Chapter 22: A Touching Call

Yang Tie and Su Mei were currently on a hot spring resort, supposedly trying to enjoy some relaxing time after the huge disturbance, but that wasn't the case.

All the time they weren't able to fully relax even for a moment, as their minds were upon their grandson all the time.

As people of experience, they knew perfectly what would happen, and what their grandson was trying to do, but once things went out of control then he might actually suffer more than he could gain.

Especially that night, they had almost gone crazy when they heard the news about the hospital exploding, and that the center of the explosion was their grandson's room.

Even though they understood that their grandson had changed, especially after trying the cultivation Art he had given them and seeing improvements.

They still were extremely worried and had wanted to immediately leave the resort and go to their grandson, but they weren't able to, as they had suffered an attack as well.

Assassins disguised as hotel staff had actually tried to kill both of them that night, but grandpa Yang Tie and the numbers accompanying them had taken them down easily.

The truth was that Yang Tie had the same thoughts as his grandson Yang Tian in interrogating those bastards, but he hadn't been able to make them speak even one word until now.

He had yet to realize that that was a blessing in disguise for him, but that didn't matter at the moment as his Smartphone ringed and Zero's id appeared on the screen,

"Zero how is my grandson, how is my Yang Tie!? What happened there!?"

"Grandpa, don't worry I am fine! It was just a little accident that we were able to easily contain! What happened there, the numbers told me that you were targeted as well, this time!"

"We are fine Tian'er don't worry about us! But you aren't lying to me, right!? You didn't suffer from the attack, right?"

"No, grandpa don't worry! In fact, we managed to pass this situation without a loss on our side! Only a few light injuries!

By the way grandpa, if you have captured any of those assassins, immediately stop questioning them, and throw them into an isolated room where they won't be able to cause trouble.

They are all equipped with bombs that will explode under certain conditions!"

"What!? I will immediately pass the order!"

He truly did! He could tell from his experience that Yang Tian wasn't joking around when he said those words, and he had felt all this time that there was something wrong with these bastards.

Fortunately, Yang Tian's wake-up call had been timely, as the moment that grandpa Yang Tie informed his old wife of the situation, and they pulled back from the interrogation, the assassins' bodies exploded!

For a moment, Yang Tie couldn't help but feel that his grandson had truly changed, as this time it had been him who had saved his, and his wife's lives.

His gratitude became even stronger the moment that he thought that it was his wife that was interrogating those bloody bastards a moment ago.

They usually say that the pot can't call the kettle black, but similarly, jewels don't shine unless they are brought close to each other.

Everyone would usually think that Su Mei was just a weak and old woman that had been kept home by the legendary General Yang Tie, but the truth was that she was no less than her husband.

Not only had she been a soldier, and an expert, but she was also one that had shined through different battlefields and situations, as a secret agent of the country.

When it came to interrogation and revenge, she was even better than her own husband. So it made sense for her to do something like that.

While she had been angered to not have been able to make them talk until now, as they were about to run by Yang Tian's side, now she couldn't help but be grateful about it.

Su Mei was certainly even more elated knowing that her grandson had actually managed to make one of them talk, received information, and have even escaped the explosion.

While it seemed a bit surreal considering the good-for-nothing that Yang Tian had been before, she still immediately and fully believed those words.

To her, her grandson had finally started to shine as he should. An unmatched beautiful jewel.

On the other hand, Yang Tian was actually happy about this as well, because he had managed to protect and save his grandparents.

After all, in his previous life, they had been his biggest regret, and in this life, they were also his biggest oath. He had to protect them and keep them by his side.

Those two old people were the only ones that had truly showered him with love and care, without having any expectations or benefits for it.

But that was just the first and most important part of the reason he had called them. So, after this was taken care of, he continued,

"Grandpa, now that this happened I have a few requirements to make!"

"You brat, tell me what outrageous requirements do you have this time?"

"I want you to buy the hospital I am in from Grandpa Xia as soon as possible, while sending me a few hundred millions as well!"

"You darn brat! Do you know what you are asking for? Do you think that that crazy and obstinate old man would accept to sell his blood to us?

Furthermore, since when has started money to grow on trees!? Do you think that it's that simple to give you a few hundred millions?

What do you need that much money for?"

"Well, I am certain that you will find a way to convince him, Grandpa, he is your friend after all. In case that he stubbornly disagrees you can even offer him some shares from our Group.

As for the money, there are some stuff that I need to buy right now in order to increase the rate of my recovery.

I can't take it slow right now, otherwise, things will certainly get more difficult!"

While Yang Tian's words were reasonable the old man Yang would give in so easily. After all, even though his grandson had changed, he was still burning money like he was burning simple paper.

But unfortunately, the biggest opponent in taking down a peg that bratty grandson of his wasn't Yang Tian himself, but the person sitting next to him in the car.

"Don't worry Tian'er granny will take care of these things for you! You don't need to care about this stingy old man!

Furthermore, granny has heard that Grandpa Xia's granddaughter is a smart, and beautiful young lady, so granny will try to fix her to you!"

"Thank you, Grandma, you truly treat me the best!

But I don't think that you should keep high hopes about her though, as with my preceding infame I don't think that she will agree to that!"

"You don't have to worry about that, leave this matter to your Grandma!

You have truly changed for the best my precious, Grandma will have to try and become even better from now on if I want to support you!

Of course, this old man will do the same as well, otherwise, we can just throw him away in a corner of the house, to enjoy his old life and retirement!"

"Ok, Grandma thanks!"

"You don't have to thank me brat, you are my grandson!"


Even though the voice during the last okay didn't seem to change much, the feelings that were perceived were much different.

"Well, now we have to go! It's time for us to pay a visit to your Grandpa Xia!"

"Ok Grandma, love you!"

With that, the phone call was cut, as Yang Tian couldn't help but get silent and lost in his thoughts, emotions, and feelings for a few moments…