you say!"

Su Mei wanted to reject his words, but looking at her husband's face, she knew that his decision was final and that she couldn't do anything about it but accept it.

Yang Tian was also a bit surprised by how fast his grandfather accepted but then a new thought appeared in his mind.

It was impossible for the Yang family to keep its reign in the Henan province with only the numbers, which meant that there were other levels of security of his family that he had yet to see.

Thinking like that he gave a meaningful look to his grandfather, as he said with a fully confident voice,

"Don't worry grandfather, just wait for my good news!"

With those words, his grandfather and grandmother left his hospital room, leaving him alone with Zero inside the room.

What he needed the most at this moment for Yang Tian was a few ladies in order to start his cultivation, and also recover as much as he could from his condition.

There was a reason why Yang Tian was able to advance quickly and become the Lust God in his previous life, that was because he possessed the Heavenly Yang Body.

The Heavenly Yang Body was a double-edged sword, as it was extremely dangerous but also extremely beneficial at the same time.

Different from other male bodies, the Heavenly Yang Body would produce naturally many more times Yang Qi once it reaches maturity, which was extremely beneficial to cultivation.

But if he wasn't able to neutralize it, or at least release a part of it, then the big accumulation of Yang Qi would turn into C4 and would explode inside his body, turning him into bloody dust.

It was a kind of a blessing in disguise that with his lewd lifestyle, he had been able to unconsciously lower the level of Yang Qi in his body.

But since he had no idea of how to cultivate, all that Yang and Yin Qi he had been provided with had been wasted.

Another perk of the Heavenly Yang Body was that it could reinvigorate itself, as long as it had a good furnishing source of Yin Qi he would be able to recover in the future.

The more Yin Qi he had available to him, the faster he would be able to recover, so the most important part for him still remained women.

Still, he decided to keep these thoughts to himself at the moment, as he said to Zero,

"I want all the available information about the numbers, servants at the Mansion, and all the workers in our establishments and companies. And I mean all the available information!

Also, make the preparations for my transfer home tomorrow! It's useless for me to stay more in this place!"

"Yes, Master!"

"Also send 10 of the most trusted among numbers to look out for my grandparents! It's impossible for them to do so without grandparents' knowledge but tell them to stay as far as they can.

They aren't allowed to hear the words of the two of them and shouldn't leave them alone under any circumstances.

Well, besides when they are sleeping or doing private activities! If they don't obey my orders, they will be taken out of the numbers! Am I clear!?"

"Ye-Yes Master!"