Chapter 12: Zhuo Ting’s situation

In the meantime, in a different part of the hospital, Zhuo Ting was in front of a handsome middle-aged man, looking at him with hopeful and emotional eyes.

After what happened with Yang Tian in his room, she had taken the courage to profess her love to him, and also explain to him her current situation.

She didn't want to look like some kind of cheap woman who was selling herself, her love, and her body but the truth was that she didn't have time.

The situation in her house was extremely bad, as whatever money she brought home would be wasted by her father, and brothers, and she had just received news that her mother's sickness had become worse.

Right now, there were only two choices in front of her, either she accepted Yang Tian's and the Yang family's offer, or this man in front of her helped her brave the current storm in her life.

The middle-aged man in front of her was one of the most successful doctors of the hospital, and there were many women who wanted to have his favor.

Zhuo Ting had fallen in love with him as he not only was one of the youngest and most successful doctors but also, had a really good and upright character.

Just as expected, the moment that he heard her confess her love to him, he was startled for a moment, and then he seemed to be somewhat happy.

What escaped Zhuo Ting's eyes though, or to be more exact what she decided to not look at was a momentary lewd look, as if he was going to swallow her.

The young lady thought that it was normal, after all, if that man truly loved her then it wouldn't be weird if he wanted to have her like that.

The man in front of her though was looking at her like she was playing some kind of joke on him, or as if she was trying to plot something against him.

But seeing her innocent and feeble face he thought that such a woman wouldn't do something like that to him. She might truly have feelings about him.

As a talented and famous doctor, it was impossible for him to not have young ladies like her fall for him, and while he played the nice man outside, in the bedroom he was a beast.

As for the story, she told him, the truth was that he didn't care much. After all, what he wanted was just her body for one or more nights, why should he care for her family and troubles.

The truth was that the reason he was acting like a good doctor and Samaritan all this time, was because he was aiming for the Hospital Director's daughter, he wanted to marry in money.

If word of his real, and loose character came out then he would suffer a big hit to his reputation and he would have to forget all his plans.

For that reason, he chose to have fun with the most vulnerable young ladies of the hospital, after having his fair share of fun with them, he would just throw them away and threaten them.

After all, even if they tried to come back to the hospital and create trouble for him, who would believe them. It was his word against theirs, and his character was impeccable.

So, with the way, he saw this situation it meant that one more girl was hooked up in his net, and he had been watching this one for quite some time now.

How could a wolf-like him allow a small lamb like her to escape when it had offered herself to him.

With those thoughts in mind, he plastered an extremely touched expression on his face, as he said,

"The truth is that even I have been entranced by you Zhuo Ting, and I feel extremely ashamed of myself to have forced a beautiful young lady like you to confess to me first.

How about you allow me to make it up to you with a drink tonight!"

Hearing those words, the beautiful flower couldn't help but feel like her heart had reached her throat, as it was more and more difficult for her to breathe and speak.

Even though she had tried this, she didn't keep much hope of actually succeeding in her endeavor, she thought that most likely he would reject her, and then she would have to go and be Yang Tian's plaything.

It was obvious that this result was completely out of her expectations, and she didn't know what to say, besides nodding her head like a chicken pecking her food.

The situation became even weirder when she felt him put his hand over her waist and pull him towards his car.

There was no one at the parking lot at the moment, but this didn't mean that the beautiful Zhuo Ting couldn't feel embarrassed.

This was the first time that she was having so much of a contact with someone else besides her brothers, and father, it was enough to almost knock her out.

Not to mention that the person gripping her waist like that was none other than the man that she had fallen in love with.

Unable to even think much of the situation, she entered his car, and then he drove towards a rather expensive restaurant and ordered a private box.

For someone of Zhuo Ting's stature, this restaurant was a big luxury, as she hadn't even been able to enter a normal family restaurant before.

How could she, every time that she took her salary it would disappear almost immediately as her father, and her brothers would empty her pockets.

They would go drinking and gambling until they lost every penny of it, while she couldn't even think of having something extra out of her normal bland meals.

But she was used to it, and she still thought of them as her family so she couldn't get away from them, especially when her mother was in need of hospitalization.

The moment that they entered inside the private box, the man accompanying her, sat down beside her, gave the order to the waiter, including some expensive wine, and even gave him a small tip.

By the moment that she had started to understand her current situation, the man accompanying her had placed his hand on her thigh, while saying with a caring voice,

"Now please explain your situation better to me!"

The moment she heard that question she was like a devoted catholic who had heard the priest saying 'confess' and she started saying everything to him.

The man couldn't believe that the perverted Young Master Yang Tian would have asked for someone like her, and even thinking of paying so much for her.

Which made him feel extremely complicated, on one side he wanted to try this beauty and see why she was worth that much, and on the other side he wanted to make a deal with Yang Tian for money.

After all, there were many more nurses, even more, beautiful than her inside that hospital where he worked, as it was an extremely expensive and high-class hospital.

While Zhuo Ting was extremely beautiful and seemed like an extremely good prey, in his eyes she wasn't comparable to that amount of money.

So, he couldn't help but think of possible ways to make use of her feelings in order to make a profit out of this mess.

The moment that he learned about this possibility though he changed his approach and started acting a bit colder with her. He even took his hand from her silky-smooth thigh.

Zhuo Ting noticed that as well, but she thought that it was the man's way of showing his care, and thoughts for her.

She was unable to see, or rather she was unwilling to see the glint of greed on his eyes at that moment, that looked like he had just stumbled upon a great deal.

At the same time, none of the duo was able to see how a small shadow was having a look at whatever was happening inside that room without letting even the smallest thing escape his look.

Even though he didn't understand why he had to do something like this, he still did his job as best as he could.

As Zhuo Ting was having one of the best days or nights of her life, Yang Tian was sleeping on his bed with nothing else better to do.

The reports he had asked from Zero would take some time to be ready at his disposal, and even more so the reports of the numbers, and then whole workers of the Yang family.

He wasn't in the mood to talk to Zero either, as he was feeling rather cold and chilly. After a million years of getting used to having a lady by his side every night, this was the first time he had to sleep alone.

So, it was more than understandable for him to feel the way he felt. As if that wasn't enough there was also that damn situation with that Zhuo Ting girl.

To think that there still existed people as naïve as her, that thought that love could overcome everything in life.

It wasn't that the statement was totally false, it was just that every person nowadays realized the necessary modification.

Love overcomes every struggle and difficulty only when you have enough money, otherwise, while it gave someone a piece of happiness and relaxation, it didn't overcome hunger, sickness, and greed.

Well, it didn't matter anyway, he was 100% sure that soon she would face the harsh reality that was life nowadays, it was just a matter of time.

What surprised him though was that while he was sleeping the door to his room opened, and someone unexpected entered inside…