Chapter 20: Assassins

Perhaps no one else besides Yang Tian was able to hear that whisper, but Yang Tian heard those words perfectly.

Not only that but he was also able to sense her sudden explosive killing intent, as an extremely sharp needle appeared from her mouth, and was headed for his throat.

Even if Zero entered the room at that moment and tried his best to protect his new Master he would be unable to save him from the attack.

With those thoughts in the assassin's beauty's mind, a sensual and evil grin appeared on the corners of her mouth. Her mission was complete.

Too bad that she actually counted her eggs ahead of time, and just as the needle was about to leave her mouth, suddenly a strong hand grabbed her hair and pulled her head away.

Due to the sudden pull, even though she released the poisoned needle that was on her mouth, it went way off the course. It didn't even get close to Yang Tian's body.


Even though she was completely shocked and startled by what happened, and the fact that Yang Tian could actually use his left hand, she was still an assassin.

She was able to quickly regain composure and clarity enough to actually scream to her helpers to attack. As an assassin, she was used to having two or three plans reserve.

If the first didn't work, then there would be a second, and if the second didn't work as well there would be a third.

One thing was for sure though, until today she hadn't lost even one target. If Yang Tian knew this he would actually praise those stupid cousins of his.

After all, even though he was supposed to be a cripple, they were still using such a high-grade assassin to take care of him.

Even though, the assassin wasn't that powerful though, as it seemed to be only a bit more advanced than a normal human being, around the 3rd level of the Qi Refining Realm.

Around, because even though she clearly had broken through the 3rd level of the Qi Refining Realm, she had done so through pills and herbs. Her foundation was shaky and useless.

In front of someone like Yang Tian, she had no other choice but to let him play with her however he wished.

That was what Yang Tian did, the moment that he grabbed her hair and pulled her head away, he used his special Qi in order to make her fall into illusions that would drain her out of energy and stamina.

While he would love to knock her down immediately right now he didn't have the physical conditions to do so.

Furthermore, he was the type of guy that was used to playing it strong and safe, he would always keep a trump card in case something didn't go as he wished.

If that wasn't the case he wouldn't have concealed the 'Rainbow Dimensional Crystal' for that long in the Origin World.

Not to mention that this way he was able to bring her down without damaging her brain and also prepare her for questioning later.

His illusions were special, or to be more exact it was a technique called 'Soul Attraction Illusion'. It not only absorbed the target's energy and stamina, but it also relieved their soul and guard.

It was a Lust God original and special skill that Yang Tian had created personally, in order to play around when he descended in the mortal cities and countries.

But that wasn't important at that moment, as he had to observe the speed and reaction of his own people.

Everything that happened just now had already been planned, directed, and executed by Yang Tian. It was a bit difficult to actually bait this woman out through Lan Yunxi and Hao Yu, but not impossible.

The moment that the assassin beauty had decided to act, Yang Tian had actually ordered the numbers to take down her helpers.

Each and every one of them was ordered and instructed to take down one of the assassins. It was a 7 against 7 fight, with Zero ordered to stay out of it.

In fact, from the moment that Yang Tian had acted against the assassin's beauty, Zero had been inside the room ready to defend his Master in case something happened.

The numbers didn't disappoint though, as in a short amount of time all the assassins were taken down, and the danger was cleared.

Or so they thought!

The next moment someone actually managed to shut down the electric circuit of the hospital, turning every kind of light off.

Not only that but silenced guns' sounds started ringing through the hallway on Yang Tian's floor, slowly approaching his room.

"You see Zero, I told you that you had overlooked 3 of them!"

While that was happening outside though, Yang Tian didn't seem to be worried in the least, as he even found the time to remind Zero of his mistake.

"I apologize for my mistake Master!"

"Get up! Apologizing doesn't fix this! This shouldn't happen again, otherwise, I will not let you off easily!

Now deal with that guy on your left!"

"Yes, Master!"

The moment he said that Zero actually didn't hesitate to throw a palm on his left using only 40% of his strength as instructed by Yang Tian.

'Slappppp…, Cracckkkk~!'

Zero's slap managed to land right on the hiding assassin's face, leaving a large red imprint on his face but also breaking his nose on the way.

Due to the pain and suffering the poor assassin wasn't even able to keep his stealth active as he could only fall on the ground and cry in pain like a little pig.


Without losing time, Zero quickly made a swing with his hand towards the guy's neck, and knocked him unconscious quickly, so he wouldn't make much noise.

In the meantime, the sounds of a few things being broken were heard from outside, while the sounds of the silenced guns were totally extinguished.

Right after, the door to Yang Tian's room opened as a black-dressed lithe body assassin appeared at the door and reported,

"The assassins have been taken down! We are waiting for further instructions!"

Even though it seemed like this guy was talking in a respectful manner, it was still directed towards Zero and not Yang Tian.

That made Yang Tian a bit displeased, but he didn't show much on his face, as he said in a strong and domineering tone,

"Take them to the closest safe house and start questioning them. I want a report on your findings in 2 days tops!"


"Didn't you hear me!?"

"We obey Master!"

"Very well, go now!"

Even though they had captured these guys easily, they were still experienced assassins that had been paid, and they wouldn't talk easily.

Yet Yang Tian wanted results in less than 48 hours. It seemed like a mission impossible, or to be more specific like Yang Tian was trying to express his displeasure and create an opportunity to punish them.

Zero heard and watched everything that happened without much of an expression on his face, and it was only when the number left the room that he said,

"Master I understand that Yao… number 11 was a bit disrespectful, but don't you think that…"

Before he could continue though Yang Tian raised his left hand, the only one he could use to stop him as he continued,

"First of all, while I do appreciate that you guys treat each other as family, you should remember that she is your subordinate!

Secondly, I wasn't trying to play some childish games on her! I gave that time because I think that it's enough to make those guys talk, and that is just a test of their abilities.

I don't need the information from them, as we already have the most precious information trove right here in front of us!"

At that moment Zero was reminded of the presence of the assassin beauty and the broken nose guy that were still inside the room.

"Master are you…"

"Yes, just make sure that that guy doesn't wake up in the next 5 hours, as we will need him to confirm our information.

The beauty shall start to speak! Right love!?"

"Yes, honey! My real name is Dirt 14 and I have been brought up as an orphan from the Sharp Knife Assassin organization.

I don't know the bastards that paid for your life, but I know that they paid 100.000 dollars upfront and will pay 200.000 when the job was done.

I don't have any idea of the identity of the people in the organization either, as we all receive our orders through our special smart apps and are ordered to never meet each other.

The plan, the formation, identities, and weapons are all prepared from the organization, and we only need to perform our role.

If we succeed we get paid 50% of the sum, if not we are to be disposed of as someone else will take our place.

I don't know much about the structure of the organization either, I can only say that I was picked from an orphanage in the Gongyi City of Henan, named Merciful…"

The moment that she mentioned the name of the orphanage though she seemed to suddenly be shock awakened and then blood started falling from all her orifices.

Looking at what happened Zero could only look dumbfounded, while Yang Tian seemed to be angry and pissed.

"Those damn bastards know how to use these things as well! This time they won since I am unable to control my strength as I should, but there won't be the next time!"