Chapter 17: 3rd Climax, 3rd level of Qi Refining Realm

Lan Yunxi was caught a bit unprepared hearing that, as after all, she went through tonight, she had totally forgotten that Yang Tian was still practically a cripple.

The first thought that crossed her mind at that point was, 'thank god, at least I won't have another climax like that again' but at the same time, she felt a tinge of regret in her heart.

After all, until now she had touched heaven twice, and she was hoping to touch it once more, and this time perhaps even better than the first two times.

Too bad that it looked impossible! Still, she didn't allow that painful thought to block her for long, and make her forget her important duty, as the moment she felt like she could, she started moving.

Since she was inexperienced in this, her movements were pretty crude, and small at first, as it looked like she was just adjusting herself, and that big thing that had penetrated her secret cave.

On the other hand, Yang Tian was enjoying her movement, as his mouth was playing with the juicy melons in his mouth.

He easily noticed the changes on Lan Yunxi's face when he said those words and couldn't help but chuckle inside thinking,

'Beauty don't worry, I will recover shortly, and make you plead me to stop! I will make sure to make you lose your mind!'

As he was thinking like that though he didn't stop his work, at the same time he couldn't help but admire Lan Yunxi's body, and especially her secret cave.

She was really tight! One of the tightest he had ever had, as it looked like her secret cave was trying to suck his little soldier inside and cage it in there.

He felt like, besides his special milk, Lan Yunxi's womb and secret cave wanted to suck away his soul, and that felt really great!

He could feel that a warm current was slowly building in his abdomen, going towards the roots of his tree, gathering there, and ready to jump through the tree trunk to the outside.

The more Lan Yunxi moved her hips on top of him, the closer he was towards his first climax since returning to this point in time, and he couldn't help but enjoy it.

Finally, Lan Yunxi tried to rotate her hips a bit as she was falling on his shaft, making him unable to control his shot anymore, and then fill her secret cave, and womb with his hot special milk.

But he wasn't a man that would accept loss easily though, as he would always have his revenge no matter what happened, for that reason he implemented his thread of Qi into his special milk.

The moment that his special milk attacked Lan Yunxi's womb, she felt like she was suddenly electrified from inside, and without being able to understand what happened, she climaxed.

This time it was the previous two times combined, as her secret cave walls started tightening and releasing Yang Tian's little soldier.

Yang Tian felt like his little soldier had been trapped into some kind of moist meat grinder, and was unable to pull out, not that he wanted to, anyway.

At that moment he could also feel the cold Yin Qi slowly envelop his little soldier, and then enter his body through there, as the amount he was receiving was incomparable to the first two times.

Without delaying it even an instant in fear that he might lose on it, he continued with the same division of earlier sending 1/3 towards his recovery, and the rest towards his Dantian.

Immediately he could feel that the cloud of Qi in his Dantian was slowly growing bigger and bigger, as it broke the bottlenecks like they were some cheap glass.

In no time he had reached the 3rd level of Qi Refining Realm. Normal people would take at least a few months to reach this stage, yet he had done so in one hour.

Truly something enviable and unreachable for others, but Yang Tian didn't think the same, as this was still far from enough for him.

The current him could finally use his left palm and the fingers of his left arm, but the rest of the arm was still unmovable for him.

It would be extremely difficult for him to protect himself in that situation, so he would still need the help of Zero and the numbers for his protection.

Well, he couldn't do much about it at the moment, he could only take things one by one. When he finally regained his clarity, he saw Lan Yunxi's body on top of him unconscious.

It was to be expected though as in a short amount of time she had suffered three exploding climaxes, that must have trembled her whole being and essence.

This wasn't his thoughts and ideas, but his conviction and confidence in his skills. As the Lust God, he would be ashamed if there was a better man in bed than he was.

But as he waited for Lan Yunxi to wake up, he couldn't help but think about the help that this beauty had promised him.

In fact, looking at everything that happened until now he started to feel like this woman was pretty intelligent, shrewd, and capable, so he was thinking of making her one of his maidservants.

As the Lust God in his previous life, he had 4 maidservants, that would always be by his side no matter what happened.

Each of them was a beauty, and a genius that was born only once in 100.000 years, and they were fully connected to him.

Each of the 4 of them would give her life in exchange for his at any moment without thinking twice, and their thoughts were only about his happiness.

It had been his greatest luck to find each and every one of them and have them serve him as maidservants.

Now he was thinking that he had just found another one, but surely that would have to wait for some time, as he had to test this beauty and make sure that she would be just like one of those 4.

Since the night was a bit cold and Lan Yunxi had nothing covering her body, she was awakened by a small breeze that blew on her back.

Her beautiful eyelids trembled and finally opened completely to look at Yang Tian's smiling face. At that moment for some reason, she felt like she had been blessed, but soon her face turned red.

Now that reason was returning to her, she was finally able to clearly remember everything that happened, and she knew it had gone way out of her expectations.

Especially the fact that Yang Tian's little brother had suddenly recovered, and she had lost her purity to him.


As she thought like that, she couldn't help but release an enticing soulful moan, as Yang Tian's little soldier was still deep inside her, covered in their mixture of juices.

"You finally woke up sleeping beauty! I must say that you are beautiful when you sleep, but I prefer you more when you are awake!"

Lan Yunxi's face went red once again, as even though she knew this might just be perfunctory words that he said to every woman, she still felt extremely good hearing those, as a smile crept on her face.

On the other hand, Yang Tian couldn't help but lightly smile at her cute reactions, as he continued,

"While I don't mind being wrapped inside you, you should know that the sun is about to go up, and someone might come and find us like this!"

Hearing that, Lan Yunxi was jolted awake, as she quickly, even though unwillingly stood up on the bed and jumped down.

Then with swift and smooth movements she quickly cleaned herself, and Yang Tian's fingers, mouth, and little soldier, putting it back inside his pajamas, and then stood by his side looking at the floor.

She looked like some kind of criminal waiting for a judgment in the courtroom, making Yang Tian unable to control his laughter.

"Hahaha~! You don't have to be like that, since I said that you belong to me from now on, then you do! You are my woman and my property.

I will take care of you, and everything you need, and from now on you aren't allowed to think of any other man, not like that would be possible anyway!"

While he said that last line, he looked at her with a teasing smile. Upon looking at her relaxed, and satisfied expression he continued,

"Now let us talk about how you will help me to have Zhuo Ting and whatever woman I prefer!"

"About that Young Master Yang…"

But she was unable to continue as Yang Tian interrupted her, as he said,

"It's Master for you, not Young Master Yang! And you won't tell me that you were joking about it, will you!?"

"No! of course not, Yo-Master! It's just that Zhuo Ting's deal will be really easy as long as Doctor Zhao hears of your involvement!

As for the rest, I don't really know your tastes, so…"

"Hahahah~! Very well then, I will soon give you a list of the women that I like and would like you to help me create connections with!

As for that Doctor Zhao, do you think that I can make use of him!?"

"Yes, certainly Master!"

"Oh!? You seem pretty certain!?"

"Yes, Master! Doctor Zhao is playing the good Samaritan only so he could have a relationship with the Hospital's Director's daughter, as he wants to marry into money.

As long as you make sure to give him enough money to live the life he wants, or help him get that woman, he will be willing to follow you like a dog.

One could say that he is like a wind chaser, always chasing the strongest wind!"