Chapter 23: Two old friends

It took him some time to finally get out of that torrent of feelings and emotions that he had thought to have forgotten for quite some time now, as he checked his voice, and then said to Zero,

"Ahem… Take care of the procedures of buying this hospital Zero, and make sure to put Doctor Zhao as the new director.

At the same time, make sure that one wing of the hospital is completely empty and in our control. I want you to structure the new defense and guarding of the place.

But the full right wing of the building will be for our personal use!"

"Yes, Master!"

"Make sure to prepare sleeping quarters for half of the numbers, a training ground in the basement, and even a personal chamber for me.

When those things are taken care of, call half of the numbers to this place! I plan to help them abolish their previous cultivations and restart from scratch."

"I obey Master!"

"It seems like you have finally started to trust me Zero! At least you don't question my words and decisions anymore. I must say that I like this change!"

"While I can't say that I fully trust you, after seeing your performance I don't think that you are lying anymore, Master!

For that reason, and also for honoring the word I left with your Grandfather, I am willing to put everything into this chance!"

"Well, very good! You are grasping a great opportunity that you might regret for the next 10 lives and not get over it if you didn't!

Anyway, we both don't have the time to spout useless words! You have to go and deal with these matters, while I have to deal with my recovery.

Sent Yunxi, and Yu to me once you get out!"

Now that the show was over and the assassins were gone, it was time for Yang Tian to concentrate on recovering and getting stronger.

While these assassins were considered as good, they were only above the bottom level, and there were many more frightening people out there.

There was a reason why he had been thrown like a punching bag in his previous life and had been able to slowly recover and grow stronger only after reaching the outer world.

While he didn't remember much and didn't know much of the Earth's experts, he had a feeling that they were nothing simple.

After all, people who could lead the whole world by the nose without showing their amazing skills and abilities were bound to be some sly and dangerous foxes.

If he wanted to make a place for himself in this new opportunity, he would have to become slyer and more capable than them.

Well, the second part wasn't that difficult, as long as he managed to rebuild and recover his strength, with the amount of skills, and techniques he had stored in his mind he would be invincible.

Not to mention that he had the special ability of his Cultivation Arts that actually helped him copy and comprehend the skills of the beauties he had double cultivation with.

As long as he created a few relationships with the daughters, or granddaughters of those powerful families he would be able to enrich his collection by quite a bit and become even stronger.

The journey of 1000 miles starts with a single step, and for him, the first and most important step was to quickly recover his body, and the two helpers appeared at the door.

Soon, Yang Tian's room was conquered by the sweet sounds of spring, as he recuperated his right arm, and increased his cultivation.

As Yang Tian was having his own fun and working at the hospital his Grandparents Yang Tie and Su Mei finally reached the Xie family household mansion.

Even though it was practically later than the middle of the night, the Xia family Patriarch Xia Feng, the family head Xia FengWu, and the rest of his sons and daughters gathered in the hall.

While Yang Tian's reputation couldn't get any lower, the reputation of his grandparents was higher than many people thought.

After all, if it weren't for the two old guys' reputation, Yang Tian would have already been killed or taken care of by some other good-for-nothing Young Master.

In fact, there had even been rumors that he once tried to molest a descendant of one of the 5 big families of the Capital, and the girl's fiancé had sworn to kill him, but nothing had happened in the end.

One didn't need to be extremely smart to understand that it was Yang Tian's grandparents who had moved behind the public eyes and taken care of the matter.

While the Xia family was quite a powerful family in the Henan province they were still far behind the Yang family.

In fact, if it weren't for the Yang family they wouldn't have been able to grow so big, strong, and powerful lately.

Knowing this, it felt only normal for the full Xia family to appear with the visit of their greatest benefactors and friends Yang Tie, and Su Mei.

"Tie my friend what brings you here at this time of the night?"

Xia Feng was Yang Tie's comrade and subordinate in the army so the friendship and relationship between them were quite special.

"Come on old friend I am sure that you know what happened tonight in your Hospital! Someone tried to assassinate my grandson!

I am here for that!"

"Yang Family Patriarch you aren't trying to claim us as culpable for that and ask for compensation are you!?"

"Xia Cheng!"

The truth was that even if he had thought about that, Yang Tie would have never mentioned it. After all, this was his old friend he was talking to, his brother.

But hearing Xia Cheng one of the son's of his old friend explode like that, his face went dark and gloomy despite his old friend reproaching call, as he said with a heavy tone,

"The assassination did happen in your facility, but I have no intention of asking for compensation from my old friend!

I am also willing to put aside your rudeness just now and pretend I didn't hear it for the sake of my old friend here, but it's better it doesn't happen again.

Now returning to the matter as to why I came here, is because my grandson is unable to leave the hospital now due to his condition, and he is bound to become a target once again.

Since I don't want this matter to affect our friendship and relationship, I am here to ask you to sell that hospital to me old friend and let me personally take care of my grandson's safety and security!"

"Outrageous! Don't you know that that Hospital is one of our family's lifelines? How can you ask for something like that!?"

"Xia Cheng, you shut the hell up!"

This time the Patriarch of the Xia family seemed to have grown quite angry at his stupid son and berated him, as he then returned towards Yang Tie and said,

"Old friend while that Cheng is being extremely rude and overboard right now, you should understand that what he says is true and realistic!"

Yang Tie's face and expression didn't change, but inside he couldn't help but feel a bit betrayed by his old friend.

After all, he had managed to have this lifeline only due to him Yang Tie, and his relentless help. Furthermore, he should understand that he had never taken advantage of his friends.

Yet, he said those words, making the old man truly reconsider their relationship. Still, he didn't show anything on his face but a gentle smile, as he said,

"How could I not know and understand that old friend! For that reason, I have come here with an offer that will not damage you.

I am willing to offer you 20% of the Yang Group of Companies in exchange for that company, and also propose the marriage between my grandson Tian'er and your granddaughter Fei'er."

His words completely startled the whole hall, no one dared to breathe heavily in case they had heard wrong and disturbed the situation.

Even Xia Feng himself couldn't believe his ears at this moment, as he felt that his old friend was playing a prank on him, so he couldn't help but ask,

"Are you serious old friend!?"

"You know that I never joke about things like this old friend! What do you say!?"

"Sigh~! I am willing to accept the exchange of the hospital for the shares, but while the second part of the agreement would be a great occasion for our both families, unfortunately, is impossible.

That disobedient granddaughter of mine seems to have fallen in love with a youngster from the Long Family in the capital, and they will come to propose marriage this week!

Unable to refuse her wish and happiness I have unfortunately agreed primarily to the marriage so I think that it's not possible!"

'Hmph~! A toad trying to eat swan meat! Unbelievable!'