Chapter 16: Lan Yunxi’s 1st Time & Start of the Cultivation Path [R-18]

"What… What should I do!?"

"Then how about you start with a nice kiss, and a lick, and then take it slowly from there beauty!"

Lan Yunxi was startled at those words, but the truth was that she was already expecting it. she wasn't ignorant when it came to sex, and this wasn't the first time she was going to do it with her mouth.

It was just that the current situation was a bit against her expectations. Yang Tian had only used his two fingers and his mouth and had already made her climax twice.

Furthermore, looking at his little brother standing in attention she felt like she was going to pass out, as it was the biggest, she had ever seen.

Certainly, size wasn't everything but seeing his finger technique and his kissing technique, she was sure that even his 'little brother' technique would be mind-blowing.

She didn't know how to feel, or what to think at that moment but she decided to not care about any of the two anymore, as she slowly stood up a bit, and brought her mouth towards the target.

Looking at the 'little soldier' standing in attention she found out that it looked even bigger on close approach, and it was emitting a heat that seemed out of this world.

The moment she placed her hand upon it and then breathed a warm current of air on its head, she could feel it twitch at her in anger, as if it was tired of waiting.

Without losing time, she quickly gave it a kiss on the head, and then took out her slithery tongue to give it a lick around the head, and especially below the head.

The return was extremely satisfying for her as she felt the 'little soldier' twitch once again, but this time it was in joy and satisfaction.

Pleased with the reaction, Lan Yunxi continued her lick down the shaft, and until the milk factories down below, and then took one of them in her mouth.

Since the tree was revitalized, then it would be stupid to think that the roots hadn't, as they were part of the first 57% to have recovered.

Yang Tian was enjoying Lan Yunxi's skills and care and could feel his little soldier's reactions to her touches, kisses, licks, and sucks.

Even though her skills weren't at the top, they were still pretty good for someone like her, and he wouldn't like someone with perfect skills, as it would mean that it just had too much experience.

He preferred for the girls to have little to no experience, and then nurture their skills with the pass of time by his side.

But staying all the time on the passive really wasn't his thing, so he suddenly said with a groan of enjoyment,

"Ughnn…, hop up and bring your secret cave towards me, let me give you a reward!"

Knowing about his finger skills and technique, and his kisses, Lan Yunxi wasn't surprised in the least as she heard him say a reward, as she carefully hopped on the bed, and turned her secret cave towards him.

She was careful enough to bring her secret cave right above Yang Tian's mouth, while she herself was eyeing greedily his little soldier.

Just as she was about to continue what she had started though, she felt a lick that jolted her whole body. She had no idea how Yang Tian did it, but she could feel that she had just built another climax.

On the other hand, Yang Tian had a pretty smug face right now, as he thought. 'Little girl with my experience is already a great achievement that you didn't climax!'

Then without delay, he continued doing what he did best, as he licked, kissed, and sucked to his heart content, building the climax in Lan Yunxi's body bigger and bigger.

He could feel that her secret cave's entrance was reacting wildly to his care, and when he thought that it was enough, he suddenly bit on her little redbud over her secret cave's entrance.

Immediately Lan Yunxi's body started trembling and convulsing like she was being electrified, as her love juices were falling out of her secret cave like a waterfall.

Yang Tian didn't allow any drop of that magical juice to escape his mouth, as in it was contained that powerful, and amazing cold Yin Qi that he so much desired.

Once again, even though he was a cripple he could feel that every cell of his body was being revitalized, but at the same time withering.

This was nowhere enough energy he needed to recover from his current predicament, but it was enough to give him hope.

Since his little soldier was recovered and didn't need more of that energy, he decided to send it towards one of his limbs.

Normally the best choice would be his legs, as he needed to get up from his bed as soon as he could, but the situation didn't allow him, as his self-defense was much more important.

With those thoughts in mind, he directed the new mixture of Yang and Yin Qi towards his left hand, where he could already move two of his fingers while using a part of it for his cultivation.

Recovering his body was certainly the biggest priority but at the same time, he needed to recover his cultivation and his strength.

A weak human body would be unable to face an assassin's strike. Furthermore, he wanted to give a beautiful surprise to the people that might think of taking advantage of his weakness.

For that reason, he directed 1/3 of the new Yin-Yang Qi mixture towards his hand, and the remaining 2/3 was kept in his abdomen and sent towards his Dantian.

He was wondering just how effective that energy would be, but it was clearly beyond his expectations, as the energy immediately filled his small size dantian, and started refining it.

This was a clear sign of him having broken through to the first level of Qi Refining Realm, and it was clearly much more than he expected.

It seemed like Lan Yunxi was truly a lucky charm for him, as he had just entered his cultivation path without even robing her of her purity.

Thinking about what was coming up he couldn't help but get even more excited, as by now Lan Yunxi had rested enough, and they could continue with their work.

With those thoughts in mind, he said to the beautiful woman on top of him,

"How about I enjoy the main course now beauty!"

Lan Yunxi was still recovering from her last climax when she heard those words, but at that moment she thought that it was finally time.

The truth was that when she had appeared in this room tonight, she didn't hold much hope, and she thought that even if something happened, would be just some touches, and kisses.

Who would have expected that from the moment she entered this room until now Yang Tian had been the one leading her despite being bedridden?

Not only that, but she had already climaxed three times, while he hadn't released even a small drop of his special milk.

Even though she was about to lose her purity, in fact, she didn't feel like she was losing. Even if Yang Tian gave her this night only, she felt like it would be worth it.

Gathering every bit of remaining strength in her body, she started to slowly pick her body up, and then slide her lower part towards Yang Tian's little soldier and turn around.

Since this was the moment that she was about to lose her purity, she would like to do it while watching the man's face, and Yang Tian seemed to want to look at her as well.

With a light smile Yang Tian watched her as she slowly positioned herself over his little soldier, and then seeing the head of his little soldier touch the entrance of her secret cave he said with a gentle voice,

"You are truly beautiful!"


That comment caught Lan Yunxi unprepared, as she lost all the strength on her lower body that she was using to stand with, and her body free fell on Yang Tian's body.

Yang Tian's little soldier just stood as straight as it could, as it was suddenly met with the tight entrance, and then the barrier right behind it.

Still, it managed to pierce through like a good soldier would and then entered deep inside Lan Yunxi's secret cave, reaching as deep as it could.

Blood was spurted out of the connection point between the two bodies, but Yang Tian didn't seem to care about that now, as his eyes were hypnotized by the jiggling movements of her juicy melons.

He had never thought that as a Lust God who had lived through so many years, he would suddenly come across such a tantalizing view in front of his eyes.

The poor Lan Yunxi's face had contorted in pain, suffering, but also pleasure as she remembered what Yang Tian had told her the moment that he took her purity.

Even though she had thought of losing her purity in a much romantic place, and mood, she couldn't help but think of that moment as special for her.

Amidst the pain, she tried her best to have a look at his face, in order to understand whether he was serious or not, only to look at his stupid face tantalized by the jiggling of her juicy melons.

She couldn't help but giggle at his appearance as she thought that it was extremely cute, and then lowered her jiggling juicy melons towards his mouth, even though she still felt pain on her secret cave's entrance.

Yang Tian consciously or unconsciously opened his mouth to receive the tasty melon, as he said,

"Move when you can! I am pretty much useless at this point!"