Chapter 29: Zhuo Ting Falls

After the dinner with Lan Yunxi and Hao Yu, Zhuo Ting seemed to have finally surrendered to Yang Tian's wishes and desire, as she appeared inside his hospital room.

In fact, more than the dinner what had pushed her until this point was the fact, that despite her insecurity Yang Tian had actually paid for her mother's operation.

She felt indebted to him, a debt that she knew perfectly how to pay. As it was impossible for the current her to be able to find the money to pay him back.

Even if she worked her whole life, paying only for food and nothing else she still wouldn't be able to make even one-third of that debt.

There was only one choice left, her body!

With even her crush pushing her towards Yang Tian's bed, she felt completely powerless and cornered, so she had no choice but to appear here tonight.

Her look, and face were a perfect demonstration of how she felt, but since she had decided she wouldn't pull back.

On the other hand, Yang Tian just looked at her with a serious and solemn look for a few moments, before sighing inside and telling her in a dominating tone,

"Come here!"

Even though trembling like a leaf, and scared, Zhuo Ting took two steps forward to reach Yang Tian's left hand.

At this moment she was unable to remember that he was supposed to be a cripple who shouldn't be moving his hands.

As for Yang Tian, he knew that he couldn't allow this beauty to have second or third thoughts at that moment, despite how wrong it looked and was.

She was important for his recovery, and he couldn't let go of her no matter what. Due to the situation, he wasn't even able to take it slow with her, and that's why he had to corner her.

The moment that she reached an arm's length from him, he slowly used his left hand to make its way towards her lower lips and rub them over her nurse pajamas.

Since she was kind of forced to do this, she was extremely stiff and tense, so firstly he would need to make her calm down and relax.

Certainly, just his rubbing over her pajamas wasn't going to help much, but that wasn't his move, as the next moment traces of pink Qi appeared on his fingers.

The more he rubbed over her pajamas the more, pink Qi appeared, breaking through the barriers and making contact with her lower lips.

At first, Zhuo Ting seemed to be close to running away and crying, and it was clear that she was using all the will she had to resist the urge to escape.

But slowly, her brain started receiving signals that she would have never thought, she was actually starting to feel good.

Yang Tian's rubbing at her lower lips made her feel extremely weird, she was excited. Just like when she played with herself every time she thought of her crush.

It was something completely unexpected, that she had never imagined happening at that moment, in that situation.

After all, she didn't like this guy in front of her, if she had to decide on a feeling about him, it would be certainly hate. Yet, her body was reacting like that.

"Nhnn~! It feels weird!"

"It will get better don't worry!"

With that said, Yang Tian decided to increase the dosage a bit more, and slowly Zhuo Ting's breathing became rougher and harder.

Her body started to feel extremely hot, and she felt like she had too many clothes. Unwillingly her hands started making their way on her body, and she reached for her soft melons.

For some strange reason, she had the urge to please herself, and as Yang Tian pulled her hand she started to get closer.

It was the same as trying to pull a bird by feeding it, slowly throwing the food closer to yourself, until it finally approached and ate by your hand.

When she was close enough, Yang Tian finally used his right hand to grab on her left soft melon and do the same thing he was doing with her lower lips.

Using his special Qi to actually excite her nerves and make her slowly get more and more excited and ask for more.

"Cloud Nine Touch!"

This was the name of this technique, and it was one of the greatest techniques he had personally created, as he used Qi in order to slowly affect the nerves and the partner's body.

While the strongest form of this technique would allow him to make a woman climax with only one touch, right now with his cultivation and condition's he could only use the first cloud.

Even then, it was able to make even a woman like Zhuo Ting who despised what she was about to do, get excited and react on her own.

It was nothing more than using special parts of the body to send some specific information to the brain and force the brain to start producing massive amounts of hormones and adrenaline.

This technique had helped him bag quite a few dissatisfied beauties from the hands of their husbands, giving their satisfaction beyond their knowledge.

The moment that his right hand reached for Zhuo Ting's left melon the fight was practically over, as the effect on her body was doubled immediately.

'Aahhh…, Ahhhnnn…, AAahhhnnn~!"

That could be easily seen as the rough breathing of Zhuo Ting slowly started to turn into full moans, and her lower lips got so wet that the love juices were wetting her clothes.

Furthermore, with Zhuo Ting's mental state at that moment, that was looking for a corner to escape, this was the perfect opportunity to do so.

She seemed to have completely forgotten where she was and what she was doing, as she took the initiative to approach and land a kiss on Yang Tian's lips.

If she might still have a chance before doing that, then even that chance had been blown away the moment that she kissed him.

The pink Qi appeared on his lips as well, electrifying her body, before his slippery tongue found the way between her lips and finally breakthrough.

The moment that his tongue finally reached hers, a special seal appeared over his own and was transferred into Zhuo Ting's tongue.

At that moment, Zhuo Ting seemed to have regained a bit of her clarity, and get startled a bit, but the next moment two pink hearts appeared in her eyes, and she seemed to have lost it again.

That was the Lover's Seal, it wasn't much different from a Slave Seal, but this was a specially self-created technique of Yang Tian as well.

Through this technique, he was able to easily control Zhuo Ting's state of arousal, as well as her influence her decisions a bit.

Basically, it was like a switch for arousal, while keeping all the functions of a slave seal, helping Yang Tian keep a check on this beauty.

Doing it once with her was nowhere near enough to help him recover, so he had to do something like this, and only promise himself to pay her back later…