Chapter 19: New Blood

Doctor Zhao Fu understood this was a test as well. It was a test of his ambition and heart. Should he ask for more than he could handle it would show that he is too greedy.

But should he ask for nothing that it might be taken as a lack of trust and respect towards Yang Tian, especially since he was able to see through his character in one look?

Thinking like that, Doctor Zhao Fu couldn't help but go with the truth this time as he said,

"If Young Master could help, then this Zhao Fu would like to become the director of the hospital and assist Young Master better in the future!"

"Very well, it shall be done! In the meantime make sure to break all relations to Zhuo Ting!"

"Of course Master! Immediately!"

"You can leave now!"

With that Doctor Zhao Fu left Yang Tian's room, leaving him behind with Zero by his side.

"Keep a tight lock on him these days! I want to know everything he does, including what he does in the toilet!"

"As you say, Master!"

After witnessing this scene and hearing the orders Zero could tell that the Master in front of him was nothing like the old self of his.

Weirdly he even started believing those weird stuff that he had said these days. But it was still far from totally believing him.

"What happened to the intelligence reports on the personnel!?"

"We are currently screening and re-searching them Master, they will be ready in the next days!"

"Any weird movement in the hospital?"

"Nothing worth mentioning until now, but there have been quite a few more urgency cases lately!"

"It would be weird if there weren't!"

"You mean…"

"Yes, they are most probably sent to deal with me! Not only that but they must also have some insider sent here to make things easier.

You and the others need to be sharper these days, but just take note of them and don't act! It's not the time for that yet."

"As you wish Master!"

With that out of the way, Yang Tian started going through the information he had available on his properties, wealth, and working personnel in the next week.

Even though he already knew about these stuff, he had nothing else to do during the day, as he couldn't even move from his bed.

During the night he would be visited by Lan Yunxi, or another nurse that she had arranged for him. The new nurse wasn't pure like Lan Yunxi but she wasn't much experienced either.

In fact, she wasn't the type of practical beauty, but more of an emotional woman that desired love. She seemed like the type that wanted emotional attachments.

Just like Lan Yunxi, Hao Yu was a beauty with quite enviable curves, purple-colored hair, and a pair of beautiful red lips.

According to what Lan Yunxi told him, and what the numbers found on her, she had actually been a married woman until a month ago.

Hao Yu's life with her husband had been quite a warm and beautiful one in the first year of their marriage, as her husband had a good salary working in a big company.

Everything had been destroyed 3 months ago, as Hao Yu wasn't able to get pregnant and after a check-up, it resulted that she was unable to.

That made her husband start despising her and change his attitude towards her. He started getting late at work, and even coming drunk home.

Not only that, but he even started insulting and beating her for different reasons. Her good, handsome and passionate husband had turned into a beast.

Not long after, she had even found lipstick marks, or other signs of him cheating on her, that had totally broken her heart.

Even so, she had tried to bear everything, as she thought this was her fault for not being able to give him a child. No matter what he did she would find a stupid reason to convince herself it was her fault.

Apparently, that was her biggest mistake, as a month ago he had suddenly returned home with another woman, asking her for a threesome.

She had never felt that humiliated and angry in her life. She was already tolerating his whoring around, and now he asked for something like that with someone she didn't even know.

Unable to bear it any longer she had slapped him and even screamed at him. That seemed to be the monster's switch to start beating her, and if it weren't for the neighbors he might have killed her.

It was only the next day that she was handed over the divorce papers, as two days later loan sharks appeared in her life.

Apparently, her husband had taken huge loans from dangerous people in her name, and now she had to pay for everything. Otherwise, they would send her to the brothels, or for organ trafficking.

It wasn't enough that she had gone through a living hell, but now she had to suffer even something like this. It had made her think of committing suicide many times.

If it weren't for Lan Yunxi approaching her and telling her about this opportunity, then she would have truly killed herself, as she was unable to handle it.

At least from that moment on she would only serve one man. Even if he beat her, or kicked her, she was already used to it, and it wouldn't make much of a difference.

What she didn't expect though, was that her new Master was completely different from what she thought.

Not only did he take care of the loan sharks and their debts in a short time, but he even managed to give her much more pleasure than her husband had ever been able to.

In his arms, she felt extremely happy to be alive, and she didn't even mind sharing him with Lan Yunxi in the bed.

What she hadn't been able to do for her husband, she had actually done it for her new Master. The weirdest part was that she didn't really regret it.

With the help of the two beauties through the whole week, Yang Tian had been able to not only reach level 6 of the Qi-refining Realm but even fully heal his left hand.

This development had convinced even Zero that whatever his new Master was doing had a meaning and was truly helping him, and his trust towards his new Master increased by quite a bit.

When he was finally done with going through everything Yang Tian decided to finally give an opening to the people who wanted to kill him.

Tonight it was the night of the new blood. Her name was Wu Xiangyun. Unlike Hao Yu she didn't have any big story behind her, she was just a woman that loved money and attention.

There were rumors about her having quite the resume with an extremely deep experience. But she seemed tired of all that and wanted to find a sugar daddy.

Yang Tian filled that role perfectly, not only was he extremely wealthy, but she could even live as she wished with a crippled husband.

Her ambition had started the moment that Lan Yunxi had told her about her experience with him. Or to be more exact about the payment she received from him.

Just for a few kisses, a show of nudity, and a little bit of perversity she had been paid with 10.000 dollars.

It seemed impossible for Wu Xiangyun to let go of such an opportunity, so earlier in the day she had arrived and expressed her intentions to the depraved Young Master, who had accepted immediately.

In fact, she had even provided him with a small show in order to increase his expectations for the night, before leaving a meeting for now.

Unable to stay in another form, Yang Tian was lying down on the hospital bed while waiting for his guest, as finally, the beauty entered his room.

"Young Master I am here!"



"I said undress! Didn't you hear me?"

At first, she was caught a bit unprepared as she didn't expect Yang Tian to suddenly turn into such a dominating monster. Just his voice made her have goosebumps through her whole body.

But once she had managed to recover from her shock, she quickly regained control of herself and her body as she started undressing in a sensual and subservient way.

She looked just like some concubine dancing and undressing in front of the Emperor, careful to have his attention and dodge his anger.

A true experienced professional!

At that moment Yang Tian seemed to be entranced by the scene in front of him. This woman seemed like a true succubus.

There was a lecherous gaze and smile on the corner of his face, as he looked at the beauty from head to toe and then continued,

"Now play with yourself!"

A bit surprised by the sudden order the beauty did as she was told, and soon love juices started leaking from her secret cave, while her breathing became rough and accompanied with moans.

"Ahhnn…, nhnn…, Young Master Tiannnn~!"

"Co-Come here and give me a kiss!"

The scene and the show seemed to have truly affected Yang Tian, as he even had trouble with his voice as he said those last words.

The beauty didn't dare to disobey and approached him with her right hand still between her thighs and lowered her head for a kiss.

It was a short French kiss, as the beauty seemed like a capricious phoenix, as she said in a whisper,

"You should be honored!"