Chapter 21: Escaping Death by a Whisker

Zero was left shocked by what happened, and Yang Tian's words. He wasn't able to understand the situation for some time.

This was the first time he was witnessing something like this, as this was the first time that they had been able to catch assassins belonging to the Sharp Knife Organization.

Even though the name of the organizations seemed pretty weak and ordinary, they were actually one of the best three ranked assassin organizations worldwide.

One was able to contact and ask for their services only through recommendations from an actual client of theirs.

Just like they ranked their assassins, they would actually rank even their clients. Starting from dirt, ground, air, and sky.

These were known secrets of the organization, which guaranteed the success of the mission, or the death of their assassins.

Each and every one of their assassins was actually provided with a suicide pill and trained to take it without hesitation.

Until now, Zero had thought that it was due to these assassins committing suicide that the world didn't have much knowledge of this organization, and it was only now that he saw the true reason why.

To think that there existed something like this in this planet Earth, where one would die just at the mention of a word.

Even though he had been part of the supernatural world for quite some time now, and had his own experiences, he was still startled at what he saw happen.

'Bip…, bip…, bip…'

That wasn't all there was to it though, as exactly one minute after the death of the assassin beauty, with his enhanced hearing Yang Tian could actually hear the sounds of an electronic watch clicking.

Even a normal person that had seen a bit too many movies could tell what it was by the sound, not to mention someone like Yang Tian who had the senses even better than x-ray.

Even though his spirit sense was way weaker than what he was used to, he was still able to completely 'see' everything in a 5 meters radius around him.

As soon as he realized something like that, he immediately started infusing his pink Qi into the body of the dead assassin beauty while saying Zero calmly but solemnly,

"Contact the numbers and tell them to jump from their vehicles now, no questions asked!"

At this moment, the most important thing was to remain calm and cold-blooded if he got too emotional while communicating it would only worsen the situation.

For example, if he screamed that order, Zero would certainly do as he was told but he would be too panicky and might do some mistake.

It was a mental issue if the brain was startled or excited it would try to work faster but faster didn't mean that it would work better.

So, the best option in such a situation was actually to remain calm, cool, and collected. Even then Zero was a bit startled by the order as it was unexpected, but he quickly did as he was told.

Contacting the numbers that had just left the hospital he said in a solemn voice,

"Jump out of the vehicles now!"

The order clearly baffled the numbers, but before they could even ask back, Yang Tian's dominating voice boomed from the other side,

"Now~! No question's asked!"

Cool and collected was good, but sometimes people needed to hear the ordering sound to actually get out of the momentary bafflement and do as they were told.

As baffled as they were with the surprising order, the numbers did as they were told as they didn't even stop the cars before they jumped from them.

At the same time, inside the hospital room, Yang Tian suddenly used a Qi explosion to blast the dead assassin beauty away, while ordering Zero,

"Create a barrier now~!"

Zero had already understood that there was something wrong with the current situation but he didn't know what, still he did as Yang Tian ordered.

'Boooooooommmmmmmm~!' x2

'Booommmm' x7

Almost at the same instant, two huge explosions took place inside the hospital room, and through the phone call that was still connected to the numbers.

If it weren't for Zero's barrier both he and Yang Tian would have suffered quite a bit of injury. While Zero maybe could afford it, Yang Tian couldn't.

His body was already a mess as it was, if he suffered more than this then he would surely need even more time to get better or might not even recover fully.

It was a mystery how he had been able to survive this damned attack in his previous life. Still, at least he could appreciate the fact that he was still alive.

'Cough…, Cough…'

Even though Zero had been able to activate the barrier at the right time, it was still difficult to bear the burden of two bomb explosions, as he couldn't help but cough a bit of blood.

The hospital room was now in flames, as even a part of the room had been completely destroyed, especially the side of the wall that suffered the explosion.

Yang Tian didn't know whether there was a sick person in the room behind that wall, but most probably he was either dead or about to.

The guy below as well, but that didn't matter right now. What mattered was his survival and Zero's. Just like every other being, self-preservation would win over any other feeling, emotion, or thought.

Zero couldn't believe what had just happened, as the only thing he knew was that if it weren't for Yang Tian, his senses, and direction, he and the numbers would be dead by now.

The numbers should be in the same situation as well, after all, their bafflement with the order should have quickly transformed into bafflement towards the person that issued the order.

Zero even felt ashamed that despite being stronger, more experienced, and responsible for Yang Tian's security it was Yang Tian that actually saved him, and the number's lives.

If he still had any doubts about Yang Tian's change and abilities until now, those doubts were certainly crushed into pieces right now.

Not only that but he even started feeling that a period of evolving, expansion, and prosperity awaited the Yang family, and especially Yang Tian and his grandparents.

The most urgent duty for him right now was to actually control the situation after the bombing and relocate Yang Tian into a comfortable area.

On the other hand, Yang Tian didn't seem to care much about the current situation he was in, as he asked towards the phone that was still connected,

"Report the situation!"

"Re-Reporting to Master, all numbers managed to escape safely, the explosions didn't cause much damage besides the vehicles that we were driving since the road was empty!"

At first, the person on the other side of the call was still a bit baffled and couldn't help but get startled hearing Yang Tian's voice, but he quickly recomposed himself and reported the situation.

"Very well, clean the area and disperse in the surroundings! I want you to keep an eye until I order you differently!"

"We obey Master!"

Seeing that Yang Tian was finished with the numbers, Zero looked towards him solemnly and said,

"Master it's time for us to move as well! This place isn't comfortable for you!"

"Ok, you take care of it!"

By that time the whole hospital and the area had been thrown into chaos as people called the firefighters and the police.

There was no need for ambulances as this was a hospital already. The first to arrive at Yang Tian's room was Doctor Zhao, who wanted to make sure that his new Master was okay.

It wasn't easy for him to make such a connection, and it would be the shitty luck of a few lifetimes if he ended up losing it in such a short time.

Seeing Yang Tian safe and sound he could finally release a sigh of relief, as he immediately called the staff to come and take care of him first.

In less than 5 minutes, despite the flames and the conditions of the room, Yang Tian had been transferred to another room and was able to relax.

Doctor Zhao wanted to make a quick check-up but he refused, as he didn't want any evidence of his sudden recovery to remain in the hospital, at least not at the moment.

After this episode though the normal choice would be for him to leave this hospital, as this place was not only bothersome for the current him but also a pain to deal with, as he had to avoid check-ups.

Not to mention that his grandparents would unquestionably ask for him to leave the hospital and transfer home, as they had already prepared a special room for him.

This week that he had spent here at the hospital was precisely due to the construction of that special room inside the Yang's family main Mansion.

There he would not only be more secure but would also be able to better manage his dealings, and plans.

It was time for him to spread the net and throw the bait. Only like that would he be able to have a bountiful harvest of spies and traitors and clean the Yang family.

But with his current conditions, he wasn't able to protect himself, in case something happened on the way, so he had to stay here some more time until he recovered himself.

With those thoughts in mind, he looked at the reverently looking Zero and said,

"Call my grandfather, I need to talk to him…