Chapter 24: Xia Family’s Aspirations

Even though those words were said in a whisper, and in a changed voice using Qi, everyone could more or less know who voiced them, and they seemingly agreed.

For appearance's sake though, Xia Feng seemed to have grown extremely furious at the words, as he screamed towards his own people,

"Who said those words? How daring you have become? Should I kick you out of my house for you to learn how to behave?

How dare you say those words in front of my brother!?"

Even though he seemed extremely enraged, Yang Tie as a matter could easily tell that he wasn't going through that at all.

In fact, there was a reason why Xia Feng his good brother had the balls to act like this in front of him, and that was because the whole world thought that he was poisoned.

That was news that he had personally spread around in order to make sure that he disappeared from the main stage of the country and live in seclusion.

Like that he also hoped that he would help his grandson to lay low and keep his life even after his death.

The poison was supposed to have damaged his cultivation, and meridians, leaving him with no opportunity but to burn his vitality if he fought, or wanted to use Qi.

Meaning that he was normally unable to use Qi in daily life, or to look upon his friends and enemies. Normally he would be accompanied by Zero, and he would do the job for him.

But today he was here only with Su Mei, so this could be considered to be a great moment for Xia Feng, and the Xia family to benefit a bit.

Hearing that whisper both Su Mei and Yang Tie were able to pinpoint the bastard that said those words, and their faces went dark, but they still didn't give in to their momentary rage.

"Haizz~! Big brother I have truly ashamed myself today, and I truly feel like I have no face to talk to you anymore, and I don't even know how to apologize.

And I feel extremely reluctant to fully refuse your proposal! So, I have decided that while I am unable to let Fei'er marry Tian'er, I will send my Hong'er to your house as your daughter-in-law."

Yang Tie couldn't help but look at his friend like he didn't know him anymore for a moment, before saying,

"Very well then so is decided, old friend! Hong'er will come as my daughter-in-law! I hope we finalize this matter the moment we make the exchange!

Not to worry old friend, I will make sure that Hong'er is treated as she deserves! Now if you allow me, there are many other matters to take care of, so I need to leave!"

With that said he exchanged some fake pleasantries with everyone around him, and then together with Su Mei they left the Xia family Mansion.

The moment they entered the car and left the place, old man Yang Tie seemed to have aged by a few years at least, making him look extremely lost and lonely.

At this moment, Su Mei put her hand on her husband's cheeks, and said in a gentle tone,

"Old man you already knew about this! But you don't have to worry anymore like that, as our grandson will be beside us!

Even if we don't have much to live for, we can still enjoy these moments alongside him!"

Laughing a bit in self-mockery, old man Yang Tie took a deep breath as he said,

"Hahah~! I knew woman, I knew! But it actually stung more than I thought it would!"

"Don't care any more about those ungrateful beasts, I am sure that my grandson will show them their place when the time is right!

Who knows, perhaps he can truly make a miracle happen for us!"

"You seem to have truly given in to that brat, and his story!"

"Hmph~! Of course, he is my grandson, he wouldn't lie to me!"

Yang Tie could only look at his own wife with a bit of surprise, but at the same time, a thread of hope was set ablaze inside himself.

While Yang Tie and Su Mei left the Xia family mansion, the people inside seemed to be still together conversing about what just happened.

"Father, don't you think that we took too little from them in exchange for that hospital? After all, 20% isn't much!"

"Hahahah~! You shouldn't be too greedy FengWu. We still need to play the part of good brothers with them.

At least until the engagement of Fei'er into the Long family is done! Only then will we be able to live as the in-laws of the Long family, and people won't dare to step upon us."

"But was giving that Xia Fei Hong to him a wise move father? Even though she is just a bastard in the family, if her father returns from that place, he will surely get angry!"

"He dares!? By the time he has returned my Xia family will be something that he won't even be able to look directly at!

Furthermore, we need to do something like that if we want to make sure that we have a just cause to take everything the Yang family has, after my good brother's death!"

"Father is truly wise!"

"Stop flattering me, you should be more careful with your actions from now on! We can't allow the efforts of all these years to go awry now!

Have you talked to the other families?"

"Yes father, I went to personally talk with the Luo and Qian families. They are going to support us once we make a move.

Henan province will belong to us really soon!"

"But of course, is the century-long aspiration of my Xia family! This time no one will be able to stop us from fulfilling it."

As the Xie family was having a happy discussion, Yang Tian was enjoying the service of Lan Yunxi and Hao Yu.

After 4 or 5 rounds he found out that he wasn't getting much Yin Qi to help him in his recovery and cultivation, so he decided to let them go and rest.

One day ago he had even given them both a Cultivation Art called Yin Canon, that helped them collect Yin Qi into their bodies, and was a female only Art.

Normally this Art was extremely powerful but dangerous as well, as the gathered Yin Qi would not only affect the body of the cultivator but also their psyche and soul.

A person that cultivated such an Art would either die from the rotting of his body or would go as crazy as to turn into a mindless demon.

The only way to complement this Art in order to not only soften its effects but also keep them in check, the lady cultivators needed a continuous supply of Yang Qi.

Normal Yang Qi wasn't a solution either, as a stick couldn't cut a metallic sword, it needed to be a vibrant Yang Qi, that would suppress their Yin Qi.

Not only that but the sheer amount needed couldn't be provided by a single man, the only exception would be people like Yang Tian, who had the Yang Heavenly Physique.

While his cultivation was a balance between Yang and Yin Qi, his body would continuously produce large amounts of Yang Qi that he needed to exert outside if not used.

Otherwise, he would someday explode with no remains left. To put it in simpler words, the relationship between him and the ladies would become symbiotic.

Living and helping each other, side by side!

The only negative point of their relationship would be that Yang Tian could live without the two of them, and progress in his cultivation, while the two of them couldn't.

At least, if they didn't find a man with a special physique like Yang Tian, and he had made sure to remind them before starting cultivating the Art.

With the two ladies gone, and his body dressed once again, Yang Tian started to slowly move the forefinger of his right hand.

Things seemed to be going in the right direction, but the supply of the Yin Qi was extremely lacking. He needed more of it if he wanted to recover and get up sooner.

As he was thinking about how to do something like that, the door to his new room opened and his grandparents entered inside.

"Brat, what's with that pensive expression of yours!? What's bothering you now?"

"Grandpa, Grandma, you are here!"

"Of course, we would come here, you barely escaped an assassination attempt!"

"Huh!? Who told you barely? Who lied to you? Zero come here and give a clear explanation!"

Yang Tian knew that Zero had told his grandparents the right story, so he did this only to play with their game.

It had been quite some time since he could truly enjoy a game of words with his grandparents like that, and he wouldn't miss that chance for anything in the world.

The old couple were a bit surprised at his reaction as well, as the old man Yang Tie couldn't help but say,

"Hmph~! You dare to threaten those kids to lie to me! Do you think that I don't know your games brat? When I was your age…"

His words were stuck on his throat though, as he seemed to have suddenly remembered something he shouldn't.

"When you were my age what grandpa!? Why did you stop like that?"

Yang Tian seemed to have caught up on his slip up and wasn't willing to let go. It was like he was fed with the chaos that would come from that…