Chapter 28: Mudding the Waters

"Do you think they will kill him in order to tie up all the loose ends Zero?"

As Zero was lost in his thoughts about the current situation, Yang Tian asked him a sudden question that he had to think about for a while before saying,

"I don't think so, acting right now would actually put them in light, and warn us of their presence! So most probably they are just going to let him in jail while paying or threatening him to stay silent."

"You are extremely right! Then what do you think we should do now!?"

"I think that we should let him rot in prison as well, otherwise we would attract too much attention as well.

At the moment he is just like a skunk, the person that will try to come close to him will actually end up smelling!"

"You are right again, but you are a bit lacking!"

"What do you mean Master!?"

"You forgot about my infamy and reputation. So even though all these things happened the Xia family will think that they were directed by my grandparents and not me.

So they will keep tail, and guard of my grandparents, and most probably think that I am not even worthy of their attention!

This means that this is a great opportunity for me to mess them up a little!"

"What are you planning to do Master?"

"I am sure that you must have a few acquaintances that are ex-mercenaries, or ex-military after your services right?"

"Yes, Master!"

"Very well, divide them into trustworthy and untrustworthy and pay both groups to set up an underworld gang in Henan province and especially in our city!

They both can select their sides in order to clean the hurdles on their path!"

"Master isn't this a bit dangerous!? After all, if they grow too big they will become cocky and bite the hand that fed them!"

"That is precisely what I want them to do!"

"By the way, the second group's mission will be to kill the old Director, while the first group's mission is to try and save him!

Whoever succeeds gets 1 million dollars!"

"Master just what are you trying to do?"

"Just mudding the water a bit, so the Xia family has something to deal with while I recover!"

"I obey Master!"

"Very well, you can go! Tell Doctor Zhao to come and meet me!"

Not long after Zero left the room, Doctor Zhao appeared at the door and entered inside with a big smile all over his face.

"Well done Doctor Zhao you didn't fail me!"

"It was all due to Master's help and plan, otherwise this Zhao might have not achieved it so easily and quickly!"

"Don't flatter me, I didn't bring you here for that! How did the media respond to our proposal!?"

"The deal has been reviewed and finished Master, we will be signing it at the end of the week! In the meantime, we have prepared their media room, and personnel!

Just like you told us, we made sure to select a righteous journalist and staff that the public loves and supports."

"Very well, make sure that they are treated warmly by the staff, and help them with whatever they need.

This is an extremely important publicity stunt for us! If there is any problem or scandal in the hospital I want it taken care of before they come!

Also, bring me the information of the media staff that will come here with that occasion!"

"Master I don't understand why didn't you just select a famous media personality, but a righteous and upright one.

After all, no matter how much we control everything we might still slip and let something happen!"

"You don't have to worry about that, if it happens then just fully cooperate and let them get to the 'bottom' of it.

As for your question, it's rather simple, because only such a character will truly affect the general public and make them trustworthy.

If you want to say a perfect lie, then it must be said by an upright person, believed from the target, and most importantly needs to be 1 truth and 9 lies."

"I understand that Master, I will try my best to not fail you!"

"Very well, later Yunxi will give you a list with the nurses that will work under my wing! Make sure that none of them gets bullied or thrown around.

If anything happens, you will be responsible!"

"I understand Master, I will immediately look into that! By the way Master, Zhuo Ting's mother has been accepted into our hospital, and we are at a critical point.

We have 24 hours to either operate her or let her die! What should we do?"

"No matter what you need to continue with the operation, even if she doesn't accept I have no intention of killing her mother!"

"I understand Master!"

"Well then off you go Director Zhao!"

With a smiling face, Doctor Zhao left the room, while Lan Yunxi and Hao Yu entered Yang Tian's room, as his personal nurses now.

Without losing time, just like they were used to, they quickly undressed and approached Yang Tian's bed, as Lan Yunxi said,

"Master I have already convinced another one to join us in serving you, while also scheduling 4 other one-night stand meetings for you!

Furthermore, I have invited Zhuo Ting to dinner with me and Hao Yu tonight, and we will try to talk some sense in her!"

"Well done, now come here and let Master reward you!"

Not wanting to be left behind, Hao Yu continued,

"Master I have already done as you instructed and spread the word with my former friends! As lonely mothers without support, most of them are going to accept our offer soon.

Just like you told me, I didn't say them anything about your identity!"

"Well done Yu'er then come and receive your reward as well!"

In a short time, sounds of spring conquered the room, as the two ladies experienced a pleasure that they could never forget anymore.

At first, it looked like a joke between them, but now they could wholeheartedly say that they had become addicted to the kind of pleasure that Yang Tian gave to them.

Forget about their fingers and toys, not even an experienced male escort would be able to show them the same heaven that Yang Tian showed them every time.

Furthermore, after becoming cultivators and experiencing the greatness of his Yang Qi, even though they hadn't tasted or tried any other Yang Qi the beauties could tell that it was special.

Too bad that they weren't able to last long in his hands, so it was necessary for them to fill the numbers. But due to their dedicated work they had finally managed to show results.

After 2 hours of double cultivation with the two of them, Lan Yunxi and Hao Yu left the room as another nurse that had been paid sufficiently entered the room.

She wasn't pure, but it was clear that she was a bit sexually frustrated as her Yin Qi was too chaotic and abundant at the moment.

The nurse was instructed to use Tianlong Yun as a live doll for pleasure, as miraculously only his tool could show signs of life, as his whole body was actually crippled.

Even though a bit scared, frightened, and reluctant, the nurse made sure to properly do everything she could to deserve the money she received.

After all, Lan Yunxi had personally entered the room to make sure that she didn't do her work sloppily or didn't do it at all.

Yang Tian was a bit frustrated with the situation, especially being used like that, but that was necessary at the moment, as he couldn't show that he had gotten better.

Like that his cultivation started moving once again, but the true surprise awaited him the next night…