Chapter 18: Doctor Zhao Fu

After talking a bit more with Lan Yunxi, Yang Tian had a much better understanding of the hospital he was staying in.

Since Lan Yunxi had to leave her to turn soon, and Yang Tian told her to not make their relationship public at the moment, she left the room after they were finished.

The moment that Lan Yunxi left his room, Zero immediately entered inside the room but his invisible mode hadn't been turned off even for a second this whole time.

In fact, Zero hadn't abandoned his post outside the window even for a single second, as he was worried that something might happen to his Master.

But Yang Tian could understand that this guy wasn't happy with what happened. As a matter of fact, he seemed to have lost all the good opinions he earned himself the other day and was a bit disappointed.

The previous day he had thought that his Young Master had changed and that from now on he would truly be a Master worth serving to.

But in just one night the good opinion he gained about this Master was shattered to dust and dirt, making his opinion fall even worse than the previous day.

Still, he couldn't help but sigh, and try to advise him, as he didn't want the hopes of the old couple to shatter, as he said,

"Master, I think that you should try and act more collected and serious from now on. Beauties are important, but your grandparent's hopes for you are even more so!"

Yang Tian had already expected something like this, so he wasn't that upset with that advice. Quite on the contrary though he saw Zero more favorably after those words.

Despite being extremely disappointed in him, Zero still didn't forego his decision of following him as his Master, which clearly showed the guy's values and loyalty.

Still, he didn't show that on his face, as he put on a teasing expression on his face, and then used his left hand to form the middle finger gesture to Zero as he said,

"Fu*ck you Zero!"

Zero was extremely angry at first, as he didn't expect this Master of his to treat him like that, but then seeing Yang Tian's gesture with his left hand, he couldn't help but exclaim in shock,

"Master you…"

"Do you think I was just playing around just now? While it's true that I am a debauched Young Master, and love beauties a lot, there is a good reason for what happened.

I won't tell you much right now, but I can say that I practice a dual cultivation manual and that I will recover soon, and my words of the previous day weren't a joke.

Yours and the other numbers cultivation as well is full of holes and impurities. Your foundation isn't stable enough to advance more than the Foundation Establishment Realm.

If you want to walk further and follow me longer each and every one of you will have to re-cultivate!

It's your choice whether you believe me or not and whether you will follow my orders or not, as I won't force you!

But if you do decide to follow me and my orders then I promise that you will look at the world in contempt!"

Zero had never thought that he would hear such words, and he couldn't help but have a startled expression on his face.

For a strange reason, he didn't think that Yang Tian was lying to him, and he could feel clear confidence and arrogance in his voice.

Could it be that what Yang Tian was saying was the truth!? At this moment he couldn't bring himself to fully believe him, but the fact was in front of his eyes.

Yang Tian's left hand should be mostly crippled, and he shouldn't have been able to do something like that, yet he was.

As if reading Zero's thoughts Yang Tian even started to move his left-hand fingers even more and make different signs.

It was clear that he was saying that this wasn't an illusion, he had truly recovered his left hand. Zero didn't know what to think anymore.

But as he was left pondering about Yang Tian's words, suddenly the door of the room opened once again, and this time a handsome man in his late twenties entered inside.

Noticing the new entrance Zero quickly recollected himself and made his way towards the corner of the room once again, ready to protect his Master at any moment.

It wasn't that Yang Tian wanted to announce his secrets to Zero as the best person who can guard a secret is a dead person, but he had no other choice.

At the moment he was nothing more than a cripple, and he would need Zero's and the numbers' help in order to not only take care of the trouble and dangers prepared for him.

But also, in order to start implementing his plans as soon as possible, and at the same time secure himself privacy time, and no interference with his women.

For that reason, Yang Tian couldn't help it and had to reveal a bit of the truth, and his abilities to Zero.

Like this not only would he gain Zero's help for the time being, but also build the foundation of his belief and loyalty. After all, Yang Tian wasn't lying, this was the truth.

But now he didn't have the time to think about that, as his eyes fell upon the guy who entered his room, he didn't need the guy to introduce himself to know who he was, but he still allowed him to do so.

"Hello Young Master Yang Tian, I am Doctor Zhao Fu! One of the best doctors in the hospital, and also Zhuo Ting's love interest!"

Looking at him attentively, Yang Tian seemed like he was evaluating the person in front of him, and finally opened his mouth to say,

"How much!?"

"Pardon me!?"

"Come on Doctor Zhao don't waste both our time, do you think that with the Yang family's resources and intelligence I wouldn't be able to find everything about you!?

I can even tell you the color of your underwear right now if you want me to prove it to you. But I wouldn't like that experience either!

So, how about we throw away all the extra words, and come exactly to the point!"

Zhao Fu was a bit startled and surprised at Yang Tian's words but remember who the person in front of him was, he didn't dare to put airs anymore.

At first, he thought that he would have the upper hand against a wasteful good-for-nothing, but now he couldn't help but feel the need to re-evaluate the situation.

As someone who had become one of the greatest doctors at such a young age, one could understand that he was quite the perceptive and intelligent guy.

Furthermore, he was a doctor who had to be calm in the operation room and had steely nerves, so he quickly managed to recollect himself as he said,

"Young Master Yang misunderstood me! I have no intention of selling that Young Miss Zhuo Ting to you, I was planning on telling you that I have no intention of accepting her love.

In fact, I would love to help you in your conquest, Young Master Yang!"

Hearing those words Yang Tian couldn't help but chuckle inside, as he thought that this guy was exactly the sly fox, he thought he was.

Still, he didn't show that on his face, as he looked at Zhao Fu with a bit of anger, and said,

"Do you think this Young Master needs your help in bedding her!?"

"No! No! Don't misunderstand me Young Master Yang, I wouldn't dare! I was just trying to tell you that this Zhao Fu will do whatever Young Master Yang says.

If you say left that I won't think of right, and if you say up I will never dare to look down!"

Yang Tian was getting more and more interested and appreciative of this man, he seemed to have quite sharp senses, shrewdness, and a glib tongue. He was liking him more and more!

Thinking like this, he finally showed a slight smile on his face, as he said with a gentler tone,

"Hahahah~! Doctor Zhao is truly a man of honor and caliber. This Young Master appreciates you very much, Doctor Zhao.

How about you follow this Young Master from now on, I can assure you that you will not regret your decision!"

Zhao Fu had said all those words precisely for this offer, so it would be a great loss for him to reject such an offer.

Even though he felt a bit unwilling to follow a lecherous Young Master, he still managed to quell that unwillingness, and then say with a brightened face,

"If Young Master Yang appreciates this Zhao Fu so much, then I am more than willing to follow you Young Master Yang!"

Hearing that, Yang Tian seemed to have become even happier as he laughed out loud, and said,

"Good! Good! Good! This Young Master surely knows how to select gems. I am extremely happy and in the mood right now.

Tell me, Doctor Zhao, is there anything I can do for you as a present of this notable occasion?"

In fact, Yang Tian already knew everything about this man in front of him, but he was still curious about what he would decide upon.

This could be said to be a little test for Doctor Zhao, will he ask for what he wants or pretend to be humble and show his colors…